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GitHub / openworm/skeletonextraction issues and pull requests

#91 - Making skeleton extraction very fast - maybe almost in real-time

Issue - State: open - Opened by martinmadaras almost 10 years ago - 2 comments
Labels: enhancement, ideas

#90 - Document the client side JS code

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras almost 10 years ago
Labels: wormsim

#89 - Refactor code so that three.js is as much as possible untouched

Issue - State: closed - Opened by gidili almost 10 years ago - 1 comment
Labels: wormsim

#88 - Load multiple models for all muscles and cuticle from different collada files

Issue - State: closed - Opened by gidili almost 10 years ago - 4 comments
Labels: wormsim

#87 - Is the COLLADA available in this repo?

Issue - State: closed - Opened by slarson almost 10 years ago - 3 comments
Labels: question

#84 - Write pipeline description into the readme file on github

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras almost 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#81 - Export new set of skinning matrices with stretching transformation included

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras almost 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#79 - Export heuristic skinning weights to cuticle collada file

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras almost 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#78 - Implement exporting of skinning matrices composed of rotation and stretching

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras almost 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#77 - Modify JS client to work with more collada files - for cuticle and all the muscles

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras almost 10 years ago - 1 comment
Labels: task, wormsim

#76 - Find problem with discontinuity of skinning weights

Issue - State: open - Opened by martinmadaras almost 10 years ago - 1 comment
Labels: enhancement, task, wormsim, ideas

#75 - Implement exporting of collada files for worm muscles - one file per muscle cell

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras almost 10 years ago - 1 comment
Labels: task, wormsim

#74 - Modify collada exporter to export compact skinned meshes - with two timesteps only

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras almost 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#72 - Get rid of translation of the worm during the simulation

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras almost 10 years ago - 1 comment
Labels: duplicate, task, wormsim

#71 - Use loaded transformation matrices and run the skinning animation in tree.js

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras almost 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#69 - Perform computation of MSE between all pairs of timesteps and find the best animation loop

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras almost 10 years ago - 1 comment
Labels: task

#68 - Calculate new skeletons and skinning data from new simulation data

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras almost 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#67 - Check the new simulation data - if they describe one close animation loop

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras almost 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#61 - Create a dropbox folder and github folder with all the data needed for skinning animation

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras about 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#60 - Load streamed transformation matrices and use them in colladaLoader.js

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras about 10 years ago - 1 comment
Labels: duplicate, task, wormsim

#59 - Calculate muscle skinning weights using projection in inward normal direction into cuticle triangulation

Issue - State: open - Opened by martinmadaras about 10 years ago - 1 comment
Labels: enhancement, wormsim, ideas

#57 - Apply inverse skinning on muscle particles in order to meassure the stretching coefficient of each muscle cell and cuticle

Issue - State: open - Opened by martinmadaras about 10 years ago - 1 comment
Labels: enhancement, task, wormsim, ideas

#56 - What has to be send to the client

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras about 10 years ago - 2 comments
Labels: design, wormsim

#54 - Apply skinning algorithm of cuticle to muscle cells

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras about 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#53 - Test whole skeleton extraction and skinning pipeline with more twisted cuticle as a bindpose mesh

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras about 10 years ago - 5 comments
Labels: task, wormsim

#52 - Visualize skinning of muscle cells using both, cuticle and muscle transformations

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras about 10 years ago - 1 comment
Labels: task, wormsim

#51 - Visualize simulation of muscle cells

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras about 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#50 - Modify skeleton extraction, to produce skeleton segments with exactly the same length

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras about 10 years ago - 1 comment
Labels: task, wormsim

#49 - Evaluate the skinning with different number of skeleton segments, eg. 10,20,30 ...

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras about 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#45 - Debug, why SDF lib is returning wrong normals after recalculation

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras about 10 years ago
Labels: duplicate, task, wormsim

#44 - Find out why SDF compuation gives different arrangment of values for ''assimp scene'' and '''vertex array'

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras about 10 years ago - 1 comment
Labels: task, wormsim

#43 - Investigate, if it is needed to use skeleton matching to match skeletons with different number of segments

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras about 10 years ago - 1 comment
Labels: task, wormsim

#42 - Export transformation matrices of all worm skeleton nodes for whole simulation sequence

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras about 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#41 - Implement extraction of transformation matrices between different muscles skeletons

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras about 10 years ago - 1 comment
Labels: task, wormsim

#40 - Implement extraction of muscles skeleton using PCA of the muscle particles positions

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#39 - Implement extraction of muscles skeleton using AABB bounding box of the muscle particles

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago
Labels: duplicate, task, wormsim

#37 - Merge SkeletonExtensions functions with OpenWorm wrapper functions

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#36 - Add all the modified skinning functionality into gepetto WebGL rendering

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago
Labels: duplicate, task, wormsim

#35 - Modify ColladaLoader.js to work with muscles and muscle bones

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago - 1 comment
Labels: duplicate, task, wormsim

#34 - Perform higher level evaluation of skinning weights based on skinning algorithm

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#33 - Extend importer of worm particles and Collada exporter to work with muscle particles

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#32 - Extend importer of worm particles and Collada exporter to work with muscle particles

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago
Labels: duplicate

#31 - Mistake

Issue - State: closed - Opened by tarelli over 10 years ago

#30 - It might be suitable dynamically change tesselation of the skeleton during the skinning animation

Issue - State: open - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago
Labels: enhancement, wormsim, ideas

#29 - Later, the contraction of muscles should contract also surface of the cuticle

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#28 - Calculate and visualize the error between the simulation and skinned animation

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago
Labels: task

#27 - Extract muscle cells position

Issue - State: closed - Opened by tarelli over 10 years ago - 2 comments

#26 - Modify computation of the closest skeleton bones that control vertex in GDSW

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago
Labels: task

#25 - Enhence SDF skeleton extraction to produce skeletons with more segments

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago - 1 comment
Labels: task

#23 - Implement extraction of muscles skeleton using AABB bounding box of the muscle particles

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago
Labels: duplicate, task, wormsim

#21 - Finalize OpenWorm Skeleton Extraction wrapper with SDF extraction algorihm

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago
Labels: task

#19 - Analyse animation of muscle cells

Issue - State: closed - Opened by tarelli over 10 years ago - 1 comment
Labels: task, wormsim

#18 - Visualization of skinning weights on the surface of the worm

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#17 - Implement OpenGL preview of exported worm cuticle simulation

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#16 - Implement OpenGL skinning for worm cuticle, extracted skeleton and transformation sequence

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#15 - Unclear language in README

Issue - State: closed - Opened by MichaelCurrie over 10 years ago - 2 comments

#14 - Implement export of whole skinning animation into Collada exporter

Issue - State: open - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago - 1 comment
Labels: wormsim, ideas

#13 - Try Shape Diameter Function for extraction of worm skeleton

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#12 - Solve memory leaks in skeletonExtraction/LBSE_lib

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago - 1 comment
Labels: task

#11 - Analyze ColladaLoader.js, which changes are needed to stream the Collada animation

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago - 1 comment
Labels: task, wormsim

#10 - Add gitignore file targeted at Visual Studio

Issue - State: closed - Opened by JimHokanson over 10 years ago - 1 comment

#9 - Create wrapper object for skeleton extraction demo

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#8 - Create loader for worm particles and membrane triangulation

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#7 - Create exporter of rotation matrices / quaternions from skeletons

Issue - State: closed - Opened by martinmadaras over 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#6 - Evaluate quality of skinning weights

Issue - State: closed - Opened by tarelli over 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#5 - Test skeleton extraction pipeline with connectivity info

Issue - State: closed - Opened by tarelli over 10 years ago
Labels: wormsim

#4 - Create Collada exporter for Skeleton extraction prototype

Issue - State: closed - Opened by tarelli over 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#3 - Extract library from thesis

Issue - State: closed - Opened by tarelli over 10 years ago
Labels: wormsim

#2 - Populate README file

Issue - State: closed - Opened by tarelli over 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim

#1 - Create cards for skeleton extraction plan

Issue - State: closed - Opened by tarelli over 10 years ago
Labels: task, wormsim