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GitHub / yakischik issue stats
Total issues: 0
Total pull requests: 415
Merged pull request: 402
Average time to close issues: N/A
Average time to close pull requests: about 7 hours
Average comments per issue: 0
Average comments per pull request: 0.01
Issues created
Pull requests created
- rarible/union-service-public: 64
- rarible/service-core: 58
- rarible/ethereum-openapi: 49
- rarible/blockchain-scanner: 46
- rarible/ethereum-indexer-public: 45
- rarible/currency-service: 39
- rarible/union-openapi: 26
- rarible/solana-indexer-public: 21
- rarible/flow-protocol-api: 17
- rarible/model-generator: 10
- rarible/ethereum-core: 9
- rarible/client-codegen: 6
- rarible/currency-openapi: 5
- rarible/opensea-client: 5
- rarible/parent-pom: 5
- rarible/server-codegen: 3
- rarible/flow-indexer-public: 2
- rarible/solana-openapi: 2
- rarible/scalether-maven-plugin: 1
- rarible/ethereum-contracts: 1
- rarible/x2y2-client: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (415, 100.00%)