An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / hugsy issue stats
Total issues: 243
Total pull requests: 292
Merged pull request: 252
Average time to close issues: 4 months
Average time to close pull requests: 15 days
Average comments per issue: 2.81
Average comments per pull request: 3.3
Issues created
- hugsy/gef: 128
- hugsy/cemu: 70
- hugsy/gef-extras: 41
- hugsy/gdb-static: 4
Pull requests created
- hugsy/gef: 181
- hugsy/gef-extras: 78
- hugsy/cemu: 31
- hugsy/gdb-static: 2
Issue owner Associations
- None (167, 68.72%)
- Owner (40, 16.46%)
- Contributor (20, 8.23%)
- Collaborator (16, 6.58%)
Pull Request owner Associations
- Contributor (107, 36.64%)
- Owner (94, 32.19%)
- Collaborator (70, 23.97%)
- None (21, 7.19%)
All Maintainers
- hugsy (134)
- Grazfather (38)
- therealdreg (26)
- ValekoZ (8)
- daniellimws (7)
- theguy147 (7)
Active Maintainers
- hugsy (47)
- Grazfather (12)
- therealdreg (8)
- ValekoZ (8)
Top Issue Authors
- hugsy (40)
- Grazfather (9)
- bb33bb (4)
- heyboiso (3)
- 0xricksanchez (3)
- theguy147 (3)
- bdemick (3)
- ghost (2)
- b0x41s (2)
- clubby789 (2)
- CryptXor (2)
- therealdreg (2)
- samas69420 (2)
- aliencaocao (2)
- daniellimws (2)
Top Pull Request Authors
- hugsy (94)
- therealdreg (31)
- Grazfather (29)
- ValekoZ (13)
- r12f (8)
- clubby789 (6)
- gordonmessmer (5)
- daniellimws (5)
- yrp604 (4)
- theguy147 (4)
- Bobo1239 (4)
- CuckooEXE (3)
- Angelo942 (3)
- ikcalB (3)
- thelumberjhack (2)
Top Issue Labels
- bug (58)
- triage (44)
- enhancement (34)
- not-a-bug (23)
- stale (19)
- confirmed (10)
- new feature (6)
- need-more-info (6)
- unrelated-to-cemu (5)
- help wanted (5)
- low-priority (5)
- compatibility (4)
- tech debt (4)
- glibc (4)
- heap (4)
Top Pull Request Labels
- documentation (25)
- bug (25)
- enhancement (21)
- code-quality (13)
- automation/ci (11)
- ci/cd (5)
- api-change (5)
- ui (4)
- compatibility (4)
- new feature (3)
- arch: arm/arm64 (2)
- regression (2)
- tech debt (2)
- feature-request (1)
- fixed (1)