
An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.

GitHub / jronallo/iiif-workshop issues and pull requests

#5 - Why write a presentation manifest by hand?

Issue - State: open - Opened by jronallo almost 7 years ago

#4 - "simple" web server is relative

Issue - State: open - Opened by jronallo almost 7 years ago - 1 comment

#3 - OSD JSFiddle should be larger

Issue - State: open - Opened by jronallo almost 7 years ago

#2 - smooth instructions for static image server

Issue - State: open - Opened by jronallo almost 7 years ago - 1 comment

#1 - Outline page should include numbering

Issue - State: open - Opened by jronallo almost 7 years ago