An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / waqqas issue stats
Total issues: 41
Total pull requests: 72
Merged pull request: 65
Average time to close issues: 10 days
Average time to close pull requests: 17 minutes
Average comments per issue: 0.07
Average comments per pull request: 0.06
Issues created
Pull requests created
- waqqas/toastmasters: 15
- waqqas/eventr: 15
- waqqas/websocketer: 14
- waqqas/cpp-delegate-example: 5
- waqqas/qt_asio_sample: 5
- waqqas/distributed_task_queue: 3
- waqqas/asio_ref_arch: 3
- waqqas/genertor-jango: 3
- PlatformLab/NanoLog: 2
- waqqas/feature: 2
- waqqas/lib_tutorial: 2
- waqqas/json-parser: 1
- waqqas/picofsm: 1
- waqqas/django-spiff-workflow: 1
- waqqas/eventr: 39
- waqqas/websocketer: 21
- waqqas/toastmasters: 16
- waqqas/genertor-jango: 6
- waqqas/cpp-delegate-example: 5
- waqqas/qt_asio_sample: 5
- waqqas/json2json: 4
- waqqas/distributed_task_queue: 3
- waqqas/asio_ref_arch: 3
- waqqas/lib_tutorial: 2
- waqqas/feature: 2
- waqqas/json-parser: 1
- waqqas/django-spiff-workflow: 1
- waqqas/picofsm: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Owner (39, 95.12%)
- None (2, 4.88%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Owner (70, 97.22%)
- None (2, 2.78%)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (28)
- bug (6)
- documentation (1)