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GitHub / vvoovv/prokitektura-studio issues and pull requests
#5 - corrected treatment of drivers for hookObj for a deep tree of templates
Issue -
State: open - Opened by vvoovv over 8 years ago
Labels: bug
#4 - move appendFromFile to util.blender
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by vvoovv almost 9 years ago
Labels: enhancement
#3 - add a level proxy for an EMPTY from common objects
Issue -
State: open - Opened by vvoovv almost 9 years ago
Labels: bug
#2 - intercept shortcut for deletion
Issue -
State: open - Opened by vvoovv about 9 years ago
Labels: enhancement
#1 - Create operator that applies all modifiers, shape keys, dupliverts, etc
Issue -
State: open - Opened by vvoovv about 9 years ago
Labels: enhancement