An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / NuGet issue stats
Total issues: 3,163
Total pull requests: 2,901
Merged pull request: 2,255
Average time to close issues: 8 months
Average time to close pull requests: 21 days
Average comments per issue: 4.14
Average comments per pull request: 1.29
Issues created
- NuGet/Home: 2,690
- NuGet/NuGetGallery: 403
- NuGet/setup-nuget: 21
- NuGet/PackageSourceMapper: 19
- NuGet/WebBackgrounder: 16
- NuGet/PoliteCaptcha: 13
- NuGet/NuGet.Operations: 1
Pull requests created
- NuGet/NuGet.Client: 1,325
- NuGet/NuGetGallery: 538
- NuGet/NuGet.Server: 278
- NuGet/NuGet.Jobs: 192
- NuGet/setup-nuget: 168
- NuGet/NuGet.Build.Packaging: 100
- NuGet/Home: 93
- NuGet/NuGet.Services.Work: 66
- NuGet/NuGet2: 63
- NuGet/PackageSourceMapper: 34
- NuGet/WebBackgrounder: 15
- NuGet/NuGet.Operations: 13
- NuGet/PoliteCaptcha: 8
- NuGet/NuGet.Services.Platform: 8
Issue owner Associations
- None (1,889, 59.72%)
- Contributor (797, 25.20%)
- Member (477, 15.08%)
Pull Request owner Associations
- Contributor (2,051, 70.70%)
- Member (676, 23.30%)
- None (174, 6.00%)
All Maintainers
- zivkan (409)
- nkolev92 (344)
- joelverhagen (299)
- advay26 (26)
- anangaur (19)
- xavierdecoster (14)
- emgarten (9)
- jeffhandley (9)
- TimLovellSmith (7)
- mrward (6)
- blowdart (4)
- AndriySvyryd (2)
- chenriksson (2)
- johnataylor (2)
- jasonmalinowski (1)
Active Maintainers
- zivkan (193)
- nkolev92 (158)
- joelverhagen (53)
- advay26 (25)
- AndriySvyryd (2)
- blowdart (1)
Top Issue Authors
- nkolev92 (198)
- zivkan (193)
- donnie-msft (174)
- v-luzh (155)
- JonDouglas (73)
- CiciLi1 (66)
- Nigusu-Allehu (64)
- martinrrm (63)
- dtivel (55)
- jeffkl (55)
- joelverhagen (44)
- advay26 (41)
- heng-liu (32)
- erdembayar (30)
- KirillOsenkov (24)
Top Pull Request Authors
- joelverhagen (255)
- dependabot[bot] 🤖 (234)
- zivkan (216)
- jeffkl (200)
- nkolev92 (146)
- donnie-msft (143)
- martinrrm (108)
- Nigusu-Allehu (92)
- advay26 (78)
- erdembayar (74)
- agr (73)
- lyndaidaii (72)
- SimonCropp (63)
- kzu (57)
- kartheekp-ms (57)
Top Issue Labels
- Type:Bug (1,439)
- Priority:2 (976)
- Functionality:Restore (523)
- Type:Feature (499)
- Product:VS.Client (487)
- Priority:3 (415)
- Functionality:VisualStudioUI (363)
- Type:DCR (338)
- Product:dotnet.exe (295)
- Found:ManualTests (277)
- Category:Quality Week (257)
- Priority:1 (233)
- Type:Docs (173)
- Pipeline:Icebox (162)
- Functionality:Pack (156)
Top Pull Request Labels
- Community (224)
- Approved for CI (146)
- maintenance (124)
- dependencies (110)
- Status:No recent activity (92)
- Engineering (74)
- .NET (54)
- Perf (25)
- Priority:1 (14)
- Merge this release (13)
- Merge next release (13)
- Status:Do not auto close (9)
- javascript (4)
- Area: Accessibility (3)