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GitHub / dotnet / docs issue stats
Last synced: 2 days ago
Total issues: 782
Total pull requests: 1,173
Average time to close issues: 4 months
Average time to close pull requests: 5 days
Total issue authors: 393
Total pull request authors: 210
Average comments per issue: 1.31
Average comments per pull request: 0.47
Merged pull requests: 950
Bot issues: 1
Bot pull requests: 379
Past year issues: 593
Past year pull requests: 1,015
Past year average time to close issues: about 1 month
Past year average time to close pull requests: 3 days
Past year issue authors: 296
Past year pull request authors: 168
Past year average comments per issue: 0.94
Past year average comments per pull request: 0.44
Past year merged pull requests: 824
Past year bot issues: 1
Past year bot pull requests: 348
Issue Author Associations
- None (453, 57.93%)
- Contributor (182, 23.27%)
- Member (147, 18.80%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (894, 76.21%)
- Member (235, 20.03%)
- None (44, 3.75%)
Top Issue Authors
- gewarren (55)
- BillWagner (48)
- bravequickcleverfibreyarn (22)
- adegeo (16)
- mthanson8333 (12)
- tdykstra (11)
- baronfel (9)
- GarretWayne (7)
- SRNissen (7)
- DickBaker (7)
- RexJaeschke (6)
- lonitra (6)
- IEvangelist (6)
- jnm2 (6)
- CamSoper (5)
Top Pull Request Authors
- dependabot[bot] 🤖 (258)
- gewarren (121)
- azure-sdk (90)
- dotnet-policy-service[bot] 🤖 (88)
- BillWagner (64)
- Youssef1313 (30)
- shethaadit (29)
- github-actions[bot] 🤖 (29)
- BartoszKlonowski (24)
- IEvangelist (22)
- Evangelink (20)
- adegeo (17)
- tdykstra (13)
- alexwolfmsft (13)
- anandmeg (11)
All Maintainers
- BillWagner (112)
- Youssef1313 (34)
- IEvangelist (28)
- Evangelink (20)
- richlander (10)
- baronfel (9)
- scottaddie (9)
- antonfirsov (8)
- MichalStrehovsky (7)
- lonitra (7)
- marcpopMSFT (6)
- Tanya-Solyanik (5)
- liveans (5)
- noahfalk (5)
- tmds (5)
Active Maintainers
- BillWagner (100)
- Youssef1313 (32)
- IEvangelist (19)
- Evangelink (19)
- scottaddie (9)
- antonfirsov (8)
- baronfel (7)
- MichalStrehovsky (7)
- richlander (7)
- liveans (5)
- marcpopMSFT (5)
- tmds (5)
- Tanya-Solyanik (5)
- noahfalk (5)
- ReubenBond (4)
Top Issue Labels
- Pri1 (334)
- :pushpin: seQUESTered (246)
- in-pr (246)
- :watch: Not Triaged (244)
- dotnet-fundamentals/svc (244)
- dotnet-csharp/svc (209)
- Pri2 (172)
- doc-enhancement (160)
- okr-quality (92)
- Pri3 (83)
- doc-idea (81)
- doc-bug (72)
- help wanted (70)
- resolved-by-customer (69)
- lang-reference/subsvc (62)
- needs-more-info (60)
- breaking-change (56)
- okr-freshness (50)
- fundamentals/subsvc (46)
- errors-warnings/subsvc (45)
- install/subsvc (36)
- :world_map: reQUEST (31)
- code-of-conduct (30)
- okr-health (28)
- csharp-linq/subsvc (23)
- whats-new/subsvc (23)
- dotnet/svc (21)
- :checkered_flag: Release: .NET 9 (20)
- dotnet-framework/svc (19)
- dotnet-fsharp/svc (19)
Top Pull Request Labels
- community-contribution (536)
- dotnet-fundamentals/svc (464)
- :octocat: auto-merge (321)
- dependencies (258)
- .NET (233)
- dotnet-csharp/svc (136)
- dotnet-azure/svc (129)
- lang-reference/subsvc (74)
- okr-quality (44)
- dotnet-framework/svc (40)
- dotnet-cli/subsvc (30)
- azure-sdk-shipit (29)
- fundamentals/subsvc (29)
- dotnet-fsharp/svc (27)
- dotnet-ml/svc (26)
- install/subsvc (25)
- github_actions (25)
- dotnet-architecture/svc (20)
- in-pr (19)
- okr-health (19)
- dotnet-visualbasic/svc (17)
- dotnet-networking/subsvc (17)
- okr-freshness (16)
- whats-new/subsvc (15)
- microservices/subsvc (10)
- csharp-diagnostics/subsvc (10)
- roslyn-sdk/subsvc (9)
- csharp-linq/subsvc (9)
- dotnet-docker/subsvc (8)
- data-access/subsvc (8)