An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects. / keyoxide issue stats
Total issues: 233
Total pull requests: 153
Merged pull request: 0
Average time to close issues: 10 months
Average time to close pull requests: about 2 months
Average comments per issue: 3.45
Average comments per pull request: 1.86
Issues created
- keyoxide/keyoxide-web: 149
- keyoxide/doipjs: 64
- keyoxide/doip-rs: 11
- keyoxide/keyoxide-docs: 9
Pull requests created
- keyoxide/doipjs: 56
- keyoxide/keyoxide-web: 47
- keyoxide/keyoxide-docs: 29
- keyoxide/doip-rs: 21
Issue owner Associations
Pull Request owner Associations
All Maintainers
Active Maintainers
Top Issue Authors
Top Pull Request Authors
- yarmo (44)
- aspensmonster (11)
- tyy (10)
- vladimyr (9)
- chimbosonic (7)
- Supernova (5)
- quaff (5)
- Ryuno-Ki (4)
- yisraeldov (3)
- BadManners (3)
- KiddyTheKid (3)
- ilpianista (3)
- lianyi (2)
- lepus2589 (2)
- jahway603 (2)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (52)
- Impact/External (30)
- bug (27)
- Type/New Claim (26)
- Status/Backlog (25)
- Priority/Low (22)
- Status/Needs Triage (19)
- Type/Bug (17)
- Contribution welcome (14)
- Type/Enhancement (14)
- Status/Investigating (7)
- good first issue (6)
- Priority/High (5)
- Impact/Internal (5)
- Good first issue (5)
Top Pull Request Labels
- enhancement (19)
- Status/Waiting For Review (15)
- Impact/External (14)
- Type/Enhancement (14)
- Type/New Claim (7)
- Status/Completed (7)
- Impact/Internal (7)
- Priority/Medium (4)
- Priority/High (4)
- Priority/Low (3)
- Type/Documentation (3)
- Type/Bug (2)
- bug (2)
- Status/In Progress (1)
- Type/Tests (1)