An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / comfy issue stats
Total issues: 183
Total pull requests: 181
Merged pull request: 61
Average time to close issues: 6 months
Average time to close pull requests: 6 months
Average comments per issue: 2.44
Average comments per pull request: 1.16
Issues created
Pull requests created
Issue owner Associations
- None (139, 75.96%)
- Member (25, 13.66%)
- Contributor (19, 10.38%)
Pull Request owner Associations
- None (112, 61.88%)
- Contributor (69, 38.12%)
All Maintainers
- GBH (25)
Active Maintainers
Top Issue Authors
- GBH (25)
- morgant (10)
- pablof300 (4)
- espen (4)
- rgaufman (3)
- chiubaka (3)
- justin808 (3)
- catmando (3)
- JohnSmall (3)
- entity1991 (3)
- kirichkov (3)
- lgs (3)
- railsfactory-bhaskararao (3)
- robyurkowski (2)
- mroach (2)
Top Pull Request Authors
- gr8bit (12)
- kirichkov (11)
- donrestarone (10)
- massongit (8)
- maurogeorge (4)
- konami99 (4)
- joahking (4)
- zjuric (3)
- wetoolaguer (3)
- usiegj00 (3)
- tricknotes (3)
- seanpdoyle (3)
- samrayner (3)
- bkeepers (3)
- avonderluft (3)
Top Issue Labels
- bug (6)
- help wanted (4)
- feature request (3)