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GitHub / sublimehq / sublime_text issue stats
Last synced: 8 days ago
Total issues: 355
Total pull requests: 0
Average time to close issues: over 1 year
Average time to close pull requests: N/A
Total issue authors: 192
Total pull request authors: 0
Average comments per issue: 5.61
Average comments per pull request: 0
Merged pull requests: 0
Bot issues: 0
Bot pull requests: 0
Past year issues: 163
Past year pull requests: 0
Past year average time to close issues: 11 days
Past year average time to close pull requests: N/A
Past year issue authors: 94
Past year pull request authors: 0
Past year average comments per issue: 2.72
Past year average comments per pull request: 0
Past year merged pull requests: 0
Past year bot issues: 0
Past year bot pull requests: 0
Issue Author Associations
- None (286, 80.56%)
- Collaborator (61, 17.18%)
- Contributor (8, 2.25%)
Pull Request Author Associations
Top Issue Authors
- deathaxe (22)
- FichteFoll (20)
- titoBouzout (16)
- kaste (6)
- yaroslavyaroslav (6)
- jfcherng (5)
- iamntz (4)
- rchl (4)
- markrosen777 (4)
- eugenesvk (4)
- timotheecour (4)
- robertcollier4 (3)
- skuroda (3)
- keith-hall (3)
- evandrocoan (3)
Top Pull Request Authors
All Maintainers
- deathaxe (22)
- FichteFoll (20)
- titoBouzout (16)
- keith-hall (3)
Active Maintainers
- deathaxe (15)
- titoBouzout (2)
- keith-hall (1)
Top Issue Labels
- R: fixed (82)
- T: bug (81)
- S: minor (52)
- T: enhancement (48)
- C: API (28)
- S: trivial (25)
- T: feature (22)
- R: wrong repo (22)
- R: invalid (22)
- R: duplicate (21)
- C: OS Integration (20)
- Support (19)
- C: Syntax Highlighting (17)
- T: regression (14)
- S: major (14)
- C: Default Packages (13)
- C: Sidebar (12)
- R: timeout (12)
- C: Find and Replace (11)
- C: File Management (11)
- C: Completions (10)
- C: Editor (9)
- C: View/Tabs/Groups/Layouts UI (9)
- C: CLI (9)
- C: Projects (7)
- C: Documentation (7)
- C: Events (7)
- C: Scroll (7)
- C: i18n (6)
- C: OS MacOS (6)