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GitHub / fantasy-peak / cpp-freegpt-webui issue stats
Last synced: 3 days ago
Total issues: 31
Total pull requests: 149
Average time to close issues: 15 days
Average time to close pull requests: about 1 hour
Total issue authors: 15
Total pull request authors: 2
Average comments per issue: 5.23
Average comments per pull request: 0.03
Merged pull requests: 145
Bot issues: 0
Bot pull requests: 0
Past year issues: 0
Past year pull requests: 0
Past year average time to close issues: N/A
Past year average time to close pull requests: N/A
Past year issue authors: 0
Past year pull request authors: 0
Past year average comments per issue: 0
Past year average comments per pull request: 0
Past year merged pull requests: 0
Past year bot issues: 0
Past year bot pull requests: 0
Issue Author Associations
- None (27, 87.10%)
- Contributor (2, 6.45%)
- Owner (2, 6.45%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Owner (147, 98.66%)
- Contributor (2, 1.34%)
Top Issue Authors
- ghost (4)
- achyuth4 (2)
- Balshgit (2)
- bipindr123 (2)
- dongzheng9 (2)
- fantasy-peak (2)
- koelan (2)
- ksi1110 (2)
- ruoshui9527 (2)
- trxsudo (2)
- whitemankpi (2)
- WrBug (2)
- yswlww (2)
- yukuai90 (2)
- LX-u (1)
Top Pull Request Authors
- fantasy-peak (147)
- bipindr123 (2)
All Maintainers
- fantasy-peak (149)
Active Maintainers
Top Issue Labels
- question (9)
- enhancement (8)
- help wanted (4)
- documentation (2)
- good first issue (2)