An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / ansible-community issue stats
Total issues: 443
Total pull requests: 1,592
Merged pull request: 1,434
Average time to close issues: 6 months
Average time to close pull requests: 18 days
Average comments per issue: 3.3
Average comments per pull request: 1.02
Issues created
- ansible-community/ara: 120
- ansible-community/ansible-bender: 53
- ansible-community/antsibull-docs: 48
- ansible-community/molecule-docker: 37
- ansible-community/molecule-vagrant: 20
- ansible-community/molecule-podman: 19
- ansible-community/ansible-test-gh-action: 18
- ansible-community/molecule-ec2: 16
- ansible-community/molecule-libvirt: 14
- ansible-community/ansible-pygments: 13
- ansible-community/molecule-vmware: 13
- ansible-community/pytest-molecule: 13
- ansible-community/molecule-inspec: 10
- ansible-community/molecule-azure: 9
- ansible-community/molecule-openstack: 9
- ansible-community/molecule-gce: 7
- ansible-community/molecule-goss: 7
- ansible-community/molecule-digitalocean: 6
- ansible-community/molecule-lxd: 6
- ansible-community/molecule-containers: 5
Pull requests created
- ansible-community/antsibull-docs-ts: 397
- ansible-community/antsibull-docs: 272
- ansible-community/ara: 95
- ansible-community/pytest-molecule: 89
- ansible-community/molecule-podman: 81
- ansible-community/molecule-vagrant: 80
- ansible-community/molecule-docker: 63
- ansible-community/ansible-bender: 62
- ansible-community/ansible-test-gh-action: 55
- ansible-community/molecule-ec2: 45
- ansible-community/molecule-gce: 45
- ansible-community/molecule-containers: 44
- ansible-community/molecule-openstack: 41
- ansible-community/ansible-pygments: 41
- ansible-community/molecule-libvirt: 39
- ansible-community/molecule-lxd: 32
- ansible-community/molecule-digitalocean: 30
- ansible-community/molecule-azure: 22
- ansible-community/molecule-inspec: 19
- ansible-community/molecule-vmware: 15
- ansible-community/molecule-goss: 12
- ansible-community/molecule-alicloud: 10
- ansible-community/sphinx-ansible: 3
Issue owner Associations
- None (229, 51.69%)
- Contributor (105, 23.70%)
- Member (58, 13.09%)
- Collaborator (51, 11.51%)
Pull Request owner Associations
- Contributor (931, 58.48%)
- Collaborator (347, 21.80%)
- Member (266, 16.71%)
- None (48, 3.02%)
All Maintainers
- ssbarnea (278)
- felixfontein (239)
- webknjaz (33)
- apatard (27)
- TomasTomecek (26)
- abtreece (17)
- gotmax23 (16)
- sky-joker (13)
- nikParasyr (13)
- nbttmbrg (10)
- zhan9san (8)
- jamesregis (8)
- tbugfinder (4)
- danihodovic (3)
- goneri (3)
Active Maintainers
- felixfontein (62)
- ssbarnea (9)
- webknjaz (2)
Top Issue Authors
- ssbarnea (38)
- dmsimard (35)
- felixfontein (20)
- webknjaz (16)
- TomasTomecek (11)
- hille721 (8)
- samccann (7)
- bendem (5)
- spham (4)
- sky-joker (4)
- rptaylor (4)
- nikParasyr (4)
- tpo (3)
- rgarrigue (3)
- tbugfinder (3)
Top Pull Request Authors
- dependabot[bot] 🤖 (452)
- felixfontein (261)
- ssbarnea (240)
- pre-commit-ci[bot] 🤖 (181)
- dmsimard (62)
- ziegenberg (28)
- apatard (27)
- gotmax23 (17)
- bonddim (17)
- webknjaz (17)
- abtreece (16)
- TomasTomecek (15)
- sky-joker (9)
- nikParasyr (9)
- hille721 (9)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (59)
- bug (56)
- help wanted (26)
- UI (19)
- question (13)
- packaging (11)
- plugins (10)
- UX (9)
- good first issue (9)
- documentation (8)
- docs (7)
- database (5)
- built-in server/offline client (5)
- feature (5)
- ec2 (3)
Top Pull Request Labels
- dependencies (451)
- javascript (400)
- skip-changelog (277)
- bug (158)
- enhancement (63)
- test (43)
- gate (39)
- major (30)
- feature (26)
- python (19)
- docs (11)
- github_actions (10)
- backport-1 (9)
- packaging (4)
- documentation (2)