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GitHub / madskristensen / webessentials2013 issue stats
Last synced: 3 days ago
Total issues: 93
Total pull requests: 87
Average time to close issues: 24 days
Average time to close pull requests: about 17 hours
Total issue authors: 41
Total pull request authors: 5
Average comments per issue: 4.71
Average comments per pull request: 2.18
Merged pull requests: 82
Bot issues: 0
Bot pull requests: 0
Past year issues: 0
Past year pull requests: 0
Past year average time to close issues: N/A
Past year average time to close pull requests: N/A
Past year issue authors: 0
Past year pull request authors: 0
Past year average comments per issue: 0
Past year average comments per pull request: 0
Past year merged pull requests: 0
Past year bot issues: 0
Past year bot pull requests: 0
Issue Author Associations
- None (86, 92.47%)
- Contributor (4, 4.30%)
- Owner (2, 2.15%)
- Collaborator (1, 1.08%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Collaborator (47, 54.02%)
- Contributor (40, 45.98%)
Top Issue Authors
- robert-hoffmann (4)
- itechnology (4)
- SoftwareDreamer (4)
- dhodgin (4)
- denhul (4)
- clipperhouse (4)
- ArneKlein (4)
- twokul (4)
- nfplee (2)
- Oppedijk (2)
- pflannery (2)
- profet23 (2)
- rbirkby (2)
- roelvanlisdonk (2)
- RomanKoff (2)
Top Pull Request Authors
- SLaks (47)
- mlorbetske (33)
- stuartleeks (4)
- profet23 (2)
- DerAlbertCom (1)
All Maintainers
- SLaks (48)
- madskristensen (2)