An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / solid/user-stories issues and pull requests
#147 - Want to check if pods are being used for movie or music piracy
Issue -
State: open - Opened by vijeycreative over 1 year ago
#146 - Pool Solid UCRs together?
Issue -
State: open - Opened by woutermont about 2 years ago
#145 - Someone to manage these stories?
Issue -
State: open - Opened by woutermont about 2 years ago
#144 - Which stories are currently achievable/implemented? (meta)
Issue -
State: open - Opened by mrkvon over 2 years ago
- 1 comment
#143 - User Stories
Issue -
State: open - Opened by smatos1026 over 2 years ago
#133 - I search for new destinations
Issue -
State: open - Opened by F-Errami about 3 years ago
- 1 comment
#131 - Out-of-Browser Experiences (meta)
Issue -
State: open - Opened by jeff-zucker over 3 years ago
Labels: User Stories Meta
#130 - As an app developer aiming for low-resource environments, I want to build a text-based Solid chat tool.
Issue -
State: open - Opened by jeff-zucker over 3 years ago
Labels: Chat
#129 - As an app developer, I want the local installation of my app to ask for permission and then create resources in a Pod by uploading from the local app installation folder.
Issue -
State: open - Opened by jeff-zucker over 3 years ago
#128 - As a community member, I want to create a Pod/RDF archive of gitter chat rooms relevant to the community.
Issue -
State: open - Opened by jeff-zucker over 3 years ago
Labels: Chat
#127 - ÇïDaDôÂÿSôê§ãpr4ßžŽkËO bóÅ‚`ò|j…z–ì@ýTìÔ $ ¦:‰Òñô? Iß'__Ïj p¶*;2$* Õ V6*M»n\ëuÐ3É ó—§ú[ EùW¬06èåùùù©ßn,[Š È«(6 37AT4^f(nªÑÿR¾” ÊlsżœÚñjm ¬ª é;Mð;<~ Ú å ë Ì 4kŸ"]ãcJ1Ž{æÓC–â^K^;‰<)åÄ7†”ùüÑIù =z–(:FE½«î! ùñ|ßd›”ïʱ? ?!?!!?!?!?!?!!!1 ñÔŸÎçs_÷VG ïHŠ²^]Å©“nNÐTäsÇ
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by FutureLearnSole over 4 years ago
- 1 comment
#126 - As a test engineer, I want a simple way to provision pods for a test user so that automated testing compliance with Solid specs is simple
Issue -
State: open - Opened by kjetilk almost 5 years ago
Labels: Interoperability, Validation, User Lifecycle
#125 - As a governmental agency providing Pods for citizens who manage their data, I would like to provision Pods for citizens using an identity provided by a different governmental agency so that agencies do not need to duplicate effort
Issue -
State: open - Opened by kjetilk almost 5 years ago
Labels: Authentication, Self-determination, User Lifecycle
#124 - As a existing Solid user, I would like to use my identity to register a Pod with another Provider so that I can have different Pods for different purposes, or to migrate data
Issue -
State: open - Opened by kjetilk almost 5 years ago
Labels: Authentication, Migration, User Lifecycle
#123 - As a Solid Identity Provider, I would like it to be easy for my users to register with Pod Providers to increase the value of my IdP offering
Issue -
State: open - Opened by kjetilk almost 5 years ago
Labels: Authentication, User Lifecycle
#122 - As a Solid Identity Provider, I would like to easily register new users with an identity so that they quickly become customers
Issue -
State: open - Opened by kjetilk almost 5 years ago
Labels: Authentication, Onboarding, User Lifecycle
#121 - As a Pod Provider, I would like to easily register existing Solid users with a new Pod so that they can become customers
Issue -
State: open - Opened by kjetilk almost 5 years ago
Labels: User Lifecycle
#120 - As a Pod Provider, I would like to easily register new users with an identity and a Pod so that they can become customers
Issue -
State: open - Opened by kjetilk almost 5 years ago
Labels: Onboarding, User Lifecycle
#119 - As an app developer, I would like to get my users to be able to get an identity and Pod easily so that they can quickly get started with my app
Issue -
State: open - Opened by kjetilk almost 5 years ago
Labels: Onboarding, User Lifecycle
#118 - As a new user, I would like to get my identity and Pod in one operation so that I can quickly get started with Solid
Issue -
State: open - Opened by kjetilk almost 5 years ago
Labels: server, User Experience, Onboarding, User Lifecycle
#117 - As a non-sophisticated and time-constrained user, I want to leverage the knowledge and time-investment of others in creating sophisticated data-sharing settings by means of shared and rated profiles via a marketplace so that I can have high quality sharing settings with minimum effort via social learning.
Issue -
State: open - Opened by nixahn almost 5 years ago
Labels: Social tools, Authorization, Discoverability, Productivity tools, Policy Reuse
#116 - Removing list of user stories
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: User Stories Meta
#115 - As a Solid provider I want to easily find and use data shapes so that I can store data in a way that it is interoperable
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Interoperability, Shapes, Discoverability
#114 - As a Solid user I want to chat with other Solid users so that I can communicate when not being physically in the same place
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Chat
#113 - As a Solid user I want to know what my options are and how they change over time so that I can be in control
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Consent, Trust, Self-determination
#112 - As a Solid user I want to be able to use Solid independently of any single legal entity that I do not have influence over so that I can be in control
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Consent, Terms of Service, Transparency, Non-invasive
#111 - As a Solid user I want to know which sofware services are provided to me under jurisdictions where I can vote directly or which have have binding relevant agreements with a jurisdiction where I can vote so that I can opt for services that I can hold accountable more easily.
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Consent, Terms of Service, Transparency, Accountability
#110 - As a Solid user I want to know under which jurisdiction sofware services fall so that I can be in control and actively consent
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Consent, Licensing, Terms of Service, Trust
#109 - As a Solid user I want to know who is responsible for which software service so that I can hold parties resonsible when the services go wrong.
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Transparency, Accountability
#108 - As a Solid user I want to know when software services stop being Solid compliant so that I can be in control of leaving software services when they change from their original intentions.
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Security, Trust
#107 - As a Solid user I want to know when I am a Solid user and how so that I am able to be in control and actively consent
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Authentication, Consent, Onboarding, Trust
#106 - As a Solid user, I want to publish huge data set, so it is easy to be accessed and can be explored using SPARQL
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Authorization, Content management, Discoverability, Query
#105 - As a Solid user, I’d like to get a notification when any of my contacts have a Pod, so I can quickly get rid of the “empty desert” feeling when I get started
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Social tools, Discoverability, Onboarding, Notifications
#104 - As a Solid user, I’d like a sync app to automatically upload my contacts and pictures to my Pod, so I don’t have to enter them manually
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Photos, Synchronization, Contacts
#103 - As a Solid user, I’d like to public my professional credentials on my Pod, so I can use it as a CV
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Social tools, Profile
#102 - As a Solid user, I’d like to be able to publish my name and contact details, etc. so I have one single place to point people to who want to contact me
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Data Browser, Profile
#101 - As a person, I'd like to see all data generated about me in one dashboard even if they're not on my Pod, so I have one place to get an overview of everything relevant to me
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Query, Aggregation
#100 - As a Solid user, I want to be able to give/restrict access based on usage patterns (e.g. give access to all photos with this property, even if I upload them later), so I can set up fine-grained access control once and be set for the future
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Authorization, Query, Policy Reuse
#99 - As a Solid user, I want to be able to group people/organisations with potential access to my data together, so I can easily provide the same level of access to people that deserve it
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Authorization
#98 - As a Solid user, I want to be able to send a copy of my data to a specific recipient so that they can see it without having access to future data
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Duplication, Sharing
#97 - As a Solid user who is a website operator I want to manage read access to groups
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Authorization, Content management
#96 - As a Solid User I want to be able to get an offline copy of the data on all my Pods for my own physical records and delete all my online data so that I can avoid persecution online while still having a copy of my data assets
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Security, Offline, Non-invasive, Offboarding
#95 - As a Solid User I want be able to live in society without Solid so that it is an active choice rather than an obligation
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Self-determination, Non-invasive
#94 - As a Solid User I want to be able to share my data with non Solid Users so that I am not dependent on other peoples use of Solid
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Authorization, Integration
#93 - As a Solid User I want to change my mind about what data I store on which Pod so that when a Pod goes rogue I have escape route
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Security, Migration, Trust
#92 - As a Solid User I want to be able to merge data from multple Pod and visualise it together so that I have can control my data from a single log in point
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Content management, Migration, Data Visualization, Synchronization
#91 - As a parent of a Solid user who is a child I want to protect my child from data threats
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Parental Advice, Policy Reuse
#90 - As a Solid user who is not compus mentus I want my interests to be protected so that I am not taken advantage of when I am in a vulnerable position
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Security, Consent, Trust, Accessibility, Self-determination
#89 - As a Solid user who is a child I want to be able to delete photos of me that my parents have published so that I can protect my personal image so that
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Self-determination, Right to be forgotten
#88 - As a Solid user who is a child I want to be able to gain access and control of my data from my parents or guardians when I turn the age of consent so that I can self determine when I am at an age that I can take responsibility for my actions
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Authorization, Parental Advice, Self-determination
#87 - As a Solid user who is a child I want to be protected from my parent or guardians’ decisions about my data until I am of the age of consent so that I can have appropriate self determination throughout my life in a way that protects my future self
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Security, Authorization, Parental Advice, Self-determination
#86 - As a Solid user I want to know the algorithm generating suggestions for me so that I know how I am being influenced and by which criteria
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Trust, Transparency
#85 - As a Solid user I want to know when a suggestion is a suggestion based on an algorithm rather than a random suggestion so that I know how information is being tailored and if I am in a bubble
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Discoverability, Trust, Transparency
#84 - As a Solid user I want suggestions for things I might like or want to know about so that I can be up to date on what is available
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Discoverability
#83 - As a Solid user who is not computer savvy I want my data wishes to be respected so that my wishes are not compromised by my knowledge
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: User Experience, Consent, Onboarding, Accessibility
#82 - As a Solid user with visual impairments I want to be able to increase the font size so that I can continue using Solid functionality in the same way as other Solid users
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Accessibility
#81 - As a Solid user I want my data to be safe
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Security, Authorization, Consent, Trust
#80 - As a Solid user I want to be able to record my wishes around what would happen to my data after my death
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Authorization, Postmortem, Sharing
#79 - As a colour blind Solid user I want to use Solid normally e.g. have a monochrome interface with a highlight colour if essential so that I can use the same tools as other Solid users
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Accessibility
#78 - As a Solid user I want to read and navigate with voice control so that I can have access to the same tools as Solid users without read and navigations restrictions
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Accessibility
#77 - As a Solid user with motor problems I want to be able to navigate by data by keyboard so that I can have access to the same tools as Solid users without motor problems
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Accessibility
#76 - As a Solid user I want to be notified when an app is shoddy and who made the shoddy app so I can avoid shoddy apps
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Security, Trust, Notifications
#75 - As a Solid user I want autocorrect for my data for when a shoddy app doesn’t store my data properly so that my data is clean and functional and ready for use in the apps of my choice
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Shapes, Trust, Validation
#74 - As a Solid user I want to know that nobody else has accessed my data so that I have a clear overview of the information shared with my relationships
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Auditing, Security, Authorization
#73 - As a Solid user I want to access data that is shared with me so that I can live and work efficiently
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Authorization
#72 - As a Solid user I want to be automatically notified of fraudulent access to my data so that I can take measures to protect myself when needed
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Auditing, Security
#71 - As a Solid user I want to know which Pods are available for me to use so that I can know what options are available to me
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Discoverability, Onboarding
#70 - As a Solid user I want to update my data so that I have an accurate record
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Content management
#69 - As a Solid user I want to be able to delete my data so that I can limit access to data that I am not comfortable being available
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Content management
#68 - As a Solid user I want to be able to restore my Pod when it gets messed up so that I can always use my Pods for what I want
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Recovery, Trust
#67 - As a Solid user I want to be able to revoke sharing my data with other Solid users so that I can live and work efficiently
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Authorization
#66 - As a Solid user I want to be able to share my data with other Solid users so that I can live and work efficiently
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Social tools, Data Browser, Authorization, Sharing
#65 - As a Solid user I want to know when an app is using my data so that I am consciously sharing information
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Auditing, Authorization, Trust
#64 - As a Solid user I want to know which apps are available for me to use so that I can have access to online services
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Discoverability
#63 - As a Solid user I want to choose which app to use with my data so that I can use services online freely
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Authorization, Onboarding
#62 - As a Solid user I want to be able to revoke access that an app has to my data so that I can change my mind or revise my decision when I have access to new information
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Security, Data Browser, Authorization
#61 - As a Solid user I want to choose where to store my data so that I can judge if I trust the storage provider to respect my interests
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Onboarding, Trust
#60 - As a Solid user I want to be able to identify myself without association to the identifier so that I am not overdependent on an entity that I cannot control
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Hosting, Authentication
#59 - As a Solid user I want to be able to identify myself online so that others can trust me in online interactions
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Authentication
#58 - As a Solid user I want to select the Pod provider and this be the default location of my data storage so that I have a minimum standard of where my data is
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Onboarding
#57 - As a Solid user I want to be presented with the Pod providers that match my criteria so that I can decide where to store my data
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Onboarding, Trust
#56 - As a Solid user I want to view the criteria to consider when choosing a Pod provider (e.g. physical location of the storage, legal location of the provider, type of legal entity, if storage is at home or at a provider) so that I can conveniently find a Pod provider that matches my preferences
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Onboarding, Licensing, Terms of Service, Trust, User Lifecycle
#55 - As a Solid user I want to be able to sign up for an online identification with webid so that I can identify myself online
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
Labels: Authentication
#54 - As a Solid user I want an explanation of what Solid is so that I understand why I need to signup for a webid and Pod
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
#53 - Are the labels suggested appropriate?
Issue -
State: open - Opened by megoth almost 5 years ago
- 1 comment
Labels: User Stories Meta
#52 - As a Webmaster of a server with existing read-only content, I want a simple mechanism for users to opt in to Solid, to ensure that they want it
Issue -
State: open - Opened by kjetilk about 5 years ago
Labels: Hosting
#47 - Incorporate a brainstorm's results
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by Vinnl over 5 years ago
Labels: User Stories Meta
#46 - Adding user stories to README
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by kjetilk over 5 years ago
Labels: User Stories Meta
#45 - As a user I would like to see a public repository of access policy templates for groups that choose to use them.
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ghost over 5 years ago
Labels: Authorization, Policy Reuse
#42 - As a user, I would like some fallback mechanism for control, so that I don't need to be afraid that I loose total control of my Pod if I mess up my permissions
Issue -
State: open - Opened by kjetilk over 5 years ago
Labels: Data Browser, Authorization, Recovery, Policy Reuse
#39 - As a user I want to collect all the photos from my group of friends that went to Spain for Tom's stag party, so that our group has a single shared album.
Issue -
State: open - Opened by pmcb55 over 5 years ago
Labels: Social tools, Authorization, Photos, Sharing
#36 - As a query engine writer, I'd like pods to expose cardinality estimates so that I can write a query planner that can optimize query answering over Solid data.
Issue -
State: open - Opened by kjetilk almost 6 years ago
Labels: Query
#35 - As a developer/power user, I'd like to store and retrieve RDF resources preserving serialization-specific details (e.g. Turtle comments or prefixes).
Issue -
State: open - Opened by pmcb55 almost 6 years ago
Labels: Consistency
#34 - As a pod provider I'd like to see aggregated histories of access attempts to pods I host so that I can manage hotspots, charge per usage, prevent DoS attacks, etc.
Issue -
State: open - Opened by pmcb55 almost 6 years ago
Labels: Auditing, Security
#31 - As a pod provider or user, I want to easily be able to deploy Solid on Docker
Issue -
State: open - Opened by dsebastien almost 6 years ago
Labels: Deployment
#29 - As a pod owner, I would like a tool that crawls acl files on the pod and makes suggestions based on best practices
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ghost almost 6 years ago
Labels: Bots, Authorization
#20 - As a social network user viewing an interesting comment on a friends page, I would like to visit the page of the “Friend of a Friend” who made the comment.
Issue -
State: open - Opened by jbartas almost 6 years ago
Labels: Social tools, Data Browser
#11 - As a user I want to be able to easily review/manage who has access to my data
Issue -
State: open - Opened by dsebastien almost 6 years ago
Labels: Data Browser, Authorization
#3 - As a father, I want to set up a server for my family and only them, retaining some control of my children's accounts, to keep them safe on the Web.
Issue -
State: open - Opened by kjetilk almost 6 years ago
Labels: server, Security, Parental Advice, User Lifecycle, Policy Reuse