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GitHub / nextcloud / desktop issue stats
Last synced: 4 days ago
Total issues: 804
Total pull requests: 538
Average time to close issues: about 1 year
Average time to close pull requests: about 2 months
Total issue authors: 491
Total pull request authors: 63
Average comments per issue: 8.79
Average comments per pull request: 3.59
Merged pull requests: 325
Bot issues: 0
Bot pull requests: 148
Past year issues: 367
Past year pull requests: 388
Past year average time to close issues: 28 days
Past year average time to close pull requests: 12 days
Past year issue authors: 245
Past year pull request authors: 36
Past year average comments per issue: 5.77
Past year average comments per pull request: 2.64
Past year merged pull requests: 265
Past year bot issues: 0
Past year bot pull requests: 128
Issue Author Associations
- None (630, 78.36%)
- Member (86, 10.70%)
- Collaborator (58, 7.21%)
- Contributor (30, 3.73%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Collaborator (222, 41.26%)
- None (189, 35.13%)
- Member (76, 14.13%)
- Contributor (51, 9.48%)
Top Issue Authors
- mgallien (39)
- tobiasKaminsky (20)
- claucambra (16)
- camilasan (14)
- marcotrevisan (9)
- ferdiga (9)
- ghost (8)
- AndyScherzinger (7)
- jancborchardt (6)
- foss- (6)
- allexzander (6)
- AndyXheli (6)
- RokeJulianLockhart (5)
- jospoortvliet (5)
- woiwoiwoiwoi (5)
Top Pull Request Authors
- backportbot[bot] 🤖 (124)
- claucambra (117)
- mgallien (90)
- camilasan (57)
- allexzander (22)
- backportbot-nextcloud[bot] 🤖 (20)
- AnkurBavisa (7)
- nilsding (7)
- elsiehupp (5)
- dependabot[bot] 🤖 (4)
- joshtrichards (4)
- TSI-pranalideshpande (4)
- kaikli (4)
- ivaradi (4)
- Rello (3)
All Maintainers
- claucambra (133)
- mgallien (129)
- camilasan (71)
- tobiasKaminsky (20)
- allexzander (17)
- AndyScherzinger (9)
- rakekniven (6)
- jancborchardt (6)
- Jerome-Herbinet (6)
- joshtrichards (5)
- elsiehupp (5)
- jospoortvliet (5)
- nilsding (4)
- nickvergessen (4)
- er-vin (3)
Active Maintainers
- mgallien (106)
- claucambra (78)
- camilasan (55)
- AndyScherzinger (7)
- rakekniven (6)
- nilsding (4)
- tobiasKaminsky (4)
- joshtrichards (3)
- allexzander (2)
- marcoambrosini (2)
- nickvergessen (2)
- provokateurin (2)
- blizzz (1)
- Jerome-Herbinet (1)
Top Issue Labels
- 0. Needs triage (452)
- bug (304)
- enhancement (210)
- feature: :arrows_counterclockwise: sync engine (83)
- approved (69)
- os: :door: Windows (59)
- 1. to develop (48)
- feature: :minidisc: virtual filesystem (40)
- os: :penguin: Linux (39)
- design (34)
- os: :apple: macOS (32)
- overview (29)
- feature-request (26)
- feature: 🐚 shell integration (25)
- feature: :inbox_tray: install and update (25)
- stable-3.13 (18)
- stale (18)
- Performance 🚀 (15)
- feature: :cloud: system tray (15)
- hotspot: filename handling (15)
- feature: :key: authentication (15)
- feature: :gear: settings (13)
- needs info (13)
- regression (12)
- confirmed (11)
- feature: :white_square_button: nextcloudcmd (11)
- hotspot: visual (10)
- technical debt (10)
- feature: :busts_in_silhouette: sharing (10)
- feature: :cloud: GUI (10)
Top Pull Request Labels
- 3. to review (142)
- backport-request (46)
- os: :apple: macOS (38)
- feature: :minidisc: virtual filesystem (18)
- bug (17)
- documentation (10)
- Qt 6 (7)
- enhancement (7)
- 0. Needs triage (6)
- design (5)
- feature: :arrows_counterclockwise: sync engine (5)
- feature: :cloud: system tray (5)
- os: :penguin: Linux (5)
- hotspot: filename handling (4)
- dependencies (4)
- 2. to review (4)
- 1. to develop (4)
- high (3)
- building (3)
- os: :door: Windows (3)
- hotspot: chunk sizing (2)
- technical debt (2)
- feature: :zap: activity and :bell: notification (2)
- 3. to release (2)
- stale (2)
- feature: 🐚 shell integration (2)
- 4. to release (2)
- feature: :cloud: GUI (2)
- feature: :gear: settings (1)
- feature: :white_square_button: nextcloudcmd (1)