An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / MyPureCloud issue stats
Total issues: 101
Total pull requests: 1,361
Merged pull request: 1,095
Average time to close issues: 3 months
Average time to close pull requests: 17 days
Average comments per issue: 2.22
Average comments per pull request: 0.58
Issues created
- MyPureCloud/terraform-provider-genesyscloud: 68
- MyPureCloud/genesys-cloud-webrtc-sdk: 8
- MyPureCloud/genesys-messenger-transport-mobile-sdk: 7
- MyPureCloud/webrtc-troubleshooter: 6
- MyPureCloud/webrtc-stats-gatherer: 5
- MyPureCloud/purecloud_api_dotnet_oauth_control: 2
- MyPureCloud/genesys-cloud-client-auth: 2
- MyPureCloud/mock-kinesis-maven-plugin: 1
- MyPureCloud/browserama: 1
- MyPureCloud/client-app-sdk: 1
Pull requests created
- MyPureCloud/terraform-provider-genesyscloud: 478
- MyPureCloud/genesys-messenger-transport-mobile-sdk: 240
- MyPureCloud/genesys-cloud-webrtc-sdk: 209
- MyPureCloud/client-app-sdk: 105
- MyPureCloud/ember-webrtc-troubleshoot: 100
- MyPureCloud/webrtc-stats-gatherer: 90
- MyPureCloud/webrtc-troubleshooter: 52
- MyPureCloud/genesys-cloud-client-auth: 34
- MyPureCloud/mock-kinesis-maven-plugin: 16
- MyPureCloud/browserama: 15
- MyPureCloud/platform-client-sdk-dotnet: 6
- MyPureCloud/purecloud_api_dotnet_oauth_control: 6
- MyPureCloud/platform-client-sdk-javascript: 4
- MyPureCloud/platform-client-sdk-go: 3
- MyPureCloud/platform-client-sdk-cli: 2
- MyPureCloud/libphonenumber: 1
Issue owner Associations
- None (92, 91.09%)
- Contributor (9, 8.91%)
Pull Request owner Associations
- Collaborator (900, 66.13%)
- Contributor (351, 25.79%)
- None (110, 8.08%)
All Maintainers
- AfanasievAnton (164)
- jensengar (144)
- charliecon (136)
- maxwellmooney13 (51)
- carnellj-genesys (51)
- HemanthDogiparthi12 (46)
- ININ-TransifexAutomation (42)
- dginty4 (28)
- hjon (26)
- zservies (25)
- ksw5 (20)
- crumpf (19)
- carolinepar (17)
- shrutisuryawanshigenesys (17)
- betsyknoke (15)
Active Maintainers
- charliecon (84)
- AfanasievAnton (49)
- HemanthDogiparthi12 (39)
- jensengar (28)
- hjon (24)
- carnellj-genesys (23)
- ksw5 (18)
- shrutisuryawanshigenesys (17)
- sureshperiyappan (13)
- kavinbalagen (13)
- maxwellmooney13 (13)
- dginty4 (12)
- BrianMoyles (10)
- zservies (7)
- betsyknoke (3)
Top Issue Authors
- itsmanjax (7)
- bdbvb (7)
- GuillaumeG69 (5)
- greenkeeper[bot] 🤖 (4)
- gordon-walker (4)
- saravanakumar-rogers (4)
- abejaranoh (4)
- asadsaqlain (3)
- msd86911 (3)
- TaisukChoi (3)
- ramukhsihtas7 (2)
- stefanoboveri (2)
- stevendewaele (2)
- SavinoRicci (2)
- scase011 (2)
Top Pull Request Authors
- AfanasievAnton (164)
- jensengar (144)
- charliecon (136)
- dependabot[bot] 🤖 (136)
- greenkeeper[bot] 🤖 (52)
- maxwellmooney13 (51)
- carnellj-genesys (51)
- djhouseknecht (49)
- HemanthDogiparthi12 (46)
- bbbco (44)
- ININ-TransifexAutomation (43)
- xdumaine (40)
- dginty4 (28)
- hjon (26)
- zservies (25)
Top Issue Labels
- greenkeeper (4)
- bug (1)
Top Pull Request Labels
- dependencies (136)
- greenkeeper (72)
- bug (71)
- go (53)
- feature (46)
- fix (31)
- doc (7)
- github_actions (4)
- refactor (3)
- hotfix (1)