An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / kentcdodds issue stats
Total issues: 747
Total pull requests: 1,025
Merged pull request: 850
Average time to close issues: 3 months
Average time to close pull requests: 10 days
Average comments per issue: 3.39
Average comments per pull request: 2.34
Issues created
- kentcdodds/mdx-bundler: 91
- kentcdodds/cross-env: 64
- kentcdodds/match-sorter: 50
- kentcdodds/babel-plugin-macros: 50
- kentcdodds/babel-plugin-preval: 48
- kentcdodds/genie: 40
- kentcdodds/ng-stats: 37
- kentcdodds/api-check: 34
- kentcdodds/use-deep-compare-effect: 25
- kentcdodds/nps-utils: 24
- kentcdodds/kcd-scripts: 23
- kentcdodds/rtl-css-js: 21
- kentcdodds/netlify-shortener: 20
- kentcdodds/jest-glamor-react: 19
- kentcdodds/eslint-config-kentcdodds: 19
- kentcdodds/babel-plugin-codegen: 18
- kentcdodds/react-workshop-app: 16
- kentcdodds/starwars-names: 16
- kentcdodds/eslint-find-new-rules: 14
- kentcdodds/cloc: 13
- kentcdodds/split-guide: 10
- kentcdodds/import-all.macro: 10
- kentcdodds/webpack-config-utils: 9
- kentcdodds/react-toggled: 8
- kentcdodds/generator-kcd-oss: 8
- kentcdodds/slice-js: 6
- kentcdodds/publish-latest: 6
- kentcdodds/configuration-validator: 6
- kentcdodds/preval.macro: 5
- kentcdodds/ux-genie: 5
- kentcdodds/workshop-setup: 3
- kentcdodds/css-in-js-precompiler: 3
- kentcdodds/clog-cli: 3
- kentcdodds/binode: 2
- kentcdodds/stop-runaway-react-effects: 2
- kentcdodds/spawn-command-with-kill: 2
- kentcdodds/argv-set-env: 2
- kentcdodds/react-test-context-provider: 2
- kentcdodds/path-here: 2
- kentcdodds/node-manage-path: 2
- kentcdodds/invoke-filter: 2
- kentcdodds/code-clock: 1
- kentcdodds/hson-loader: 1
- kentcdodds/eslint-plugin-kentcdodds: 1
- kentcdodds/tmp-random-number-2: 1
- kentcdodds/podcastify-dir: 1
- kentcdodds/watchOnce: 1
- kentcdodds/kcd-common-tools: 1
Pull requests created
- kentcdodds/kcd-scripts: 87
- kentcdodds/eslint-config-kentcdodds: 83
- kentcdodds/match-sorter: 62
- kentcdodds/babel-plugin-preval: 53
- kentcdodds/babel-plugin-macros: 52
- kentcdodds/rtl-css-js: 48
- kentcdodds/generator-kcd-oss: 48
- kentcdodds/use-deep-compare-effect: 42
- kentcdodds/mdx-bundler: 38
- kentcdodds/cross-env: 36
- kentcdodds/react-workshop-app: 36
- kentcdodds/babel-plugin-codegen: 34
- kentcdodds/genie: 33
- kentcdodds/netlify-shortener: 30
- kentcdodds/ng-stats: 30
- kentcdodds/webpack-config-utils: 25
- kentcdodds/nps-utils: 24
- kentcdodds/react-toggled: 24
- kentcdodds/jest-glamor-react: 21
- kentcdodds/eslint-find-new-rules: 21
- kentcdodds/api-check: 21
- kentcdodds/starwars-names: 18
- kentcdodds/cloc: 17
- kentcdodds/import-all.macro: 16
- kentcdodds/split-guide: 14
- kentcdodds/configuration-validator: 12
- kentcdodds/stop-runaway-react-effects: 12
- kentcdodds/publish-latest: 10
- kentcdodds/clog-cli: 8
- kentcdodds/invoke-filter: 8
- kentcdodds/kcd-common-tools: 8
- kentcdodds/loglevel-colored-level-prefix: 7
- kentcdodds/path-here: 6
- kentcdodds/preval.macro: 5
- kentcdodds/eslint-plugin-kentcdodds: 5
- kentcdodds/binode: 4
- kentcdodds/code-clock: 3
- kentcdodds/rbb: 3
- kentcdodds/slice-js: 3
- kentcdodds/spawn-command-with-kill: 2
- kentcdodds/hson-loader: 2
- kentcdodds/watchOnce: 2
- kentcdodds/ux-genie: 2
- kentcdodds/transformers-names: 1
- kentcdodds/workshop-setup: 1
- kentcdodds/react-test-context-provider: 1
- kentcdodds/node-manage-path: 1
- kentcdodds/npm-kentcdodds: 1
- kentcdodds/podcastify-dir: 1
- kentcdodds/tmp-random-number-2: 1
- kentcdodds/is-email-maybe: 1
- kentcdodds/css-in-js-precompiler: 1
- kentcdodds/argv-set-env: 1
Issue owner Associations
- None (502, 67.20%)
- Owner (111, 14.86%)
- Contributor (106, 14.19%)
- Collaborator (28, 3.75%)
Pull Request owner Associations
- Contributor (669, 65.27%)
- Collaborator (132, 12.88%)
- Owner (115, 11.22%)
- None (109, 10.63%)
All Maintainers
- kentcdodds (226)
- MichaelDeBoey (73)
- Andarist (10)
- TxHawks (7)
- conartist6 (7)
- ta2edchimp (6)
- majapw (6)
- Arcath (4)
- sarbbottam (4)
- yzimet (3)
- tansongyang (3)
- nyrosmith (3)
- Ailrun (3)
- alitaheri (3)
- djfarly (3)
Active Maintainers
- kentcdodds (1)
Top Issue Authors
- kentcdodds (111)
- MichaelDeBoey (9)
- crisfcodes (8)
- ghost (6)
- taylorhakes (6)
- github-actions[bot] 🤖 (5)
- sarbbottam (5)
- benlesh (4)
- philjones88 (4)
- willin (4)
- sw-yx (4)
- majapw (3)
- Aprillion (3)
- daniellmb (3)
- conartist6 (3)
Top Pull Request Authors
- MichaelDeBoey (169)
- allcontributors[bot] 🤖 (163)
- kentcdodds (115)
- dependabot[bot] 🤖 (20)
- sarbbottam (16)
- andrewmcodes (13)
- jdorfman (12)
- Andarist (11)
- greenkeeperio-bot (10)
- nickmccurdy (6)
- imgbot[bot] 🤖 (6)
- TxHawks (6)
- marcosvega91 (5)
- Aprillion (4)
- conartist6 (4)
Top Issue Labels
- help wanted (77)
- released (49)
- enhancement (43)
- bug (14)
- needs investigation (13)
- question (7)
- semantic-release (7)
- PRs Please! (4)
- new checker (3)
- FAQ (3)
- docs (2)
- waiting for pain point (2)
- wontfix (2)
- intent to implement (1)
- chore (1)
Top Pull Request Labels
- released (490)
- dependencies (20)
- released on @alpha (7)
- greenkeeper (4)
- enhancement (2)
- bug (1)
- Type: Enhancement (1)