An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / bhohnco/Refactor-tractor-fitlit issues and pull requests
#100 - gif
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by bhohnco over 3 years ago
#97 - add gif
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by bhohnco over 3 years ago
#96 - last min clean up
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by Afoucheaux over 3 years ago
#95 - Fix media query bug
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by Jacksonmcguire over 3 years ago
- 1 comment
#94 - Feature tablet desktop screen
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by bhohnco over 3 years ago
- 1 comment
#93 - Clean up console.log, notes and linter
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by Afoucheaux over 3 years ago
#92 - clean up SCSS files for repetitive code, and add partial files.
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco over 3 years ago
#91 - Clean up JS files for console.logs and notes
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco over 3 years ago
#90 - Fix user data button => its moving when another tab is open
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco over 3 years ago
#89 - Add normalizer file to project
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco over 3 years ago
#88 - Finish READ.ME add GIF
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco over 3 years ago
#87 - Added basic readme will need improvment
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by Afoucheaux over 3 years ago
#86 - Feature tablet desktop screen
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by bhohnco over 3 years ago
- 1 comment
#85 - Features/build mobile display
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by Jacksonmcguire almost 4 years ago
#84 - error message on post request
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by Afoucheaux almost 4 years ago
#83 - Fix/replace for loops
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by Jacksonmcguire almost 4 years ago
- 1 comment
#82 - Feature post new data to api
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by Afoucheaux almost 4 years ago
#81 - Testing update
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by Afoucheaux almost 4 years ago
#80 - Fix/fix user tests
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by Jacksonmcguire almost 4 years ago
- 1 comment
#79 - Media css adjust
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
#78 - Fix/restructure sum methods
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by Jacksonmcguire almost 4 years ago
- 1 comment
#77 - Update class user repo
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by Afoucheaux almost 4 years ago
#76 - Class user ave update
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by Afoucheaux almost 4 years ago
#75 - Html accessibility build
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
- 1 comment
#74 - Fix/implement inheritance
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by Jacksonmcguire almost 4 years ago
#73 - Features/restructure classes
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by Jacksonmcguire almost 4 years ago
- 1 comment
#72 - Connecting old dom
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by Afoucheaux almost 4 years ago
#71 - Fetch api data
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
- 1 comment
#70 - *Functionality* For the currently displayed user, you must be able to add a new sleep, hydration and activity data entry for that user.
Issue -
State: open - Opened by Jacksonmcguire almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, DashBoard, First Sprint
#69 - Tuesday 3/2 Refactor clean-up design and any last-minute issues.
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
#68 - Complete Read-ME and final adjustments
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
#67 - Monday 3/1 work on design and layout
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
#66 - Fetch and Post work-through Saturday as a team 2/27 finish by Sunday night 2/28
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
#65 - HTML rebuild for accessibility complete Friday Night 2/26
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
#64 - Class Restructure and testing complete Friday Night 2/26
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
#63 - *Webpack* LAST THINGS TO DO Don’t worry about running npm build until you are ready to deploy your site
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement
#62 - *Functionality* You must complete all of the User Stories outlined in the FitLit Spec that your project has yet to finish. Make sure you spend some time reviewing the spec to take note of features that might be unfinished
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: documentation, Testing
#61 - *Testing* Any methods that modify class properties should be test
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: Testing
#60 - *Testing* Class methods need tests for all expected outcomes
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: Testing
#59 - *Testing* Initial values of class properties need tests
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: Testing
#58 - *Accessibility/HTML* Your HTML must be written semantically and ARIA tags should be used (ONLY if needed / appropriate)
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, HTML
#57 - *Accessibility/HTML* You must score as close to 100% in an Accessibility Audit as possible. Be prepared to explain any accessibility audits your application is failing.
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, Testing, HTML
#56 - *Accessibility/HTML*Your app must still be viewable when tested with a colorblind extension
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, HTML
#55 - *Accessibility/HTML* You must be able to tab through your app and use it without a mouse
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, Testing, HTML
#54 - *Inheritance & Refactoring* Refactor across your classes to create a parent class that others inherit methods from
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, Testing
#53 - *Inheritance & Refactoring* Refactor within your classes to create dynamic methods that use arguments/parameters for changing their behavior
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, Testing
#52 - *Inheritance & Refactoring* Identify redundant code in your classes and opportunities for DRYing it up
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: documentation, enhancement
#51 - *User Testing / UI* *SASS* Your app should be fully responsive from mobile devices - tablets - laptops - large monitors
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, SASS, Testing, HTML
#50 - *User Testing / UI* Fix UI / UX problems. If a display feels hard to use, think about how you can remake it (wihout changing the original design of the app)
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, SASS, Testing, HTML
#49 - *User Testing / UI* Test out the application manually and file errors for any UI or UX issues you can find
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, Testing
#48 - *SASS* should be making use of: Variables for colors, fonts, etc. Nesting, when/where appropriate At least two mixins or extends
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: documentation, enhancement, SASS
#47 - *SASS* Identify common/re-used elements on your page to determine the remaining partials you might want to use.
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, SASS
#46 - *SASS* Add normalized or reset *SASS/CSS* file to help with cross-browser compatibility
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, SASS, HTML
#45 - *SASS* create a variables.scss file that contains any of your Sass variables or function definitions.
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, SASS
#44 - *SASS* create an index.scss file that imports your partials
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: documentation, enhancement, SASS
#43 - *SASS* Refactor the existing CSS into Sass by breaking your Sass out into separate files.
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: documentation, enhancement, SASS
#42 - **Error Handling** Do proper error handling for your users to ensure that they are getting data and are submitting their POST requests successfully. An example is handling the case where they submit their data and an error message returns from the request. Also validate the input fields on the client-side.
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: documentation, Data, Testing
#41 - ** USE POST** Add new sleep, activity, and hydration data for the user.
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: documentation, Data, POST, Testing
#40 - **USE FETCH/GET** to link up API data/localhost. Testing with the local server after linking APIs to verify Data is coming through. User Data, Sleep Data, Activity Data, Hydration Data
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: documentation, enhancement, Data, FETCH, Testing
#39 - Research layout design and inspiration. Look at Dribble and other workout apps.
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: documentation
#38 - User *Dashboard* Create an info card on the dashboard with all of user’s info on the page
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: Data, Testing
#37 - ProjectBoard Build
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: documentation
#35 - UserRepository *Data* A UserRepository holds onto all of the User objects
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, Data, Testing
#34 - UserRepository *Data* It should have methods to determine: Given a user’s ID, what is their user data? The average step goal amongst all users
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, Data, Testing
#33 - User *Data* Class A User represents a single user It should have a parameter to take in a userData object
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, Data, Testing
#32 - User *Data* Class Each user holds on to the user properties from the data file Should have a method to: Return a user’s first name only
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, Data, Testing
#31 - User *Dashboard* Display their first name somewhere prominently on the page to welcome them
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: Testing, DashBoard
#30 - User *Dashboard* For a specific user, display how their step goal compares to the average step goal amongst all users (this display should not be hard-coded)
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: Testing, DashBoard
#29 - Hydration *Data* For a user (identified by their userID - this is the same for all methods requiring a specific user’s data), the average fluid ounces consumed per day for all time
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, Data, Testing
#28 - Hydration *Data* For a user, how many fluid ounces they consumed for a specific day (identified by a date)
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, Data, Testing
#27 - Hydration *Data* For a user, how many fluid ounces of water consumed each day over the course of a week (7 days) - return the amount for each day
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, Data, Testing
#26 - Hydration *Dashboard* A display to show how much water they have consumed today (these displays are often called “widgets” in the FE tech world)
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: Testing, DashBoard
#25 - Hydration *Dashboard* A display to show much water they have consumed each day over the course of the latest week
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: Testing, DashBoard
#24 - Sleep *Data* For a user (identified by their userID), the average number of hours slept per day
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, Data, Testing
#23 - Sleep *Data* For a user, their average sleep quality per day over all time
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, Data, Testing
#22 - Sleep *Data* For a user, how many hours they slept for a specific day (identified by a date)
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, Data, Testing
#21 - Sleep *Data* For a user, their sleep quality for a specific day (identified by a date)
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, Data, Testing
#20 - Sleep *Data* For a user, how many hours slept each day over the course of a given week (7 days) - you should be able to calculate this for any week, not just the latest week
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, Data, Testing
#19 - Sleep *Data* For a user, their sleep quality each day over the course of a given week (7 days) - you should be able to calculate this for any week, not just the latest week
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, Data, Testing
#18 - Sleep *Data* For all users, the average sleep quality
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, Data, Testing
#17 - Sleep *Data* Find all users who average a sleep quality greater than 3 for a given week (7 days) - you should be able to calculate this for any week, not just the latest week
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, Data, Testing
#16 - Sleep *Data* For a given day (identified by the date), find the users who slept the most number of hours (one or more if they tied)
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: enhancement, Data, Testing
#15 - Sleep *Dashboard* For a user, their sleep data for the latest day (hours slept and quality of sleep)
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: Testing, DashBoard
#14 - Sleep *Dashboard* For a user, their sleep data over the course of the latest week (hours slept and quality of sleep)
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: Testing, DashBoard
#13 - Sleep *Dashboard* For a user, their all-time average sleep quality and all-time average number of hours slept
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: Data, Testing, DashBoard
#12 - Activity *Data* For a specific day (specified by a date), return the miles a user has walked based on their number of steps (use their strideLength to help calculate this)
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: Data, Testing
#11 - Activity *Data* For a user, (identified by their userID) how many minutes were they active for a given day (specified by a date)?
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: Data, Testing
#10 - Activity *Data* For a user, how many minutes active did they average for a given week (7 days)?
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: Data, Testing
#9 - Activity *Data* For a user, did they reach their step goal for a given day (specified by a date)?
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: Data, Testing
#8 - Activity *Data* For a user, find all the days where they exceeded their step goal
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: Data, Testing
#7 - Activity *Data* For a user, find their all-time stair climbing record
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: Data, Testing
#6 - Activity *Data* For all users, what is the average number of: stairs climbed for a specified date steps taken for a specific date minutes active for a specific date
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: Data, Testing
#5 - Activity *User Dashboard* For a user, the number of steps for the latest day
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: Data, Testing, DashBoard
#4 - Activity *User Dashboard* For a user, the number minutes active for the latest day
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: Data, Testing, DashBoard
#3 - Activity *User Dashboard* For a user, the distance they have walked (in miles) for the latest day based on their step count
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: Data, Testing, DashBoard
#2 - Activity *User Dashboard* How their number of steps, minutes active, and flights of stairs climbed compares to all users for the latest day
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: Data, Testing, DashBoard
#1 - Activity *User Dashboard* For a user, a weekly view of their step count, flights of stairs climbed, and minutes active
Issue -
State: open - Opened by bhohnco almost 4 years ago
Labels: Data, Testing, DashBoard