An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / dimo414/profilegem issues and pull requests
#30 - Add a pg::link utility
Issue -
State: open - Opened by dimo414 almost 3 years ago
#30 - Add a pg::link utility
Issue -
State: open - Opened by dimo414 almost 3 years ago
#29 - pgem_reload overwrites PATH changes that were made after loading ProfileGem
Issue -
State: open - Opened by dimo414 over 3 years ago
#29 - pgem_reload overwrites PATH changes that were made after loading ProfileGem
Issue -
State: open - Opened by dimo414 over 3 years ago
#28 - Allow updating git submodule repos.
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by satayev almost 4 years ago
- 1 comment
#28 - Allow updating git submodule repos.
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by satayev almost 4 years ago
- 1 comment
#27 - Run mdformat on markdown files
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by SUPERCILEX over 4 years ago
#26 - Performance improvement: avoid calling pg::relative_path unless _PGEM_DEBUG is set
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by SUPERCILEX over 4 years ago
#25 - Stop using `which`
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by dimo414 almost 5 years ago
#24 - Simplify env-diffing behavior in pgem_reload
Issue -
State: open - Opened by dimo414 almost 5 years ago
Labels: minor
#23 - Provide a getopts helper
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by dimo414 almost 5 years ago
- 1 comment
#21 - Short-circuit if detects it's not in a Bash shell
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by dimo414 almost 5 years ago
#20 - Generate when it doesn't exist
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by dimo414 almost 5 years ago
#19 - Support migrating gems and ProfileGem to GitHub
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by dimo414 about 5 years ago
Labels: bug, major
#18 - Prefer .bash_profile as the install site?
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by dimo414 over 5 years ago
- 1 comment
Labels: enhancement, major
#17 - Organization/Version Control best practices
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by dimo414 almost 6 years ago
Labels: minor, task
#16 - pgem_update should attempt to detect updates that will fail before beginning
Issue -
State: open - Opened by dimo414 over 6 years ago
Labels: bug, major
#15 - Create pgem_relative_path and other path-manipulating utils
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by dimo414 over 7 years ago
Labels: enhancement, major
#14 - Create unit tests using BATS
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by dimo414 over 7 years ago
Labels: enhancement, major
#13 - Usages of _PRE_PGEM_PWD should verify the directory still exists
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by dimo414 over 7 years ago
- 1 comment
Labels: bug, minor
#12 - ProfileGem introduces unnecessary variables into the shell environment
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by dimo414 almost 8 years ago
Labels: bug, minor
#11 - Provide a basic install script
Issue -
State: open - Opened by dimo414 about 8 years ago
Labels: enhancement, major
#10 - Alert users when they should run pgem_update
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by dimo414 about 8 years ago
- 1 comment
Labels: enhancement, major
#9 - Provide a standard mechanism for getting usage information
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by dimo414 over 8 years ago
- 1 comment
Labels: enhancement, major
#8 - Remove usages of which
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by dimo414 about 9 years ago
Labels: bug, major
#7 - Consider moving documentation inside functions as no-op commands so the type command shows the docs
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by dimo414 about 9 years ago
Labels: enhancement, minor
#6 - Create an add_path function, or something similar, so gems don't have to directly edit $PATH
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by dimo414 about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
Labels: bug, major
#5 - pgemDecorate is not idempotent
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by dimo414 about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
Labels: bug, major
#4 - Provide basic utility functions, notably a prompt/confirm function
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by dimo414 about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
Labels: enhancement, major
#3 - Review code style, refactor functions into namespaces
Issue -
State: open - Opened by dimo414 about 9 years ago
Labels: minor, task
#2 - Provide a Bash stack trace utility
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by dimo414 over 9 years ago
- 1 comment
Labels: enhancement, minor
#1 - Create robust cron job script
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by dimo414 over 9 years ago
Labels: enhancement, major