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GitHub / mourner/suncalc issues and pull requests

#45 - Sunrise / Sunset during "midnight sun" in polar areas

Issue - State: open - Opened by JasperG over 9 years ago - 3 comments
Labels: feature, sun

#41 - Feature request: Date and time of specific moonphase

Issue - State: open - Opened by mfrntic about 10 years ago - 1 comment
Labels: feature, moon

#35 - Fixes #6

Pull Request - State: open - Opened by xqjibz over 10 years ago

#33 - Generate suncalc.min.js.

Pull Request - State: closed - Opened by ypid over 10 years ago - 7 comments

#30 - toDays, moonCoords and sunCoords now public from SunCalc

Pull Request - State: open - Opened by clicktrend over 10 years ago

#25 - Feature request: Return time for sun at a particular azimuth

Issue - State: open - Opened by chrisn-au over 10 years ago - 2 comments
Labels: feature, sun

#21 - Moon rise and set calculations

Pull Request - State: closed - Opened by mourner almost 11 years ago - 1 comment

#11 - dates with times before a certain time return times for previous day

Issue - State: open - Opened by yorickvP over 11 years ago - 21 comments
Labels: feature, sun

#9 - Daylight saving issue

Issue - State: closed - Opened by emainier over 11 years ago - 6 comments

#7 - Moon rise and moon set time?

Issue - State: closed - Opened by dinhnhat0401 almost 12 years ago - 16 comments

#6 - Wrong azimuth angle

Issue - State: open - Opened by dinhnhat0401 almost 12 years ago - 12 comments
Labels: feature, sun