An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / nrkno issue stats
Total issues: 497
Total pull requests: 3,407
Merged pull request: 1,988
Average time to close issues: 8 months
Average time to close pull requests: 24 days
Average comments per issue: 2.07
Average comments per pull request: 0.85
Issues created
- nrkno/core-components: 137
- nrkno/sofie-atem-connection: 74
- nrkno/core-icons: 65
- nrkno/sofie-core: 54
- nrkno/terraform-registry: 34
- nrkno/sofie-mos-connection: 20
- nrkno/terraform-provider-lastpass: 18
- nrkno/sofie-emberplus-connection: 15
- nrkno/yr-weather-symbols: 12
- nrkno/sofie-timeline-state-resolver: 11
- nrkno/terraform-provider-windns: 8
- nrkno/sofie-hyperdeck-connection: 8
- nrkno/svg-to-js: 5
- nrkno/core-docs: 5
- nrkno/Quibble.Xunit: 5
- nrkno/rfetch: 4
- nrkno/postcss-classes-to-mixins: 3
- nrkno/odashboard: 3
- nrkno/nodecache-as-promised: 3
- nrkno/simple-date-parse: 2
- nrkno/sofie-code-standard-preset: 2
- nrkno/expect-openapi: 2
- nrkno/yr-data-store: 1
- nrkno/sorensen: 1
- nrkno/nativebridge: 1
- nrkno/core-css: 1
- nrkno/custom-element-to-react: 1
- nrkno/halite: 1
- nrkno/yr-cachyr: 1
Pull requests created
- nrkno/sofie-core: 800
- nrkno/core-components: 441
- nrkno/nrkno-sanity-libs: 426
- nrkno/core-docs: 259
- nrkno/sofie-timeline-state-resolver: 197
- nrkno/terraform-registry: 173
- nrkno/core-icons: 166
- nrkno/custom-element-to-react: 100
- nrkno/sofie-mos-connection: 99
- nrkno/core-css: 99
- nrkno/expect-openapi: 98
- nrkno/postcss-classes-to-mixins: 71
- nrkno/sofie-atem-connection: 51
- nrkno/terraform-provider-lastpass: 41
- nrkno/terraform-provider-windns: 41
- nrkno/yr-weather-symbols: 38
- nrkno/sofie-core-integration: 36
- nrkno/sofie-atem-state: 35
- nrkno/odashboard: 30
- nrkno/svg-to-js: 27
- nrkno/sofie-hyperdeck-connection: 27
- nrkno/sofie-emberplus-connection: 27
- nrkno/sofie-code-standard-preset: 25
- nrkno/simple-date-parse: 15
- nrkno/halite: 13
- nrkno/sorensen: 12
- nrkno/nodecache-as-promised: 11
- nrkno/nativebridge: 11
- nrkno/yr-cachyr: 9
- nrkno/yr-data-store: 6
- nrkno/rfetch: 5
- nrkno/yr-data-store-locales: 4
- nrkno/rest-json-validator: 4
- nrkno/sofie-eslint-plugin: 4
- nrkno/Quibble.Xunit: 2
- nrkno/Eventually: 2
- nrkno/yr-geodist: 1
- nrkno/valg-valgomat-algoritme: 1
Issue owner Associations
- None (250, 50.30%)
- Contributor (184, 37.02%)
- Collaborator (38, 7.65%)
- Member (25, 5.03%)
Pull Request owner Associations
- Contributor (2,807, 82.39%)
- Member (295, 8.66%)
- Collaborator (177, 5.20%)
- None (128, 3.76%)
All Maintainers
- skjalgepalg (203)
- Julusian (171)
- jstarpl (61)
- hummelstrand (27)
- mint-dewit (20)
- sjurtf (17)
- laat (10)
- stigok (9)
- hakonschia (5)
- gesi (4)
- stephan-nordnes-eriksen (3)
- janerikbr (2)
- Anigif (1)
- gundelsby (1)
- mollerse (1)
Active Maintainers
- Julusian (128)
- jstarpl (52)
- skjalgepalg (9)
- mint-dewit (7)
- stigok (7)
- hakonschia (5)
- gesi (4)
- hummelstrand (4)
- sjurtf (3)
- laat (1)
- mollerse (1)
Top Issue Authors
- skjalgepalg (35)
- eirikbacker (31)
- stigok (27)
- Julusian (15)
- alvancamp (12)
- simenmyklebust (11)
- htor (11)
- esseb (10)
- ianshade (10)
- stefanogden (9)
- klizter (9)
- jstarpl (9)
- PascalViauRC (9)
- sjurtf (8)
- Isdoda (8)
Top Pull Request Authors
- dependabot[bot] 🤖 (1,316)
- dependabot-preview[bot] 🤖 (352)
- Julusian (318)
- nytamin (205)
- skjalgepalg (168)
- jstarpl (148)
- mint-dewit (67)
- ianshade (65)
- stigok (45)
- rosvoll (40)
- eol-account (38)
- PeterC89 (38)
- siljekristensen (36)
- baltedewit (33)
- alvancamp (32)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (159)
- bug (72)
- question (29)
- RFC (26)
- Contribution (25)
- help wanted (22)
- 🐛bug (18)
- design (12)
- requires resources (11)
- Contribution from BBC (11)
- documentation (10)
- ✨ enhancement (10)
- good first issue (9)
- testing (9)
- 🍂 Hacktoberfest (8)
Top Pull Request Labels
- dependencies (1,626)
- Contribution (124)
- enhancement (108)
- Contribution from TV 2 Danmark (67)
- Contribution from BBC (66)
- go (63)
- github_actions (60)
- security (54)
- dependency update (51)
- 🐛🔨 bugfix (45)
- bug (38)
- Contribution from TV 2 Norge (37)
- ✨ enhancement (30)
- 👍 Accepted (27)
- documentation (16)