An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / Vadlusk/bike-share-redux issues and pull requests
#73 - Cart/adam l
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by Vadlusk almost 7 years ago
#72 - Styling/kelly
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#71 - User logout and welcome page styling
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by agpiermarini almost 7 years ago
#70 - Admin login
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by agpiermarini almost 7 years ago
- 1 comment
#69 - Adding accessories index (aka /bike-shop)
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by adam-conway almost 7 years ago
- 1 comment
#68 - Accessory show/kelly
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#67 - Build seed/adam c
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by adam-conway almost 7 years ago
#66 - Revise header structure to use semantic tags. Update sass accordingly.
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by agpiermarini almost 7 years ago
- 1 comment
#65 - User stations/kelly
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
- 1 comment
#64 - User login
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by agpiermarini almost 7 years ago
#63 - Conditions index/adam l
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by Vadlusk almost 7 years ago
#62 - Ask Ian and Ali what leeway we have with nav bar design and styling
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by agpiermarini almost 7 years ago
#61 - User login functionality
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by agpiermarini almost 7 years ago
#60 - Conditions index/adam l
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by Vadlusk almost 7 years ago
#59 - Visitor can create a new account feature
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by agpiermarini almost 7 years ago
#58 - Adding trips#show
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by adam-conway almost 7 years ago
- 1 comment
#57 - Create dynamic nav bar
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by agpiermarini almost 7 years ago
#56 - Add 'config.include Capybara::DSL' to fix undefined method 'visit' error
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by agpiermarini almost 7 years ago
- 1 comment
#55 - Creating trips model with index page
Pull Request -
State: closed - Opened by adam-conway almost 7 years ago
- 1 comment
#54 - [34] As an admin, When I visit the trip show, I see everything a visitor can see, I see a button to delete this trip, I also see a button to edit this trip. ** All Attributes must be present **
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#53 - Build seed file
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by adam-conway almost 7 years ago
#52 - [47] As an admin When I visit admin bikeshop new I can create an accessory, An accessory must have a title, description and price, The title and description cannot be empty, The title must be unique for all accessories in the system, The price must be a valid decimal numeric value and greater than zero, The photo is optional. If not present, a stand-in photo is used. (PAPERCLIP)
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#52 - [47] As an admin When I visit admin bikeshop new I can create an accessory, An accessory must have a title, description and price, The title and description cannot be empty, The title must be unique for all accessories in the system, The price must be a valid decimal numeric value and greater than zero, The photo is optional. If not present, a stand-in photo is used. (PAPERCLIP)
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#51 - [46] As an admin, When I visit the admin dashboard, I see a list of all orders, I see the total number of orders for each status ("Ordered", "Paid", "Cancelled", "Completed"), I see a link for each individual order, I can filter orders to display by each status type ("Ordered", "Paid", "Cancelled", "Completed"), I have links to transition between statuses I can click on "cancel" on individual orders which are "paid" or "ordered" I can click on "mark as paid" on orders that are "ordered" I can click on "mark as completed" on orders that are "paid"
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#50 - [45] As an admin, When I visit "/admin/dashboard", I see a link for viewing all accessories, When I click that link, My current path should be "/admin/bike-shop", I see a table with all accessories (active and inactive) Each accessory should have: A thumbnail of the image Description Status Ability to Edit accessory Ability to reactivate/activate an item
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#49 - [44] As an admin, When I visit an individual order page, I see the order's date and time, I see the purchaser's full name and address, I see the item's name, which is linked to the item page. I see the quantity in this order. I see the line item subtotal, I see the total for the order, I also see the status for the order.
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#48 - [43] When I click "Login", I should be on the "/login" page, I see a place to insert my credentials to login, I fill in my desired credentials, I submit my information, My current page should be "/admin/dashboard", I see a message in the navbar that says "Logged in as Admin User: SOME_USER", I see my profile information, I do not see a link for "Login", I see a link for "Logout"
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
- 1 comment
#47 - [43] As an admin, When I visit "/", I see a link for "Login",
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#46 - [42] As an admin, When I visit the conditions index, And I click delete next to a condition, I do not see the condition on the index. I also see a flash message that I have deleted that condition
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#45 - [41] As a admin, When I visit admin condition edit, I fill in a form with all condition attributes, When I click "Update Condition", I am directed to that condition's show page, I see the updated condition's information, I also see a flash message that I have updated that condition. ** All Attributes must be present **
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#44 - [40] As a admin, When I visit admin condition new, I fill in a form with all condition attributes, When I click "Create Condition", I am directed to a that condition's show page. I also see a flash message that I have created that condition. ** All Attributes must be present **
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#43 - [39] As an admin, When I visit a conditon show, I see all the attributes a visitor can see, I see a button to delete this condition, I also see a button to edit this condition.
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#41 - [37] As an admin, When I visit the trips index, And I click delete next to a trip, I do not see the trip on the index. I also see a flash message that I have deleted that trip.
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#40 - [36] As a admin, When I visit admin trip edit, I fill in a form with all trip attributes, When I click "Update Trip", I am directed to that trip's show page, I see the updated trip's information, I also see a flash message that I have updated that trip. ** All Attributes must be present **
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#39 - [35] As an admin, When I visit admin trip new, I fill in a form with all trip attributes, When I click "Create Trip", I am directed to that trip's show page. I also see a flash message that I have created that trip. ** Zip Code is a user-provided field, and may not be present on all records. Otherwise, as with Stations, all attributes of a Trip need to be present to ensure data integrity **
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#38 - [33] As an admin, When I visit the trip show, I see everything a visitor can see, I see a button to delete this trip, I also see a button to edit this trip. ** All Attributes must be present **
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#37 - [32] As an admin, When I visit the stations index, And I click delete next to a station, I do not see the station on the index. I also see a flash message that I have deleted that station.
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#36 - [31] As an admin, When I visit admin station edit, I fill in a form with all station attributes, When I click "Update Station", I am directed that station's show page, I see the updated station's information, I also see a flash message that I have updated that station. ** All Attributes must be present **
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#35 - [30] As an admin, When I visit admin station new, I fill in a form with all station attributes, When I click "Create Station", I am directed to that station's show page. I also see a flash message that I have created that station. ** All Attributes must be present **
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#34 - [29] As an admin, When I visit the station show, I see all attributes a visitor can see, I see a button to delete this station, I also see a button to edit this station.
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#32 - [27] As a registered user and admin, I can modify my account data, I cannot modify any other user's account data.
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#31 - [26] As a registered user and admin, When I visit '/', And I click "Logout", I see "Login", I do not see "Logout".
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#30 - [25] As a registered user and admin, When I visit '/trips-dashboard', I see the Weather on the day with the highest rides. I see the Weather on the day with the lowest rides.
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#29 - [24] As a registered user and admin, When I visit '/conditions-dashboard', I see the Breakout of average number of rides, highest number of rides, and lowest number of rides on days with a high temperature in 10 degree chunks (e.g. average number of rides on days with high temps between fifty and sixty degrees)
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#28 - [23] As a registered user and admin, When I visit a station show, In addition to the user story above, I see the Number of rides started at this station, I see the Number of rides ended at this station, I see the Most frequent destination station (for rides that began at this station), I see the Most freuqnet origination station (for rides that ended at this station), I see the Date with the highest number of trips started at this station, I see the Most frequent zip code for users starting trips at this station, I see the Bike ID most frequently starting a trip at this station.
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#27 - [22] As a registered user and admin, When I visit '/trips-dashboard', I see the Average duration of a ride, I see the Longest ride, I see the Shortest ride, I see the Station with the most rides as a starting place, I see the Station with the most rides as an ending place, I see Month by Month breakdown of number of rides with subtotals for each year, I see the Most ridden bike with total number of rides for that bike, I see the Least ridden bike with total number of rides for that bike, I see the User subscription type breakout with both count and percentage, I see the Single date with the highest number of trips with a count of those trips, I see the Single date with the lowest number of trips with a count of those trips.
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#26 - [21] As a registered user and admin, When I visit '/stations-dashboard', I see the Total count of stations, I see the Average bikes available per station (based on docks), I see the Most bikes available at a station (based on docks), I see the Station(s) where the most bikes are available (based on docks), I see the Fewest bikes available at a station (based on docks), I see the Station(s) where the fewest bikes are available (based on docks), I see the Most recently installed station, I also see the Oldest station.
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#25 - [20] As a registered user, I cannot view another user's private data (current or past orders, etc), I cannot view the administrator screens or use admin functionality, I cannot make myself an admin.
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#24 - [19] As a registered user, When I visit '/dashboard' And click one of my orders, My current path should be '/orders/:id' I see the bike accessories that I ordered broken down by subtotal and quantity, I see the total for this order, I see the status of this order (ordered, completed, paid, cancelled) I see the date/time that the order was submitted, I do not see the order of another user. If the order was completed or cancelled, I see a timestamp when the action took place.
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#22 - [17] As a registered user, When I visit '/cart', I see a small image, title, and price for each accessory in my cart, I see a subtotal and quantity breakdown for each accessory, I see a total for my cart, I also see a button to "Checkout".
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#21 - [16] When I click "Login", I should be on the "/login" page, I see a place to insert my credentials to login, I fill in my desired credentials, I submit my information, My current page should be "/dashboard", I see a message in the navbar that says "Logged in as SOME_USER", I see my profile information, I do not see a link for "Login", I see a link for "Logout".
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#20 - [16] As a registered user, When I visit "/", I see a link for "Login",
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#19 - [15] As a visitor, I cannot view another user's private data, such as current order, etc. I should be redirected to /login when I try to check out, I cannot view the administrator screens or use administrator functionality, I cannot make myself an admin.
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#19 - [15] As a visitor, I cannot view another user's private data, such as current order, etc. I should be redirected to /login when I try to check out, I cannot view the administrator screens or use administrator functionality, I cannot make myself an admin.
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#18 - [14] As a visitor, When I visit "/cart", I see my item with a quantity of 1, When I decrease the quantity, My current page should be '/cart', The item's quantity should reflect the decrease, The subtotal for that item should decrease, The total for the cart should match that decrease.
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#16 - [13] As a visitor, When I visit "/cart", I see my item with a quantity of 1,
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#15 - [12] As a visitor, When I visit an accessory show for a retired accessory, I am still able to access the accessory page, I am not able to add the accessory to my cart, I also see in place of the "Add to Cart" button or link - "Accessory Retired"
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#14 - [11] As a visitor, When I visit an accessory show, I see an image, title, description and price for my accessory, I can click "Add to Cart"
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#13 - [10] As a visitor, When I visit "/cart" And I click link "Rcemove" next to an accessory, My current page should be "/cart", I see a flash message, The message should say "Successfully removed SOME_ACCESSORY from your cart.", The flash message should contain a link to that accessory in case the user wants to add it back, I also should not see the accessory listed in my cart.
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#12 - [9] As a visitor, When I visit '/cart', I see all the bike accessories I have added to my cart, I see a thumbnail for each accessory as well as the title and price, I see a subtotal and quantity breakdown for each accessory, I see a total for my cart, After I create an account, I visit "/cart, I see all of the data that was there when I was not logged in.
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#11 - [7] When I click link "Create Account", I fill in my desired credentials, And I submit my information, My current page should be "/dashboard", I see a message in the navbar that says "Logged in as SOME_USER", I see my profile information, I do not see a link for "Login", I also see a link for "Logout".
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#10 - [7] As a visitor, When I visit "/", I see a link for "Login", When I click "Login", I should be on the "/login" page, I see a link to "Create Account",
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#9 - [6] As a visitor, When I visit a condition show, I see all attributes for that condition. (Date, Max Temperature, Mean Temperature, Min Temperature, Mean Humidity, Mean Visibility (in Miles), Mean Wind Speed (mph), Precipitation (inches)) ** All Attributes must be present **
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#8 - [5] As a visitor, When I visit the conditions index, I see all conditions (Date, Max Temperature, Mean Temperature, Min Temperature, Mean Humidity, Mean Visibility (in Miles), Mean Wind Speed (mph), Precipitation (inches)) ** All Attributes must be present **
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#7 - [4] As a visitor, When I visit the trip show, I see all attributes for that trip.
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#6 - [3] As a visitor, When I visit the trips index, I see the first 30 trips (duration, start date, start station, end date, end station, bike id, subscription type, zip code), I also see a button to see more pages of trips, When I visit a second page, there should be buttons to move both forward and backward in time. ** All Attributes must be present **
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#5 - [2] As a visitor, When I visit the station show I see the url '/:station-name' with that station's name instead of :id, I see all attributes for that station. ** All Attributes must be present **
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#4 - [1] As a visitor, When I visit the stations index, I see all stations (name, dock count, city, installation date) ** All Attributes must be present **
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#3 - [8] As a visitor, When I click "Add to Cart", I see a flash message alerting me that I have added that specific accessory to my cart. I also see my cart count updated on all pages.
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#2 - [8] As a visitor, When I visit '/bike-shop', I see at least 12 bike accessories (items) for sale, I see a button near each item that says "Add to Cart
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by anubiskhan almost 7 years ago
#1 - Finish that project
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by Vadlusk almost 7 years ago