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GitHub / dotnet/csharp-tmLanguage issues and pull requests
#101 - Certain c# files completely freeze vscode
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by aeschli almost 7 years ago
#98 - Properties are syntax highlighted improperly if they have a tuple return type
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by DustinCampbell almost 7 years ago
- 1 comment
Labels: Bug
#87 - C# highlight 'namespace' and 'class' in different color
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by aeschli about 7 years ago
#80 - Syntax highlighting lost after certain comments
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by DustinCampbell over 7 years ago
Labels: Bug
#78 - Different highlighting for `if` and `else` branches for cast after `=`
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by andy-hanson over 7 years ago
Labels: Bug
#77 - Lambda with multiple argument causes tuple to the left of it to have no highlighting
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by andy-hanson over 7 years ago
Labels: Bug
#27 - Multi-line XML doc comments
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by DustinCampbell almost 8 years ago
Labels: Backlog
#24 - unsafe code: pointer member access (i.e. ->)
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by DustinCampbell almost 8 years ago
Labels: Backlog
#23 - unsafe code: unsafe blocks
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by DustinCampbell almost 8 years ago
Labels: Backlog
#22 - unsafe code: sizeof expressions
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by DustinCampbell almost 8 years ago
Labels: Backlog
#21 - unsafe code: fixed-size buffers
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by DustinCampbell almost 8 years ago
Labels: Backlog
#19 - Predefined types on the left-side of member access expressions should be highlighted as keywords
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by DustinCampbell almost 8 years ago
Labels: Bug
#18 - Field-like events with initializers
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by DustinCampbell almost 8 years ago
- 1 comment
Labels: Bug
#18 - Field-like events with initializers
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by DustinCampbell almost 8 years ago
- 1 comment
Labels: Bug
#14 - C#7: 'is' expression patterns
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by DustinCampbell almost 8 years ago
Labels: Backlog
#13 - C#7: 'switch' statement patterns
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by DustinCampbell almost 8 years ago
Labels: Backlog