An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / nickvergessen issue stats
Total issues: 445
Total pull requests: 1,883
Merged pull request: 1,733
Average time to close issues: 5 months
Average time to close pull requests: 15 days
Average comments per issue: 1.77
Average comments per pull request: 0.7
Issues created
- nextcloud/spreed: 109
- nextcloud/talk-android: 24
- nextcloud/announcementcenter: 23
- nextcloud/talk-desktop: 16
- nextcloud/openapi-extractor: 10
- nextcloud/related_resources: 10
- phpbb/phpbb-translation-validator: 9
- nextcloud/notifications: 9
- nextcloud/call_summary_bot: 8
- nextcloud/event_update_notification: 7
- nextcloud/flow_notifications: 7
- nextcloud/activity: 7
- nextcloud/talk-ios: 7
- nextcloud/external: 7
- nextcloud/files_downloadactivity: 6
- nextcloud/nextcloud_announcements: 6
- nextcloud/circles: 6
- tas2580/failedlogins: 5
- nextcloud/social: 5
- nextcloud/docker-ci: 5
- nextcloud/quota_warning: 4
- nextcloud/integration_github: 4
- nextcloud/server: 4
- nextcloud/logreader: 4
- nextcloud/documentation: 4
- nextcloud/files_accesscontrol: 4
- nextcloud/coding-standard: 4
- nextcloud/photos: 3
- nextcloud/serverinfo: 3
- nextcloud/terms_of_service: 3
- nextcloud/talk_matterbridge: 3
- nextcloud-libraries/nextcloud-vue: 3
- nextcloud/sharepoint: 3
- nextcloud/suspicious_login: 3
- phpbb-extensions/teamsecurity: 3
- nextcloud/survey_client: 3
- nextcloud/globalsiteselector: 3
- nextcloud/integration_zammad: 3
- nextcloud/stt_whisper: 2
- nextcloud/.github: 2
- ariselseng/camerarawpreviews: 2
- nextcloud/assistant: 2
- nextcloud/caniupdate: 2
- nextcloud/ldap_contacts_backend: 2
- nextcloud/integration_documenso: 2
- nextcloud/calendar: 2
- nextcloud/ocs_api_viewer: 2
- jhass/nextcloud-keeweb: 2
- nextcloud/contacts: 2
- sandsmark/quasseldroid: 2
- nextcloud/desktop: 2
- nextcloud/files_automatedtagging: 2
- vimeo/psalm: 2
- nextcloud/collectives: 2
- nextcloud/profiler: 2
- nextcloud/groupfolders: 2
- nextcloud/user_usage_report: 2
- nextcloud/ransomware_protection: 2
- nextcloud/gallery: 2
- schiessle/popularitycontestclient: 2
- ChristophWurst/nextcloud_composer: 1
- nextcloud/twofactor_nextcloud_notification: 1
- nextcloud/templateeditor: 1
- nextcloud/notes: 1
- nextcloud/files_downloadlimit: 1
- nextcloud/nextcloud-axios: 1
- nextcloud/registration: 1
- stecman/symfony-console-completion: 1
- aaronsegura/nextcloud-async: 1
- nextcloud-libraries/nextcloud-browser-storage: 1
- Heymdall/vcard: 1
- nextcloud/password_policy: 1
- nextcloud/app_api: 1
- nextcloud/ios: 1
- Behat/Behat: 1
- nextcloud/nextcloud-filelink: 1
- icewind1991/userinfo: 1
- karlitschek/tools: 1
- nextcloud/updater: 1
- nextcloud/guests: 1
- nextcloud/previewgenerator: 1
- phpbb-extensions/viglink: 1
- nextcloud-libraries/nextcloud-l10n: 1
- nextcloud/twofactor_u2f: 1
- nextcloud/calendar-availability-vue: 1
- nickvergessen/blog: 1
- phpbb/epv: 1
- nextcloud/survey_server: 1
- nextcloud/files-clients: 1
- nextcloud/files_lock: 1
- nextcloud/news-updater: 1
- nextcloud-libraries/nextcloud-dialogs: 1
- apvarun/toastify-js: 1
- icewind1991/nextcloud-version-matrix: 1
- nextcloud/spreed-screensharing-firefox-addon: 1
- nextcloud/dashboard: 1
- nextcloud/text_templates: 1
- danth/transfer: 1
- nextcloud/approval: 1
- nextcloud/nextcloud-vue: 1
- rullzer/dropit: 1
- nextcloud/nextcloud-talk-recording: 1
- nextcloud/tasks: 1
- nextcloud/files_filter: 1
- nextcloud/translate: 1
- nextcloud/firstrunwizard: 1
- nextcloud/windows-universal: 1
- nextcloud/mail: 1
- nextcloud/files_confidential: 1
- nextcloud/data_request: 1
- nextcloud/jsloader: 1
- fritx/vue-at: 1
- phpbb/phpbb-translation-policies: 1
- nextcloud/files_retention: 1
Pull requests created
- nextcloud/activity: 105
- nextcloud/spreed: 86
- nextcloud/notifications: 71
- nextcloud/quota_warning: 69
- nextcloud/files_accesscontrol: 58
- nextcloud/files_downloadactivity: 55
- nextcloud/announcementcenter: 53
- nextcloud/nextcloud_announcements: 51
- nextcloud/survey_client: 47
- nextcloud/files_automatedtagging: 42
- nextcloud/ransomware_protection: 41
- nextcloud/docker-ci: 38
- nextcloud/files_retention: 37
- nextcloud/data_request: 36
- nextcloud/.github: 36
- nextcloud/sharepoint: 32
- nextcloud/user_usage_report: 31
- nextcloud/firstrunwizard: 29
- nextcloud/password_policy: 28
- nextcloud/external: 28
- nextcloud/call_summary_bot: 26
- nextcloud/documentation: 24
- nextcloud/workflow_script: 22
- nextcloud/3rdparty: 22
- nextcloud/terms_of_service: 21
- nextcloud/impersonate: 21
- nextcloud/server: 21
- nextcloud/github_helper: 20
- nextcloud/flow_notifications: 20
- nextcloud/preferred_providers: 18
- nextcloud/files_rightclick: 18
- nextcloud/files_texteditor: 17
- nextcloud/openapi-extractor: 17
- nextcloud/serverinfo: 16
- nextcloud/ldap_contacts_backend: 16
- nextcloud/profiler: 15
- nextcloud/files_pdfviewer: 15
- nextcloud/event_update_notification: 14
- nextcloud/templateeditor: 13
- nextcloud/integration_gitlab: 13
- nextcloud/social: 13
- nextcloud/jsloader: 13
- nextcloud-deps/ocp: 13
- nextcloud/files_zip: 12
- nextcloud/globalsiteselector: 12
- nextcloud/integration_github: 12
- nextcloud/twofactor_nextcloud_notification: 11
- nextcloud/talk_matterbridge: 11
- nextcloud/integration_zammad: 10
- nextcloud/files_videoplayer: 10
- nextcloud/user_retention: 10
- phpbb/versioncheck: 9
- phpbb/phpbb-translation-validator: 9
- nextcloud/logreader: 9
- nextcloud/survey_server: 9
- nextcloud/nextcloud-vue: 9
- nextcloud/integration_discourse: 8
- nextcloud/files_antivirus: 8
- nextcloud/travis_ci: 8
- nextcloud/security-advisories: 8
- nextcloud/end_to_end_encryption: 7
- nextcloud/android-library: 7
- nextcloud/related_resources: 7
- phpbb/phpbb-ext-acme-demo: 7
- nextcloud/files_confidential: 7
- nextcloud/integration_twitter: 7
- phpbb/area51: 7
- nextcloud/caniupdate: 7
- nextcloud/nextcloud-config-converter: 7
- nextcloud/twofactor_u2f: 7
- nextcloud/circles: 6
- nextcloud/translate: 6
- nextcloud/recommendations: 6
- nextcloud/integration_google: 6
- nextcloud/integration_whiteboard: 6
- nextcloud/app-certificate-requests: 6
- nextcloud/officeonline: 6
- nextcloud/integration_mastodon: 6
- nextcloud/integration_reddit: 6
- nextcloud/ocs_api_viewer: 6
- nextcloud/suspicious_login: 6
- nextcloud/talk-android: 6
- nextcloud/talk-desktop: 6
- nextcloud/twofactor_totp: 5
- nextcloud/integration_moodle: 5
- nextcloud/photos: 5
- nextcloud/gallery: 5
- nextcloud/app_api: 5
- nextcloud/user_saml: 5
- nextcloud/workflow_pdf_converter: 5
- nextcloud/mail: 4
- nextcloud/user_migration: 4
- nextcloud/appstore: 4
- nextcloud/coding-standard: 4
- nextcloud/recognize: 4
- ChristophWurst/nextcloud_composer: 4
- stecman/symfony-console-completion: 4
- nextcloud/guests: 4
- nextcloud/files_downloadlimit: 4
- nextcloud/user_oidc: 3
- nextcloud-libraries/nextcloud-capabilities: 3
- nextcloud/bruteforcesettings: 3
- nextcloud/droneci_fast_lane: 3
- nextcloud/privacy: 3
- nextcloud/all-in-one: 3
- nextcloud/contacts: 3
- schiessle/nextcloud-scripts: 3
- nextcloud/approval: 3
- nextcloud/text: 2
- nextcloud/files_fulltextsearch_tesseract: 2
- doctrine/dbal: 2
- nextcloud/files_filter: 2
- nextcloud/spreed-screensharing-firefox-addon: 2
- CuyZ/Valinor: 2
- nextcloud/fulltextsearch_elasticsearch: 2
- nextcloud/hmr_enabler: 2
- brantje/nextnote: 2
- rullzer/dropit: 2
- brantje/passman: 2
- nextcloud/previewgenerator: 2
- tstack/lnav: 2
- phpbb/umil: 2
- nextcloud/desktop: 2
- nextcloud/talk-ios: 2
- nextcloud/nextcloud-vue-dashboard: 1
- nextcloud/forms: 1
- nextcloud/nextcloud-filelink: 1
- nextcloud/limit_login_to_ip: 1
- callmemagnus/nextcloud-searchpage: 1
- nextcloud/twofactor_gateway: 1
- nextcloud/text_templates: 1
- zetdev/IptcJpeg: 1
- nextcloud/socialsharing: 1
- nextcloud/whiteboard: 1
- strukturag/nextcloud-spreed-signaling: 1
- nextcloud/theming_customcss: 1
- nextcloud/richdocuments: 1
- nextcloud/android-common: 1
- nextcloud/nextcloud-talk-recording: 1
- nextcloud/android-config: 1
- nextcloud/android: 1
- nextcloud/client_updater_server: 1
- ChristophWurst/nextcloud_testing: 1
- phpbb-de/phpbb-ext-movemessage: 1
- scssphp/scssphp: 1
- nextcloud/ 1
- nextcloud/notes-ios: 1
- nextcloud/nextcloud-router: 1
- nextcloud/user_external: 1
- symfony/symfony: 1
- nickv-phpbb/phpbb-tool-trimmessage: 1
- nextcloud/deck: 1
- icewind1991/SearchDAV: 1
- nextcloud/calendar: 1
- nextcloud/integration_docusign: 1
- nextcloud/health: 1
- php-opencloud/openstack: 1
- nextcloud/web-installer: 1
- woodruffw/zizmor: 1
- apvarun/toastify-js: 1
- nextcloud/backup: 1
- nextcloud/tasks: 1
- nextcloud/docker: 1
- rullzer/twofactor_reminder: 1
- nextcloud/issuetemplate: 1
- nextcloud-libraries/nextcloud-l10n: 1
- phpbb/phpbb: 1
- nextcloud/spreed-screensharing-chrome-extension: 1
- phpbb/epv: 1
- nextcloud/nextcloud-theme: 1
- nextcloud/owncloud-web-migrator: 1
- nextcloud/viewer: 1
- nextcloud/stt_whisper: 1
- nextcloud/test: 1
- nextcloud/nextcloud-vue-collections: 1
- nextcloud/vo_federation: 1
- nextcloud/nextcloud-event-bus: 1
- nextcloud/groupfolders: 1
- nextcloud/notes: 1
- nextcloud/tables: 1
- nextcloud/jitsi: 1
- nextcloud/fulltextsearch: 1
- nextcloud/strengthify: 1
- nextcloud/spreed: 195
- nextcloud/activity: 112
- nextcloud/notifications: 80
- nextcloud/announcementcenter: 76
- nextcloud/quota_warning: 73
- nextcloud/files_accesscontrol: 62
- nextcloud/files_downloadactivity: 61
- nextcloud/nextcloud_announcements: 57
- nextcloud/survey_client: 50
- nextcloud/files_automatedtagging: 44
- nextcloud/docker-ci: 43
- nextcloud/ransomware_protection: 43
- nextcloud/files_retention: 38
- nextcloud/.github: 38
- nextcloud/data_request: 37
Active Maintainer
- nextcloud/spreed: 149
- nextcloud/docker-ci: 26
- nextcloud/notifications: 25
- nextcloud/talk-android: 23
- nextcloud/server: 23
- nextcloud/files_accesscontrol: 20
- nextcloud/.github: 16
- nextcloud/call_summary_bot: 15
- nextcloud/3rdparty: 12
- nextcloud/twofactor_nextcloud_notification: 12
- nextcloud/circles: 12
- nextcloud/openapi-extractor: 8
- nextcloud/files_automatedtagging: 8
- nextcloud/talk-ios: 7
- nextcloud/user_retention: 7
Issue Author Associations
- Member (396, 88.99%)
- None (26, 5.84%)
- Contributor (19, 4.27%)
- Collaborator (3, 0.67%)
- Owner (1, 0.22%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Member (1,796, 95.38%)
- Contributor (73, 3.88%)
- None (10, 0.53%)
- Collaborator (4, 0.21%)
Top Issue Labels
- 1. to develop (196)
- bug (180)
- enhancement (126)
- feature: frontend 🖌️ (58)
- feature: api 🛠️ (41)
- overview (22)
- high (19)
- feature: call 📹 (19)
- feature: chat 💬 (17)
- good first issue (16)
- design (16)
- technical debt (13)
- feature: federation 🌐 (12)
- feature: 📄 conversations (11)
- 2. developing (11)
Top Pull Request Labels
- 3. to review (569)
- bug (367)
- enhancement (140)
- feature: api 🛠️ (54)
- 4. to release (43)
- 2. developing (29)
- high (24)
- technical debt (22)
- feature: stream (16)
- feature: email (16)
- dependencies (15)
- feature: settings (12)
- design (11)
- feature: implementations (11)
- feature: sidebar (11)