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GitHub / NextFire / apple-music-discord-rpc issue stats
Last synced: 3 days ago
Total issues: 117
Total pull requests: 57
Average time to close issues: about 1 month
Average time to close pull requests: 13 days
Total issue authors: 68
Total pull request authors: 18
Average comments per issue: 3.08
Average comments per pull request: 0.88
Merged pull requests: 39
Bot issues: 2
Bot pull requests: 7
Past year issues: 32
Past year pull requests: 27
Past year average time to close issues: about 1 month
Past year average time to close pull requests: 4 days
Past year issue authors: 18
Past year pull request authors: 7
Past year average comments per issue: 2.16
Past year average comments per pull request: 0.52
Past year merged pull requests: 20
Past year bot issues: 0
Past year bot pull requests: 3
Issue Author Associations
- None (114, 97.44%)
- Contributor (2, 1.71%)
- Owner (1, 0.85%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (28, 49.12%)
- Owner (18, 31.58%)
- None (11, 19.30%)
Top Issue Authors
- Avakining (4)
- ghost (4)
- HarlaownLY-Nijigasaki (3)
- anthonyhuang07 (3)
- jamesf-hub (2)
- Jarzebowsky (2)
- jatinsu (2)
- Jonathunky (2)
- jrub1 (2)
- JyojiFujisaki (2)
- kadewu1 (2)
- Kili2108 (2)
- KoukeNeko (2)
- Sprtcrnbry (2)
- lucasPoret (2)
Top Pull Request Authors
- NextFire (18)
- renovate[bot] 🤖 (7)
- shiibe (6)
- sorae42 (4)
- furudean (2)
- ryantanrk (2)
- laralove143 (2)
- hyotaime (2)
- rxri (2)
- anthonydu (2)
- TheMoonThatRises (2)
- novialriptide (2)
- alexanderbira (1)
- michelleyeoh (1)
- SushantIndupuru (1)
Top Issue Labels
- bug (12)
- help wanted (9)
- question (9)
- enhancement (5)
- invalid (2)
- good first issue (1)