An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / wspr issue stats
Total issues: 256
Total pull requests: 5
Merged pull request: 3
Average time to close issues: about 2 years
Average time to close pull requests: 14 days
Average comments per issue: 1.54
Average comments per pull request: 2.0
Issues created
- latex3/fontspec: 67
- latex3/unicode-math: 64
- wspr/pstool: 32
- wspr/herries-press: 25
- wspr/hardwrap: 12
- latex3/latex3: 12
- wspr/xltxtra: 9
- wspr/breqn: 7
- wspr/xetexref: 5
- wspr/asyfig: 4
- wspr/thesis: 4
- wspr/body-segment-param: 2
- instructure/canvas-lms: 2
- wspr/will2e: 2
- wspr/tuenc: 1
- phst/fontparams: 1
- latex3/l3build: 1
- wspr/euenc: 1
- holzschu/a-shell: 1
- plk/biber: 1
- phst/lualatex-math: 1
- anazalea/pySankey: 1
- wspr/colorbarplot: 1
Pull requests created
- latex3/fontspec: 67
- latex3/unicode-math: 64
- wspr/pstool: 32
- wspr/herries-press: 25
- wspr/hardwrap: 12
- wspr/xltxtra: 9
- wspr/breqn: 7
- wspr/xetexref: 5
- wspr/thesis: 4
- wspr/asyfig: 4
- phst/lualatex-math: 3
- wspr/will2e: 2
- wspr/body-segment-param: 2
- wspr/colorbarplot: 1
- wspr/euenc: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Collaborator (132, 51.56%)
- Owner (105, 41.02%)
- Contributor (13, 5.08%)
- None (6, 2.34%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (2, 40.00%)
- Collaborator (2, 40.00%)
- None (1, 20.00%)
Top Issue Labels
- Improvement (21)
- Feature (19)
- Bug (13)
- Feature request (8)
- enhancement (6)
- One day (5)
- LuaTeX (5)
- bug (5)
- tocloft (5)
- wspr (4)
- changepage (3)
- titling (3)
- Glitch (2)
- xtab (2)
- layouts (2)