An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / mehdihadeli issue stats
Total issues: 467
Total pull requests: 450
Merged pull request: 326
Average time to close issues: 3 months
Average time to close pull requests: 13 days
Average comments per issue: 0.46
Average comments per pull request: 0.42
Issues created
- mehdihadeli/food-delivery-microservices: 105
- mehdihadeli/go-microservices-sample: 95
- mehdihadeli/go-food-delivery-microservices: 86
- mehdihadeli/dotnet-microservices-sample: 80
- mehdihadeli/store-golang-microservices: 38
- mehdihadeli/awesome-software-architecture: 20
- mehdihadeli/vertical-slice-api-template: 11
- mehdihadeli/food-delivery-modular-monolith: 9
- mehdihadeli/dotnet-modular-monolith-sample: 8
- mehdihadeli/Go-MediatR: 4
- mehdihadeli/go-vertical-slice-template: 4
- mehdihadeli/awesome-go-education: 2
- mehdihadeli/WebApplicationFactoryWithHost-Sample: 2
- mehdihadeli/mehdihadeli: 1
- mehdihadeli/tdd-sample: 1
- mehdihadeli/movie-search-application: 1
Pull requests created
- mehdihadeli/awesome-software-architecture: 85
- mehdihadeli/food-delivery-microservices: 71
- mehdihadeli/dotnet-microservices-sample: 70
- mehdihadeli/go-microservices-sample: 69
- mehdihadeli/go-food-delivery-microservices: 63
- mehdihadeli/store-golang-microservices: 27
- mehdihadeli/vertical-slice-api-template: 15
- mehdihadeli/Go-MediatR: 15
- mehdihadeli/awesome-go-education: 9
- mehdihadeli/food-delivery-modular-monolith: 9
- mehdihadeli/dotnet-modular-monolith-sample: 8
- mehdihadeli/WebApplicationFactoryWithHost-Sample: 3
- mehdihadeli/movie-search-application: 3
- mehdihadeli/game-leaderboard-microservices: 1
- mehdihadeli/tdd-sample: 1
- mehdihadeli/distributed-chat-system: 1
Issue owner Associations
- Owner (399, 85.44%)
- None (65, 13.92%)
- Contributor (3, 0.64%)
Pull Request owner Associations
- Owner (223, 49.56%)
- Contributor (186, 41.33%)
- None (41, 9.11%)
All Maintainers
- mehdihadeli (622)
Active Maintainers
- mehdihadeli (53)
Top Issue Authors
- mehdihadeli (399)
- geektrack (6)
- hyuti (4)
- Garkavuk (4)
- MichaelCade (3)
- AryanGitHub (3)
- Ali-Akbar-05 (3)
- kalaboratory (2)
- ardalis (2)
- MeysamS (2)
- chuannguyen1208 (2)
- mjebrahimi (2)
- ozgunlu (2)
- mahdinai (2)
- iambudi (2)
Top Pull Request Authors
- mehdihadeli (223)
- dependabot[bot] 🤖 (74)
- github-actions[bot] 🤖 (29)
- ArminShoeibi (11)
- systemdesign42 (9)
- meysamhadeli (7)
- Alan-MQ (7)
- santoshshinde2012 (4)
- MarkCiliaVincenti (3)
- harshwardhan1024 (3)
- omid-ahmadpour (3)
- DaniloTerra (3)
- eltociear (3)
- Clifftech123 (2)
- bstpierre (2)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (109)
- feature (95)
- help wanted (45)
- testing (42)
- good first issue (39)
- bug (28)
- devops (28)
- ci/cd (11)
- security (9)
- documentation (9)
- messaging (9)
- logging (8)
- released on @devops/ci (6)
- modeling (4)
- lint (3)
Top Pull Request Labels
- dependencies (68)
- build (62)
- dependabot (59)
- chore (34)
- enhancement (29)
- feature (25)
- patch (23)
- bug (20)
- devops (19)
- ci/cd (18)
- minor (18)
- test (15)
- released on @devops/ci (9)
- ci-cd (4)
- github (4)