An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects. / Plume / Plume issue stats
Last synced: 4 months ago
Total issues: 540
Total pull requests: 600
Average time to close issues: 2 months
Average time to close pull requests: 13 days
Total issue authors: 34
Total pull request authors: 15
Average comments per issue: 2.24
Average comments per pull request: 1.5
Merged pull requests: 0
Bot issues: 0
Bot pull requests: 0
Past year issues: 6
Past year pull requests: 3
Past year average time to close issues: 27 days
Past year average time to close pull requests: 26 days
Past year issue authors: 3
Past year pull request authors: 2
Past year average comments per issue: 0.33
Past year average comments per pull request: 0.0
Past year merged pull requests: 0
Past year bot issues: 0
Past year bot pull requests: 0
Top Issue Authors
- Plume_migration_agent (377)
- KitaitiMakoto (50)
- trinity-1686a (40)
- pwFoo (10)
- igalic (7)
- kiwii (6)
- Ghost (6)
- mskf1383 (4)
- iamdoubz (4)
- trymeout (3)
- gro2bl (3)
- amreo (3)
- freyja_wildes (2)
- Tealk (2)
- jcklpe (2)
Top Pull Request Authors
- Plume_migration_agent (283)
- KitaitiMakoto (202)
- trinity-1686a (86)
- igalic (8)
- mskf1383 (5)
- kiwii (4)
- quentin (2)
- mareklach (2)
- gro2bl (2)
- ahangarha (1)
- pilou (1)
- dr-bonez (1)
- zynnnn (1)
- Marius (1)
- lx (1)
All Maintainers
Active Maintainers
Top Issue Labels
- C: Bug (180)
- A: Backend (148)
- C: Enhancement (143)
- A: Front-End (122)
- A: Federation (84)
- C: Feature (75)
- Good first issue (67)
- Design (16)
- A: Meta (14)
- S: Voted on Loomio (13)
- A: I18N (12)
- Rendering (12)
- A: Security (12)
- Help welcome (8)
- Build (6)
- C: Discussion (5)
- Dependency (4)
- Mobile (4)
- S: Blocked (4)
- S: Needs Voting/Discussion (3)
- S: Instance specific (2)
- A: API (2)
- S: Duplicate (2)
- Documentation (1)
Top Pull Request Labels
- S: Ready for review (140)
- C: Enhancement (80)
- A: Backend (68)
- A: Front-End (49)
- C: Feature (26)
- A: Federation (26)
- C: Bug (24)
- A: Meta (17)
- A: I18N (15)
- S: Incomplete (8)
- A: Security (7)
- Design (7)
- Rendering (5)
- Build (4)
- A: API (3)
- Mobile (3)
- Suggestion (1)
- Compatibility (1)
- Help welcome (1)