
An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.

GitHub / hugoruscitti/lanas issues and pull requests

#24 - Clarification about license

Issue - State: closed - Opened by echevemaster almost 10 years ago - 4 comments

#23 - Excepciones traducidas

Issue - State: open - Opened by D3f0 about 10 years ago

#22 - Generar un tag con la versión actual

Issue - State: open - Opened by D3f0 about 10 years ago

#21 - Aumentar tamaño de tipografía(Alt +) no funciona en xUbuntu

Issue - State: open - Opened by irvingprog over 10 years ago - 1 comment

#20 - Evitar que se puedan re-editar las lineas anteriores

Issue - State: open - Opened by hugoruscitti over 11 years ago - 1 comment

#19 - [Funcionalidad] Sentencias multilínea.

Issue - State: closed - Opened by binary-sequence almost 12 years ago - 1 comment

#18 - Agregar soporte para virtualenv

Issue - State: open - Opened by hugoruscitti about 12 years ago - 1 comment

#17 - No se puede escribir en linea de comandos..

Issue - State: closed - Opened by hessedelohim about 12 years ago - 4 comments

#14 - No se pueden eliminar figuras fisicas

Issue - State: closed - Opened by hugoruscitti about 12 years ago
Labels: bug

#13 - Actualizar la presentacion de pilas del manual (mostrar el nuevo asistente)

Issue - State: closed - Opened by hugoruscitti about 12 years ago
Labels: manual

#12 - Actualizar la version del manual

Issue - State: closed - Opened by hugoruscitti about 12 years ago
Labels: manual

#11 - Falla la función "pilas.mundo.motor.ocultar_puntero_del_mouse()"

Issue - State: closed - Opened by hugoruscitti about 12 years ago
Labels: bug

#9 - no funciona autocompletado de modulos

Issue - State: closed - Opened by hugoruscitti about 12 years ago

#8 - Cannot run on ubuntu?

Issue - State: closed - Opened by rochacbruno about 12 years ago - 2 comments

#7 - Crear argumento para simular la ejecucion de algunos comandos

Issue - State: closed - Opened by hugoruscitti about 12 years ago

#5 - hacer un comando para limpiar la pantalla

Issue - State: closed - Opened by hugoruscitti over 12 years ago - 1 comment

#4 - Hacer compatible con pilas-engine

Issue - State: closed - Opened by hugoruscitti over 12 years ago

#3 - Autocompletado aparece al pulsar ALT, CTRL o SHIFT

Issue - State: closed - Opened by hugoruscitti over 12 years ago

#2 - Vincular autocompletado de ninjaide (kanzen)

Issue - State: closed - Opened by hugoruscitti over 12 years ago

#1 - Implementar autocompletado con popup

Issue - State: closed - Opened by hugoruscitti over 12 years ago