An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / benjjneb issue stats
Total issues: 423
Total pull requests: 3
Merged pull request: 2
Average time to close issues: 12 months
Average time to close pull requests: 9 months
Average comments per issue: 4.74
Average comments per pull request: 0.0
Issues created
- benjjneb/dada2: 423
Pull requests created
Issue owner Associations
- None (413, 97.64%)
- Owner (7, 1.65%)
- Contributor (3, 0.71%)
Pull Request owner Associations
- Contributor (2, 66.67%)
- None (1, 33.33%)
Top Issue Authors
- benjjneb (7)
- Danyang1111 (6)
- luigallucci (4)
- cjfields (4)
- Guillermouceda (4)
- andrebolerbarros (4)
- MadsBjornsen (4)
- murheisa (4)
- akspat (4)
- hjarnek (4)
- Jiayonglai123 (3)
- Anto007 (3)
- ThibauldMichel (3)
- marwa38 (3)
- emankhalaf (3)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (18)
- bug (11)
- Priority (9)
- documentation (9)
- question (6)
- support (4)
- tutorial (4)
- help wanted (2)