An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / kbknapp issue stats
Total issues: 177
Total pull requests: 182
Merged pull request: 140
Average time to close issues: 3 months
Average time to close pull requests: 28 days
Average comments per issue: 2.01
Average comments per pull request: 2.82
Issues created
Pull requests created
Issue owner Associations
- None (136, 76.84%)
- Owner (25, 14.12%)
- Contributor (12, 6.78%)
- Collaborator (4, 2.26%)
Pull Request owner Associations
- Owner (71, 39.01%)
- Contributor (63, 34.62%)
- None (27, 14.84%)
- Collaborator (21, 11.54%)
Active Maintainers
- kbknapp (9)
Top Issue Authors
Top Pull Request Authors
- kbknapp (71)
- dependabot[bot] 🤖 (15)
- aidanhs (8)
- deg4uss3r (8)
- yberreby (4)
- cuviper (4)
- m-n (3)
- furmur (3)
- sehnpaa (2)
- Nils-TUD (2)
- nabijaczleweli (2)
- kpcyrd (2)
- gitter-badger (2)
- ghost (2)
- 0x1997 (2)
Top Issue Labels
- T: bug (13)
- Upstream API (12)
- D: easy (11)
- T: new subcommand (6)
- P2: want to have (4)
- P3: nice to have (3)
- C: cli (3)
- C: dev-dep-graph (3)
- P3: need to have (3)
- T: new feature (3)
- D: intermediate (3)
- C: dep-graph (3)
- D: medium (3)
- C: manifest parsing (3)
- C: i/o (2)
Top Pull Request Labels
- C: dependencies (15)
- github_actions (1)