An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / Prezent issue stats
Total issues: 70
Total pull requests: 74
Merged pull request: 54
Average time to close issues: about 2 months
Average time to close pull requests: 17 days
Average comments per issue: 2.16
Average comments per pull request: 1.78
Issues created
- Prezent/doctrine-translatable: 19
- Prezent/doctrine-translatable-bundle: 15
- Prezent/jquery-weekpicker: 10
- Prezent/ractive-decorators-select2: 10
- Prezent/prezent-grid-bundle: 8
- Prezent/prezent-ink-bundle: 2
- Prezent/soap-client: 2
- Prezent/prezent-crud-bundle: 1
- Prezent/prezent-inky: 1
- Prezent/pushwoosh-bundle: 1
- Prezent/prezent-grid: 1
Pull requests created
- Prezent/doctrine-translatable: 25
- Prezent/doctrine-translatable-bundle: 16
- Prezent/ractive-decorators-select2: 7
- Prezent/prezent-grid-bundle: 7
- Prezent/prezent-grid: 6
- Prezent/soap-client: 4
- Prezent/prezent-ink-bundle: 3
- Prezent/jquery-weekpicker: 2
- Prezent/prezent-crud-bundle: 1
- Prezent/excel-exporter: 1
- Prezent/prezent-dompdf-bundle: 1
- Prezent/pushwoosh-bundle: 1
Issue owner Associations
- None (58, 82.86%)
- Contributor (11, 15.71%)
- Member (1, 1.43%)
Pull Request owner Associations
- Contributor (52, 70.27%)
- None (19, 25.68%)
- Member (3, 4.05%)
All Maintainers
- rjbijl (2)
- sandermarechal (2)
Active Maintainers
Top Issue Authors
- LeonidasJP (3)
- ghost (3)
- ghanbari (3)
- seydu (3)
- barthy-koeln (3)
- jvandesande (2)
- jayesbe (2)
- hgabka (2)
- prolic (2)
- tseho (2)
- webspin (1)
- lundin (1)
- matthmart (1)
- mcordoba (1)
- milansimek (1)
Top Pull Request Authors
- bart-van-amelsvoort (4)
- LeonidasJP (4)
- jorisvandesande (4)
- voronkovich (3)
- virtualize (3)
- NielsJanssen (3)
- tseho (2)
- seydu (2)
- RobinDvorak (2)
- rjbijl (2)
- mdeboer (2)
- kuldippujara (2)
- jvandesande (2)
- juanluishdz (2)
- 0lukas (2)