An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / emqx issue stats
Total issues: 627
Total pull requests: 2,384
Merged pull request: 1,997
Average time to close issues: 5 months
Average time to close pull requests: 8 days
Average comments per issue: 3.65
Average comments per pull request: 0.57
Issues created
- emqx/emqx: 189
- emqx/CocoaMQTT: 144
- emqx/MQTTX: 134
- emqx/quic: 59
- emqx/emqtt: 42
- emqx/emqx-auth-pgsql: 19
- emqx/esockd: 11
- emqx/emqx-exhook: 7
- emqx/ecpool: 7
- emqx/ekka: 4
- emqx/lc: 4
- emqx/emqx-exproto-python-sdk: 2
- emqx/emqx-operator: 2
- emqx/replayq: 2
- emqx/wormhole: 1
Pull requests created
- emqx/emqx: 1,022
- emqx/MQTTX: 214
- emqx/quic: 199
- emqx/ekka: 141
- emqx/emqtt: 130
- emqx/esockd: 110
- emqx/emqx-operator: 101
- emqx/emqx-ui: 82
- emqx/emqx-auth-pgsql: 82
- emqx/emqx-ct-helpers: 58
- emqx/CocoaMQTT: 54
- emqx/emqx-exhook: 40
- emqx/ecpool: 39
- emqx/community-websites-header: 20
- emqx/erlport: 19
- emqx/replayq: 17
- emqx/lc: 17
- emqx/emqx-exproto-java-sdk: 15
- emqx/wormhole: 13
- emqx/emqx-exproto-python-sdk: 11
Issue owner Associations
- None (524, 83.57%)
- Member (41, 6.54%)
- Contributor (37, 5.90%)
- Collaborator (25, 3.99%)
Pull Request owner Associations
- Member (1,164, 48.83%)
- Contributor (712, 29.87%)
- Collaborator (265, 11.12%)
- None (243, 10.19%)
All Maintainers
- zmstone (234)
- qzhuyan (197)
- ysfscream (172)
- HJianBo (144)
- Rory-Z (132)
- lafirest (114)
- Red-Asuka (84)
- id (83)
- emqplus (49)
- terry-xiaoyu (49)
- JimMoen (38)
- Kinplemelon (33)
- Gala-R (29)
- ieQu1 (28)
- zhongwencool (28)
Top Issue Authors
- qzhuyan (25)
- ysfscream (9)
- essen (9)
- emqplus (8)
- klacke (7)
- tigercl (7)
- HJianBo (7)
- zmstone (6)
- hothsolo (5)
- oising (5)
- cocoaway (4)
- heiheshang (4)
- daenney (4)
- liuhedong01 (4)
- zhongwencool (4)
Top Pull Request Authors
- qzhuyan (258)
- zmstone (228)
- thalesmg (203)
- ysfscream (163)
- HJianBo (137)
- Rory-Z (132)
- lafirest (110)
- keynslug (98)
- id (96)
- Red-Asuka (84)
- github-actions[bot] 🤖 (74)
- terry-xiaoyu (69)
- emqx-ci-bot[bot] 🤖 (67)
- ieQu1 (58)
- savonarola (57)
Top Issue Labels
- BUG (82)
- bug (77)
- desktop (62)
- help wanted (43)
- Feature (41)
- #triage/wait (40)
- feature (38)
- enhancement (37)
- Desktop (31)
- CLI (27)
- #triage/stale (24)
- discussion (19)
- web (15)
- wontfix (13)
- Windows (11)
Top Pull Request Labels
- enhancement (122)
- sync-release-branch (90)
- desktop (85)
- CLI (60)
- fix (57)
- bump-dashboard-version (51)
- feature (46)
- refactor (40)
- dependencies (37)
- web (28)
- Desktop (26)
- test (19)
- bug (16)
- chore (15)
- docs (13)