An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / wch issue stats
Total issues: 197
Total pull requests: 58
Merged pull request: 40
Average time to close issues: 2 months
Average time to close pull requests: about 1 month
Average comments per issue: 2.24
Average comments per pull request: 1.48
Issues created
- wch/webshot: 85
- wch/extrafont: 82
- wch/Rttf2pt1: 13
- wch/downloader: 9
- wch/fontcm: 5
- wch/bisectr: 3
Pull requests created
- wch/webshot: 23
- wch/extrafont: 20
- wch/Rttf2pt1: 10
- wch/downloader: 3
- wch/fontcm: 1
- wch/bisectr: 1
Issue owner Associations
- None (165, 83.76%)
- Owner (24, 12.18%)
- Contributor (6, 3.05%)
- Collaborator (2, 1.02%)
Pull Request owner Associations
- Contributor (25, 43.10%)
- None (17, 29.31%)
- Owner (12, 20.69%)
- Collaborator (4, 6.90%)
Top Issue Authors
- wch (24)
- ghost (3)
- dougmitarotonda (2)
- jwhendy (2)
- jxchong (2)
- daroczig (2)
- colearendt (2)
- fabiangehring (2)
- chrisdane (2)
- rempsyc (2)
- renejuan (2)
- schloerke (2)
- giko45 (2)
- wlandau (2)
- RKonstantinR (2)