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GitHub / ceff-tech/belleflopt issues and pull requests
#7 - Recession Calculations
Issue -
State: open - Opened by nickrsan about 5 years ago
Labels: enhancement
#6 - Peak Flow Benefit Calculations
Issue -
State: open - Opened by nickrsan about 5 years ago
Labels: enhancement
#5 - Missing test - single day plots for manually set q values
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State: open - Opened by nickrsan about 5 years ago
#4 - Load probabilistic species data
Issue -
State: open - Opened by nickrsan about 5 years ago
#3 - Make a function of the stream segment class that indexes flow benefit by day of water year
Issue -
State: open - Opened by nickrsan about 5 years ago
#2 - Make a class that handles model loading and running
Issue -
State: open - Opened by nickrsan about 5 years ago
#1 - Need to ramp benefit by day of year as well as flow value
Issue -
State: open - Opened by nickrsan over 5 years ago
Labels: enhancement