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GitHub / ClimbsRocks/data-formatter issues and pull requests
#79 - error with data-formatter
Issue -
State: open - Opened by tiblop almost 6 years ago
#78 - Error: ValueError: '"continuous"' is not in list
Issue -
State: open - Opened by niklaszantner over 8 years ago
#77 - error on data-formatter, to lower function
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by MelvinDunn over 8 years ago
#76 - long-term nlp column cleanup
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks over 8 years ago
#75 - update readme for NLP
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks over 8 years ago
#74 - use LabelEncoder on y values
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks over 8 years ago
#73 - delete temporary files
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks over 8 years ago
#72 - horizontally stack the results from tf-idf onto X
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks over 8 years ago
#71 - eventually, add in a sentiment prediction to each nlp field
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks over 8 years ago
#70 - add nlp to featureEngineering
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks over 8 years ago
#69 - update to allow NLP
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks over 8 years ago
#68 - update API for validationSplit column
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks almost 9 years ago
#67 - more obvious input validation logs
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks almost 9 years ago
#66 - allow the user to pass in multiple date columns
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks almost 9 years ago
#65 - code clean up
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks almost 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#64 - rename from ppCompleteLocation to machineJSLocation
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks almost 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#63 - rename kagglePredict to just predict
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks almost 9 years ago
#62 - run featureSelecting on only new features in polynomialFeatures
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks almost 9 years ago
#61 - move polynomialFeatures to after imputingMissingValues
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks almost 9 years ago
#60 - make a module in featureSelecting available widely for easy feature pruning
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks almost 9 years ago
#59 - FUTURE: add in a subset of new features, prune out the non-useful ones, repeat
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks almost 9 years ago
#58 - add in option to keep all features
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks almost 9 years ago
#57 - update feature selecting to select comparatively
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#56 - support using absolute values in feature selecting
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#55 - support groupBy for joined data
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#54 - bug- joined values
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#53 - subtract all dates from each other
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
#52 - give the user the ability to run a script doing their own custom data formatting
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
#51 - take the log of the regression output column if the range is more than 100
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
#50 - update to handle "date" as an acceptable dataDescription type
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#49 - handle the validation split in df
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#48 - rossman appears to blow up the fileNames test, even though it works on a very large dataset when run outside the test suite
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
#47 - adds fileNames test to all our test datasets
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
#46 - add an optional flag allowing users to ask for dense matrices
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
#45 - write all files as sparse matrices
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#44 - see if we can remove the data files from the git history entirely
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
#43 - remove first row
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
#42 - make sure we're taking in problemType properly
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#41 - add tests for joining datasets
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#40 - refactor testing datasets into their own module
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#39 - offer a don't prune option
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
#38 - switch back to using rfecv
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
#37 - more feature engineering
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
#36 - look into taking the log of the output column
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
#35 - handle having no ID for input data
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#34 - handle dates
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
#33 - vectorize output data when relevant
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
#32 - get brain.js formatting back up and running
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
#31 - reformat for messageParent
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#30 - refactor neural network normalization to work with sparse matrices
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#29 - write pretty names to top of output and id files
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#28 - generally check for methods that copy matrices and delete unnecessary copies
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
#27 - check if zip(*matrix) creates a copy of the matrix
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
#26 - time for more code cleanup
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
#25 - new feature: if possible, add in categorical data as both categorical and continuous
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
#24 - new feature: imputed column vs. raw (blank) column
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#23 - add in a new feature: numOfImputedFeatures
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#22 - general code cleanup
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#21 - comment out outputFolder in dfArgs, so that we can test to make sure the output folder is created for us automatically
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
#20 - refactor test suite to use index.js and not startPyTest.js
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#19 - post-MVP: allow a flag for brainjs formatting
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#18 - remove brainjs formatting in favor of scikit-neuralnetwork
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#17 - test: add test for collecting fileNames
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#16 - test: add test for invoking callback function with filenames
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#15 - invoke the callback function with an args object that holds the fileNames
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#14 - post-MVP: write ints for categorical columns
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#13 - make sure scientific notation in JSON is ok
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
#12 - reduce memory use in basic ways
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#11 - put all python modules into their own folder
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#10 - remove all hard-coded references to 150000
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#9 - create categorical data for testSuite data
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#8 - allow the user to pass in a flag for final output formatting
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#7 - format for brain.js
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#6 - binarize the categorical data
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#5 - feature selection
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#4 - write to file
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment
#3 - remove categories that are only present in 1 row
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
#2 - summarize data for the user to see
Issue -
State: open - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
#1 - POST-MVP make this usable from both the command line and as a node module
Issue -
State: closed - Opened by ClimbsRocks about 9 years ago
- 1 comment