An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / reframe-hpc issue stats
Total issues: 239
Total pull requests: 349
Merged pull request: 267
Average time to close issues: 4 months
Average time to close pull requests: 13 days
Average comments per issue: 1.43
Average comments per pull request: 1.78
Issues created
- reframe-hpc/reframe: 239
Pull requests created
- reframe-hpc/reframe: 349
Issue owner Associations
- Contributor (183, 76.57%)
- None (54, 22.59%)
- Collaborator (2, 0.84%)
Pull Request owner Associations
- Contributor (334, 95.70%)
- None (14, 4.01%)
- Collaborator (1, 0.29%)
All Maintainers
- smoors (3)
Active Maintainers
Top Issue Authors
- vkarak (127)
- teojgo (23)
- casparvl (7)
- ekouts (6)
- jack-morrison (5)
- mahendrapaipuri (5)
- flx42 (4)
- akesandgren (4)
- branfosj (3)
- kaanolgu (3)
- Lewih (3)
- giordano (3)
- lagerhardt (2)
- tom91136 (2)
- NMannall (2)
Top Pull Request Authors
- vkarak (141)
- dependabot[bot] 🤖 (119)
- ekouts (26)
- teojgo (12)
- jack-morrison (7)
- victorusu (6)
- Blanca-Fuentes (6)
- brandonbiggs (4)
- createyourpersonalaccount (4)
- giordano (3)
- dmargala (3)
- Crivella (3)
- Lewih (2)
- OliverPerks (2)
- UeliDeSchwert (2)
Top Issue Labels
- prio: normal (205)
- bug (61)
- request for enhancement (43)
- new feature (41)
- documentation (35)
- help wanted (23)
- enhancement (21)
- prio: low (17)
- schedulers (16)
- test syntax (12)
- cli (10)
- prio: important (10)
- triage (9)
- autodetection (9)
- reporting (9)
Top Pull Request Labels
- prio: normal (210)
- dependencies (124)
- enhancement (82)
- bugfix (76)
- documentation (47)
- reporting (24)
- new feature (21)
- logging (16)
- schedulers (15)
- cli (14)
- test library (11)
- autodetection (11)
- prio: important (10)
- automation (9)
- packaging (8)