An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / dotnet / dotnet-api-docs issue stats
Last synced: 2 days ago
Total issues: 360
Total pull requests: 473
Average time to close issues: 4 months
Average time to close pull requests: 17 days
Total issue authors: 237
Total pull request authors: 118
Average comments per issue: 2.1
Average comments per pull request: 2.66
Merged pull requests: 346
Bot issues: 0
Bot pull requests: 112
Past year issues: 303
Past year pull requests: 378
Past year average time to close issues: 23 days
Past year average time to close pull requests: 3 days
Past year issue authors: 205
Past year pull request authors: 96
Past year average comments per issue: 1.97
Past year average comments per pull request: 2.52
Past year merged pull requests: 277
Past year bot issues: 0
Past year bot pull requests: 97
Issue Author Associations
- None (283, 78.61%)
- Contributor (60, 16.67%)
- Member (17, 4.72%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (327, 69.13%)
- Member (85, 17.97%)
- None (61, 12.90%)
Top Issue Authors
- gewarren (31)
- mamud21 (6)
- MaxFun (5)
- jjramon1699-ai (4)
- GF-Huang (4)
- steveharter (3)
- gggustafson (3)
- zacharylayne (3)
- DickBaker (3)
- noamshim (3)
- Arithmomaniac (2)
- aghanem (2)
- colejohnson66 (2)
- gjuwindev (2)
- bartwe (2)
Top Pull Request Authors
- gewarren (162)
- dotnet-policy-service[bot] 🤖 (79)
- msftbot[bot] 🤖 (23)
- rzikm (11)
- dependabot[bot] 🤖 (10)
- vcsjones (9)
- carlossanlop (7)
- huangmin-ms (5)
- AaronRobinsonMSFT (4)
- lonitra (4)
- Smaug123 (3)
- bartonjs (3)
- tannergooding (3)
- BillWagner (3)
- MihaZupan (3)
All Maintainers
- rzikm (11)
- vcsjones (9)
- carlossanlop (7)
- BillWagner (5)
- stephentoub (5)
- steveharter (4)
- lonitra (4)
- jozkee (4)
- ManickaP (4)
- bartonjs (4)
- AaronRobinsonMSFT (4)
- MihaZupan (3)
- PranavSenthilnathan (3)
- tannergooding (3)
- eiriktsarpalis (2)
Active Maintainers
- vcsjones (9)
- rzikm (9)
- carlossanlop (6)
- jozkee (4)
- lonitra (4)
- ManickaP (4)
- stephentoub (4)
- steveharter (4)
- tannergooding (3)
- BillWagner (3)
- PranavSenthilnathan (3)
- MihaZupan (3)
- bartonjs (3)
- roji (2)
- tmat (2)
Top Issue Labels
- Pri3 (300)
- untriaged (192)
- needs-area-label (69)
- area-System.Runtime (28)
- code-of-conduct (23)
- area-System.Security (22)
- :pushpin: seQUESTered (19)
- area-System.IO (18)
- area-WinForms (16)
- needs-author-action (15)
- area-System.Net (15)
- area-Meta (15)
- help wanted (13)
- area-Infrastructure (13)
- area-System.Threading.Tasks (12)
- Pri2 (11)
- area-System.Diagnostics (10)
- area-System.Runtime.InteropServices (9)
- loc (9)
- area-WPF (9)
- area-System.DateTime (8)
- area-System.Collections (8)
- doc-enhancement (8)
- area-System.Xml (7)
- dotnet-api/prod (7)
- doc-bug (7)
- docs-experience (6)
- area-System.Web (6)
- area-System.Reflection (6)
- area-System.Threading (6)
Top Pull Request Labels
- community-contribution (121)
- area-Meta (97)
- area-Infrastructure (81)
- :octocat: auto-merge (68)
- needs-area-label (52)
- area-System.Runtime (26)
- area-System.Security (23)
- area-System.Collections (19)
- area-WPF (15)
- area-System.IO (15)
- area-System.Net (14)
- area-System.Diagnostics (11)
- area-System.Runtime.CompilerServices (11)
- area-System.Net.Http (11)
- dependencies (10)
- area-System.Numerics (10)
- area-System.Runtime.InteropServices (9)
- area-WinForms (8)
- area-System.Reflection (7)
- area-System.Data (6)
- area-System.Threading.Tasks (6)
- area-Extensions-Logging (4)
- area-Extensions-Caching (4)
- area-System.Net.Sockets (3)
- area-System.Text.Json (3)
- area-System.Threading (3)
- area-System.Diagnostics.Process (3)
- area-System.ComponentModel (3)
- area-System.ServiceModel (2)
- area-System.IO.Pipelines (2)