An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / alovajs issue stats
Total issues: 262
Total pull requests: 528
Merged pull request: 484
Average time to close issues: 19 days
Average time to close pull requests: 1 day
Average comments per issue: 3.23
Average comments per pull request: 0.94
Issues created
Pull requests created
- alovajs/alova: 338
- alovajs/ 67
- alovajs/scene: 60
- alovajs/adapter-axios: 18
- alovajs/mock: 13
- alovajs/vue-options: 11
- alovajs/adapter-xhr: 10
- alovajs/alova-examples: 5
- alovajs/adapter-uniapp: 3
- alovajs/adapter-taro: 3
Issue owner Associations
- None (207, 79.01%)
- Contributor (55, 20.99%)
Pull Request owner Associations
- Contributor (504, 95.45%)
- Collaborator (14, 2.65%)
- None (10, 1.89%)
All Maintainers
- JOU-amjs (14)
Active Maintainers
Top Issue Authors
- JOU-amjs (44)
- wintsa123 (17)
- Skiyee (8)
- kenixFog (6)
- proddy (6)
- panghujiajia (5)
- MeetinaXD (5)
- Emily-0616 (4)
- Ryan-CW-Code (4)
- gxdvip (4)
- PineSongCN (4)
- LinSky (3)
- QC2168 (3)
- QianMoQingFeng (2)
- djkloop (2)
Top Pull Request Authors
- JOU-amjs (412)
- MeetinaXD (44)
- dependabot[bot] 🤖 (20)
- changlin2569 (4)
- TempleOfTemplar (4)
- penobit (4)
- z0ffy (3)
- czhlin (3)
- littlezo (2)
- OrdinarySF (2)
- jpinho (2)
- itsmadhusudhan (2)
- panghujiajia (2)
- HanSuhhi (2)
- UGOtang (2)
Top Issue Labels
- bug:confirmed (78)
- bug:need-confirm (76)
- lang:chinese (68)
- vue (43)
- released (31)
- React (25)
- feature-request (21)
- react (16)
- Vue (15)
- bug (11)
- discussion (11)
- lang:english (10)
- invalid (8)
- feature-request:confirmed (7)
- help wanted (6)
Top Pull Request Labels
- released (195)
- alova (70)
- client (59)
- adapter-xhr (44)
- adapter-taro (40)
- adapter-mock (39)
- adapter-uniapp (39)
- vue-options (38)
- adapter-axios (38)
- psc (38)
- shared (32)
- server (30)
- dependencies (20)
- example (17)
- 🚨 action (17)