An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / kyverno / kyverno issue stats
Last synced: 2 days ago
Total issues: 559
Total pull requests: 621
Average time to close issues: 8 months
Average time to close pull requests: 4 days
Total issue authors: 269
Total pull request authors: 72
Average comments per issue: 4.26
Average comments per pull request: 2.12
Merged pull requests: 448
Bot issues: 26
Bot pull requests: 304
Past year issues: 423
Past year pull requests: 539
Past year average time to close issues: 3 months
Past year average time to close pull requests: 5 days
Past year issue authors: 214
Past year pull request authors: 63
Past year average comments per issue: 3.76
Past year average comments per pull request: 2.03
Past year merged pull requests: 388
Past year bot issues: 26
Past year bot pull requests: 269
Issue Author Associations
- None (313, 55.99%)
- Contributor (153, 27.37%)
- Member (91, 16.28%)
- Collaborator (2, 0.36%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (314, 50.56%)
- None (170, 27.38%)
- Member (132, 21.26%)
- Collaborator (5, 0.81%)
Top Issue Authors
- chipzoller (38)
- JimBugwadia (30)
- github-actions[bot] 🤖 (26)
- MariamFahmy98 (24)
- realshuting (19)
- eddycharly (17)
- vishal-chdhry (10)
- thesuperzapper (8)
- anushkamittal2001 (5)
- DamienDelporte (4)
- ArjonBu (4)
- TitanRob16 (4)
- KhaledEmaraDev (4)
- phvel01 (4)
- jejinkonye-kroger (4)
Top Pull Request Authors
- dependabot[bot] 🤖 (170)
- gcp-cherry-pick-bot[bot] 🤖 (134)
- eddycharly (48)
- realshuting (45)
- vishal-chdhry (29)
- MariamFahmy98 (24)
- KhaledEmaraDev (20)
- aerosouund (14)
- JimBugwadia (8)
- Mohdcode (5)
- Rohanraj123 (5)
- praddy26 (5)
- ShivamJha2436 (5)
- tomasaschan (5)
- VedRatan (4)
All Maintainers
- eddycharly (65)
- realshuting (64)
- vishal-chdhry (39)
- JimBugwadia (38)
- chipzoller (20)
- fjogeleit (2)
- YTGhost (2)
Active Maintainers
- realshuting (53)
- eddycharly (44)
- vishal-chdhry (37)
- JimBugwadia (19)
- fjogeleit (2)
- YTGhost (2)
Top Issue Labels
- bug (277)
- enhancement (213)
- triage (147)
- end user (59)
- type:cli (57)
- stale (52)
- helm (49)
- reports (43)
- good first issue (43)
- validation (41)
- generation (39)
- mutation (37)
- imageVerify (32)
- release-critical (32)
- security (30)
- webhook (28)
- cli:test (26)
- test (24)
- cli:apply (18)
- JMESPath (18)
- VAP (16)
- LFX mentorship project (13)
- API Call (12)
- exceptions (12)
- validate.cel (11)
- mutation-existing (11)
- log enhancement (11)
- cleanup (10)
- performance (10)
- release-high (10)
Top Pull Request Labels
- size:XS (231)
- dependencies (170)
- cherry-pick-required (158)
- milestone 1.14.0 (144)
- cherry-pick-completed (136)
- size:M (111)
- go (108)
- size:S (84)
- milestone 1.13.0 (75)
- size:L (61)
- github_actions (57)
- milestone 1.13.2 (44)
- milestone 1.13.3 (33)
- milestone 1.10.0 (19)
- milestone 1.12.6 (12)
- size:XXL (10)
- milestone 1.11.0 (9)
- size:XL (8)
- milestone 1.12.7 (7)
- Documentation (6)
- docker (5)
- stale (3)
- hold-merge (3)
- milestone 1.13.1 (3)
- release-critical (3)
- milestone 1.11.4 (3)
- milestone 1.12.0 (2)
- apiversion-management (1)
- milestone 1.12.2 (1)
- bug (1)