An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / Realank issue stats
Total issues: 201
Total pull requests: 108
Merged pull request: 12
Average time to close issues: 3 months
Average time to close pull requests: 3 months
Average comments per issue: 2.91
Average comments per pull request: 0.56
Issues created
Pull requests created
Issue owner Associations
- None (198, 98.51%)
- Contributor (3, 1.49%)
Pull Request owner Associations
- None (95, 87.96%)
- Contributor (12, 11.11%)
- Owner (1, 0.93%)
All Maintainers
- Realank (1)
Active Maintainers
Top Issue Authors
- mengsiyitiaojie (7)
- zmhbh (4)
- thewama33 (4)
- NaingMyoThawNMYT (4)
- mertcan-tas (4)
- matiasfdevecchi (4)
- makemydayrubberduck (4)
- jeromekai (4)
- iamabs2001 (4)
- hlovingness (4)
- deepak-ra (4)
- danimanabat12 (4)
- astudilloalex (4)
- Astramo (4)
- asimsharf (4)
Top Pull Request Authors
- yu3fms (4)
- MagTuxGit (4)
- alon-compie (4)
- maerlynflagg (4)
- tushardubey121 (4)
- shawhui (4)
- BeleShew (4)
- BelfDev (4)
- HornMichaelS (4)
- Filiponesco (4)
- Crickash0800 (4)
- michalvalkoun (3)
- madsane29 (3)
- moqi2011 (3)
- MortezaHatamiKia (3)