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GitHub / mdn / content issue stats
Last synced: 2 days ago
Total issues: 479
Total pull requests: 1,081
Average time to close issues: 7 months
Average time to close pull requests: 5 days
Total issue authors: 249
Total pull request authors: 248
Average comments per issue: 2.0
Average comments per pull request: 1.66
Merged pull requests: 654
Bot issues: 13
Bot pull requests: 35
Past year issues: 373
Past year pull requests: 993
Past year average time to close issues: 27 days
Past year average time to close pull requests: 5 days
Past year issue authors: 186
Past year pull request authors: 236
Past year average comments per issue: 1.39
Past year average comments per pull request: 1.64
Past year merged pull requests: 582
Past year bot issues: 13
Past year bot pull requests: 19
Issue Author Associations
- None (238, 49.69%)
- Contributor (136, 28.39%)
- Collaborator (83, 17.33%)
- Member (22, 4.59%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (729, 67.44%)
- Member (210, 19.43%)
- Collaborator (80, 7.40%)
- None (62, 5.74%)
Top Issue Authors
- Rumyra (58)
- chrisdavidmills (31)
- wbamberg (16)
- Hexstream (16)
- github-actions[bot] 🤖 (13)
- bsmth (7)
- josephrocca (4)
- estelle (4)
- scottaohara (3)
- hamishwillee (3)
- a2sheppy (3)
- couci (3)
- alattalatta (3)
- skyclouds2001 (3)
- Josh-Cena (3)
Top Pull Request Authors
- skyclouds2001 (96)
- estelle (91)
- yashrajbharti (74)
- bsmth (68)
- OnkarRuikar (59)
- hamishwillee (56)
- chrisdavidmills (41)
- dependabot[bot] 🤖 (35)
- dletorey (25)
- Josh-Cena (19)
- PassionPenguin (17)
- pepelsbey (16)
- wbamberg (15)
- rebloor (14)
- teoli2003 (12)
All Maintainers
- estelle (95)
- bsmth (75)
- Rumyra (60)
- hamishwillee (59)
- wbamberg (31)
- Josh-Cena (22)
- pepelsbey (17)
- yin1999 (11)
- mdn-bot (7)
- leon-win (6)
- sideshowbarker (4)
- alattalatta (3)
- Elchi3 (2)
- queengooborg (2)
- jpmedley (1)
Active Maintainers
- estelle (93)
- bsmth (73)
- Rumyra (60)
- hamishwillee (58)
- Josh-Cena (21)
- wbamberg (18)
- pepelsbey (17)
- yin1999 (9)
- mdn-bot (7)
- leon-win (4)
- alattalatta (2)
- Elchi3 (1)
- sideshowbarker (1)
Top Issue Labels
- Content:WebAPI (165)
- needs triage (101)
- Content:JS (59)
- help wanted (57)
- Content:CSS (52)
- good first issue (42)
- Content:HTML (37)
- Content:HTTP (26)
- area: WebGPU (24)
- document not written (22)
- Firefox 133 (18)
- effort: medium (18)
- Firefox 132 (15)
- Firefox 135 (15)
- reported by automation (13)
- Firefox 134 (11)
- Content:Glossary (11)
- needs decision (9)
- Content:Other (9)
- spam (8)
- goal: completeness (8)
- closed: duplicate (8)
- Content:WebExt (8)
- accepting PR (8)
- closed: wontfix (6)
- Content:Learn (6)
- goal: clarity (6)
- waiting for implementations (6)
- goal: accuracy (6)
- area: WebRTC (6)
Top Pull Request Labels
- Content:WebAPI (394)
- size/m (328)
- size/xs (318)
- size/s (284)
- Content:CSS (177)
- Content:HTTP (75)
- Content:JS (66)
- Content:Firefox (65)
- Content:HTML (62)
- Content:WebExt (53)
- system (53)
- Content:Glossary (52)
- size/l (41)
- Content:SVG (35)
- Content:Meta (34)
- Content:Learn:CSS (30)
- automated pr (26)
- Content:Other (23)
- Content:Manifest (22)
- size/xl (22)
- Content:Learn (21)
- Content:Media (20)
- javascript (19)
- dependencies (19)
- Content:Security (19)
- Content:Learn:Forms (17)
- Content:Learn:JavaScript (16)
- Content:Accessibility (14)
- Content:Games (14)
- awaiting response (13)