An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / firstandthird issue stats
Total issues: 645
Total pull requests: 3,236
Merged pull request: 1,787
Average time to close issues: 3 months
Average time to close pull requests: about 1 month
Average comments per issue: 1.35
Average comments per pull request: 0.45
Issues created
- firstandthird/load-grunt-config: 63
- firstandthird/multishot: 25
- firstandthird/slide: 24
- firstandthird/hapi-dashboard: 23
- firstandthird/tokens: 22
- firstandthird/complete: 20
- firstandthird/hapi-job-queue: 18
- firstandthird/confi: 18
- firstandthird/valid: 17
- firstandthird/hapi-auto-loader: 16
- firstandthird/wait: 15
- firstandthird/hapi-agenda: 14
- firstandthird/hapi-redirects: 14
- firstandthird/pickr: 13
- firstandthird/popbox: 12
- firstandthird/domodule: 10
- firstandthird/oban: 10
- firstandthird/notice: 10
- firstandthird/eslint-config-firstandthird: 10
- firstandthird/lamploy: 10
- firstandthird/file-uploader: 9
- firstandthird/combinations: 9
- firstandthird/urlinfo: 9
- firstandthird/ga-track: 9
- firstandthird/mask: 8
- firstandthird/rapptor: 8
- firstandthird/stackshots: 8
- firstandthird/cookie-monster: 8
- firstandthird/good-mongodb: 7
- firstandthird/hapi-views: 7
- firstandthird/hapi-upload-s3: 7
- firstandthird/relative: 6
- firstandthird/scribble: 6
- firstandthird/validations: 6
- firstandthird/timezones: 6
- firstandthird/grunt-set-static: 5
- firstandthird/grunt-multishot: 5
- firstandthird/angular-tokens: 5
- firstandthird/aug: 5
- firstandthird/hapi-confi: 5
- firstandthird/logr: 5
- firstandthird/floating-label: 5
- firstandthird/hapi-embargo: 4
- firstandthird/good-mongodb-viewer: 4
- firstandthird/hapi-logr: 4
- firstandthird/parse-dir: 4
- firstandthird/overlay: 4
- firstandthird/angular-overlay: 4
- firstandthird/pprogress: 4
- firstandthird/formbuilder: 4
- firstandthird/hapi-metrics: 3
- firstandthird/later-timezone: 3
- firstandthird/hapi-route-loader: 3
- firstandthird/hapi-api-key: 3
- firstandthird/hapi-auth-email: 3
- firstandthird/grunt-set-angular: 3
- firstandthird/hapi-strategy-loader: 3
- firstandthird/hapi-browser-log: 3
- firstandthird/good-hipchat: 3
- firstandthird/angular-popbox: 3
- firstandthird/bind-to: 3
- firstandthird/dice-roll: 3
- firstandthird/data-attrs: 3
- firstandthird/grunt-handlebars-layout: 3
- firstandthird/hapi-password: 3
- firstandthird/scroll-triggers: 3
- firstandthird/datefmt: 3
- firstandthird/floater: 3
- firstandthird/varson: 2
- firstandthird/bower-debug: 2
- firstandthird/hapi-output-cache: 2
- firstandthird/formjax: 2
- firstandthird/hapi-method-scheduler: 2
- firstandthird/hubinfo: 2
- firstandthird/reporter: 2
- firstandthird/grunt-set-rapptor: 2
- firstandthird/pagedata-api: 2
- firstandthird/grunt-set-jslib: 2
- firstandthird/grunt-set: 2
- firstandthird/taskkit-rollup: 1
- firstandthird/taskkit-watcher: 1
- firstandthird/mailchimp-subscribe: 1
- firstandthird/swarm-bot: 1
- firstandthird/scriptkit: 1
- firstandthird/logr-flat: 1
- firstandthird/tinytemplate: 1
- firstandthird/toc-anchor: 1
- firstandthird/angular-barchart: 1
- firstandthird/angular-debug: 1
- firstandthird/angular-notice: 1
- firstandthird/angular-pickr: 1
- firstandthird/ft-ui: 1
- firstandthird/ga-track-errors: 1
- firstandthird/reorder: 1
- firstandthird/smooth-scroller: 1
- firstandthird/bequest: 1
- firstandthird/bytesize: 1
- firstandthird/ft-jscs: 1
- firstandthird/ft-init: 1
- firstandthird/grunt-set-node: 1
- firstandthird/hapi-hooks: 1
- firstandthird/hapi-micro-mail: 1
- firstandthird/hapi-trailing-slash: 1
- firstandthird/lab-bdd: 1
Pull requests created
- firstandthird/micro-metrics: 95
- firstandthird/rapptor: 92
- firstandthird/confi: 71
- firstandthird/complete: 56
- firstandthird/hapi-log-response: 52
- firstandthird/domodule: 48
- firstandthird/hapi-views: 47
- firstandthird/logr: 44
- firstandthird/hapi-micro-auth: 42
- firstandthird/hapi-logr: 39
- firstandthird/hapi-route-loader: 39
- firstandthird/load-grunt-config: 37
- firstandthird/scroll-triggers: 36
- firstandthird/offcanvas: 36
- firstandthird/eslint-config-firstandthird: 35
- firstandthird/hapi-hooks: 35
- firstandthird/swarmpit-stack-deploy-action: 35
- firstandthird/taskkit-rollup: 35
- firstandthird/varson: 34
- firstandthird/aug: 34
- firstandthird/hapi-confi: 33
- firstandthird/hapi-password: 33
- firstandthird/ga-track: 32
- firstandthird/swarmpit-stack-destroy-action: 31
- firstandthird/tokens: 31
- firstandthird/reporter: 29
- firstandthird/hapi-req: 29
- firstandthird/attrobj: 27
- firstandthird/hapi-config-route: 26
- firstandthird/taskkit: 26
- firstandthird/hapi-redirects: 26
- firstandthird/location-search: 26
- firstandthird/optimiz: 26
- firstandthird/simple-domodal: 25
- firstandthird/hapi-docs: 25
- firstandthird/hapi-trailing-slash: 25
- firstandthird/smooth-scroller: 25
- firstandthird/arc-rapptor: 25
- firstandthird/bequest: 25
- firstandthird/localization-bar: 24
- firstandthird/formjax: 24
- firstandthird/formobj: 24
- firstandthird/scriptkit: 24
- firstandthird/hapi-csp-mixed: 23
- firstandthird/pretty-errors: 23
- firstandthird/dice-roll: 22
- firstandthird/module-loader: 22
- firstandthird/scrollup-header: 22
- firstandthird/carousel: 22
- firstandthird/hapi-cms: 21
- firstandthird/hapi-dashboard: 21
- firstandthird/taskkit-svg-sprite: 21
- firstandthird/hapi-referrer: 21
- firstandthird/pagedata-api: 21
- firstandthird/ga-nav-tracker: 20
- firstandthird/vision-nunjucks: 20
- firstandthird/tinytemplate: 20
- firstandthird/hapi-method-scheduler: 20
- firstandthird/social-share-button: 20
- firstandthird/video-fit-polyfill: 20
- firstandthird/logr-all: 20
- firstandthird/logr-logfmt: 20
- firstandthird/jsonp: 20
- firstandthird/mailchimp-signup: 20
- firstandthird/bounce: 20
- firstandthird/tinybounce: 20
- firstandthird/arc-reply: 19
- firstandthird/hapi-pagedata: 19
- firstandthird/ga-timeonpage: 19
- firstandthird/scroll-bus: 19
- firstandthird/arc-cache: 19
- firstandthird/taskkit-task: 19
- firstandthird/swarm-bot: 19
- firstandthird/hapi-bad-bots: 19
- firstandthird/logr-json: 18
- firstandthird/parse-dir: 17
- firstandthird/hapi-nunjucks-helpers: 17
- firstandthird/multishot: 17
- firstandthird/s3put: 17
- firstandthird/logr-flat: 17
- firstandthird/countup: 17
- firstandthird/hapi-timing: 17
- firstandthird/ops: 17
- firstandthird/slide: 16
- firstandthird/hubhooks: 16
- firstandthird/logr-slack: 16
- firstandthird/hapi-upload-s3: 15
- firstandthird/hapi-robots: 15
- firstandthird/function-cache: 15
- firstandthird/hapi-campaigns: 15
- firstandthird/hapi-auth-email: 14
- firstandthird/arc-macro-lambda-slack: 13
- firstandthird/cookie-monster: 13
- firstandthird/hapi-api-key: 13
- firstandthird/arc-macro-s3-bucket: 13
- firstandthird/arc-package-sar: 13
- firstandthird/logr-console-color: 13
- firstandthird/hapi-browser-log: 13
- firstandthird/urlinfo: 13
- firstandthird/service-deps: 12
- firstandthird/pickr: 12
- firstandthird/hapi-prom: 12
- firstandthird/hapi-micro-mail: 12
- firstandthird/runtask: 12
- firstandthird/slack-command: 12
- firstandthird/lambda-slack-handler: 12
- firstandthird/hapi-agenda: 11
- firstandthird/hapi-friendly-errors: 11
- firstandthird/hapi-job-queue: 11
- firstandthird/papertrail-cli: 11
- firstandthird/mailchimp-subscribe: 11
- firstandthird/formbuilder: 11
- firstandthird/taskkit-watcher: 11
- firstandthird/confi-helpers: 11
- firstandthird/hapi-health: 10
- firstandthird/logr-reporter-bell: 10
- firstandthird/taskkit-scripts: 10
- firstandthird/hapi-strategy-loader: 10
- firstandthird/popbox: 10
- firstandthird/runshell: 10
- firstandthird/hapi-elasticsearch: 9
- firstandthird/objoin: 9
- firstandthird/taskkit-eslint: 9
- firstandthird/site-match: 9
- firstandthird/hapi-slack: 9
- firstandthird/file-uploader: 8
- firstandthird/hapi-micro-metrics: 8
- firstandthird/serialize-object: 7
- firstandthird/taskkit-nunjucks: 7
- firstandthird/hubinfo: 7
- firstandthird/relative: 7
- firstandthird/automap: 7
- firstandthird/notice: 7
- firstandthird/taskkit-hash: 7
- firstandthird/valid: 7
- firstandthird/docker-services: 7
- firstandthird/hapi-queue: 7
- firstandthird/hapi-oppsy: 7
- firstandthird/hapi-output-cache: 6
- firstandthird/oban: 6
- firstandthird/mask: 6
- firstandthird/hapi-service-deps: 6
- firstandthird/svg-injector: 6
- firstandthird/data-attrs: 6
- firstandthird/mdcss-theme-clientkit: 6
- firstandthird/stylelint-config-firstandthird: 6
- firstandthird/combinations: 6
- firstandthird/datefmt: 6
- firstandthird/taskkit-clean: 6
- firstandthird/lamploy: 5
- firstandthird/hbshelpers: 5
- firstandthird/toc-anchor: 5
- firstandthird/floating-label: 5
- firstandthird/hapi-auto-loader: 5
- firstandthird/logr-sns: 5
- firstandthird/pagedata-render: 5
- firstandthird/hapi-method-events: 5
- firstandthird/hapi-metrics: 5
- firstandthird/hapi-favicon: 5
- firstandthird/arc-macro-custom-domain: 5
- firstandthird/taskkit-shell: 5
- firstandthird/hapi-embargo: 5
- firstandthird/grunt-set-angular: 4
- firstandthird/later-timezone: 4
- firstandthird/aws-creds: 4
- firstandthird/angular-popbox: 4
- firstandthird/grunt-set-rapptor: 4
- firstandthird/bytesize: 4
- firstandthird/taskkit-livereload: 4
- firstandthird/angular-tokens: 4
- firstandthird/envload: 4
- firstandthird/taskkit-inject-rev: 4
- firstandthird/angular-barchart: 3
- firstandthird/good-hipchat: 3
- firstandthird/ga-track-errors: 3
- firstandthird/logr-cli-fancy: 3
- firstandthird/good-mongodb: 3
- firstandthird/codeshift: 3
- firstandthird/good-mongodb-viewer: 3
- firstandthird/grunt-multishot: 3
- firstandthird/ga-track-fold: 3
- firstandthird/s3db: 3
- firstandthird/grunt-set-static: 3
- firstandthird/ft-init: 3
- firstandthird/timezones: 3
- firstandthird/validations: 3
- firstandthird/taskkit-less: 3
- firstandthird/confi-lite: 3
- firstandthird/stackshots: 2
- firstandthird/angular-complete: 2
- firstandthird/obj2args: 2
- firstandthird/angular-overlay: 2
- firstandthird/ab-test: 2
- firstandthird/assetmap: 2
- firstandthird/analyze-timeseries: 2
- firstandthird/grunt-set-node: 2
- firstandthird/pprogress: 2
- firstandthird/grunt-handlebars-layout: 2
- firstandthird/grunt-set-jslib: 2
- firstandthird/hapi-pagedata-redirects: 2
- firstandthird/sticky: 2
- firstandthird/grunt-set-angular-lib: 2
- firstandthird/hapi-waterfall: 2
- firstandthird/grunt-set: 2
- firstandthird/memory-cache: 2
- firstandthird/faqs: 2
- firstandthird/lazyload: 2
- firstandthird/pipeline: 1
- firstandthird/form-submit-preventer: 1
- firstandthird/cwltail: 1
- firstandthird/taskkit-analyze: 1
- firstandthird/floater: 1
- firstandthird/angular-notice: 1
- firstandthird/hapi-pipeline-helpers: 1
- firstandthird/taskkit-uglify: 1
- firstandthird/arc-macro-logs: 1
- firstandthird/redirector: 1
- firstandthird/on-load: 1
- firstandthird/angular-floater: 1
- firstandthird/angular-debug: 1
- firstandthird/rsync-deployments: 1
- firstandthird/micrometrics-sdk: 1
- firstandthird/ft-ui: 1
- firstandthird/logr-hook: 1
- firstandthird/less-colors: 1
- firstandthird/joi-describe-html: 1
- firstandthird/inline-confirm: 1
- firstandthird/overlay: 1
- firstandthird/hapi-pipeline: 1
- firstandthird/post2slack-cli: 1
- firstandthird/hapi-pagedata-context: 1
- firstandthird/relative-domodule: 1
- firstandthird/reorder: 1
- firstandthird/scribble: 1
- firstandthird/bind-to: 1
- firstandthird/valid-notice: 1
- firstandthird/wait: 1
- firstandthird/hapi-ab: 1
- firstandthird/angular-pickr: 1
- firstandthird/srcset-polyfill: 1
- firstandthird/grunt-angular-yaml: 1
- firstandthird/tape-rollup: 1
Issue owner Associations
- Member (399, 61.86%)
- None (145, 22.48%)
- Contributor (92, 14.26%)
- Collaborator (9, 1.40%)
Pull Request owner Associations
- None (1,307, 40.39%)
- Contributor (975, 30.13%)
- Collaborator (918, 28.37%)
- Member (36, 1.11%)
All Maintainers
- orthagonal (871)
- jgallen23 (435)
- ecwillis (47)
- dawnerd (7)
- SolomoN-ua (2)
Active Maintainers
Top Issue Authors
- jgallen23 (399)
- dawnerd (75)
- greenkeeper[bot] 🤖 (39)
- ecwillis (11)
- jrpedrianes (3)
- brunano21 (3)
- deiga (2)
- jeandat (2)
- Raynos (2)
- bighappyworld (2)
- themenow (2)
- danosaure (2)
- pluma (2)
- curtisblackwell (2)
- revington (1)
Top Pull Request Authors
- orthagonal (1,087)
- dependabot[bot] 🤖 (986)
- greenkeeper[bot] 🤖 (329)
- dawnerd (291)
- ecwillis (140)
- Antonio-Laguna (133)
- AlejandroPerezMartin (126)
- jgallen23 (36)
- Manosfrias (8)
- pluma (6)
- grunt-updater2 (5)
- ghost (5)
- iamnewton (4)
- gjunkie (4)
- mturnwall (4)
Top Issue Labels
- greenkeeper (39)
- enhancement (7)
- bug (6)
- ideas (1)
Top Pull Request Labels
- dependencies (985)
- greenkeeper (329)
- javascript (58)
- github_actions (8)