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GitHub / madler / zlib issue stats
Last synced: 1 day ago
Total issues: 497
Total pull requests: 517
Average time to close issues: 6 months
Average time to close pull requests: about 1 year
Total issue authors: 413
Total pull request authors: 333
Average comments per issue: 4.06
Average comments per pull request: 2.92
Merged pull requests: 3
Bot issues: 0
Bot pull requests: 0
Past year issues: 69
Past year pull requests: 53
Past year average time to close issues: 8 days
Past year average time to close pull requests: 17 days
Past year issue authors: 63
Past year pull request authors: 42
Past year average comments per issue: 3.38
Past year average comments per pull request: 3.09
Past year merged pull requests: 0
Past year bot issues: 0
Past year bot pull requests: 0
Issue Author Associations
- None (486, 97.79%)
- Contributor (11, 2.21%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- None (420, 81.24%)
- Contributor (97, 18.76%)
Top Issue Authors
- irwir (9)
- pmqs (9)
- vinniefalco (7)
- Neustradamus (6)
- minchai23 (6)
- ghost (5)
- 0ric1 (4)
- sav-ix (4)
- cfg1234 (3)
- Spatzendame (3)
- vtorri (3)
- forrestfwilliams (3)
- Lwisce (3)
- kouzhudong (3)
- angeleno (2)
Top Pull Request Authors
- tbeu (12)
- DimitriPapadopoulos (11)
- gvollant (9)
- jaykrell (7)
- xiaoxiang781216 (6)
- sebpop (6)
- ghost (6)
- likema (6)
- vszakats (6)
- ksophocleous (5)
- poiru (5)
- syntheticpp (5)
- praiskup (5)
- Adenilson (5)
- zmodem (5)