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GitHub / voghDev issue stats
Total issues: 98
Total pull requests: 143
Merged pull request: 126
Average time to close issues: about 2 months
Average time to close pull requests: 9 days
Average comments per issue: 0.52
Average comments per pull request: 0.08
Issues created
- voghdev/playbattlegrounds: 39
- voghdev/progressbuttonview: 18
- voghdev/pdfviewpager: 7
- voghdev/dagger2-clean-mvp-example: 7
- voghdev/hellokotlin: 5
- voghdev/chucknorrisjokes: 4
- voghDev/git-pushdemont: 4
- voghdev/android-studio-templates: 4
- sephiroth74/ImageViewZoom: 2
- customerio/customerio-android: 2
- perimeterx/px-mobile-sdk-demo-app: 2
- voghdev/lifecyclearchtest: 1
- mancj/MaterialSearchBar: 1
- Drjacky/ImagePicker: 1
- voghdev/devfesttalks: 1
Pull requests created
- voghdev/playbattlegrounds: 33
- voghdev/rickandmorty: 19
- voghdev/hellocompose: 18
- voghdev/pdfviewpager: 17
- voghdev/dagger2-clean-mvp-example: 15
- voghdev/chucknorrisjokes: 8
- voghdev/hellokotlin: 4
- voghdev/carquery-kmm: 3
- voghdev/jseventcapture: 3
- voghdev/hellotuist: 3
- voghdev/progressbuttonview: 3
- voghdev/teamwork-sample: 2
- voghdev/lifecyclearchtest: 2
- voghdev/android-isrg-root-x1: 2
- voghdev/android-studio-templates: 2
- gcacace/android-signaturepad: 2
- voghdev/devfesttalks: 2
- VEINHORN/ScrollGalleryView: 1
- voghdev/javascriptexercises: 1
- mancj/MaterialSearchBar: 1
- jcminarro/properdroid: 1
- pedrovgs/javascriptkatas: 1
- voghdev/playbattlegrounds: 72
- voghdev/pdfviewpager: 24
- voghdev/dagger2-clean-mvp-example: 22
- voghdev/progressbuttonview: 21
- voghdev/rickandmorty: 19
- voghdev/hellocompose: 18
- voghdev/chucknorrisjokes: 12
- voghdev/hellokotlin: 9
- voghdev/android-studio-templates: 6
- voghDev/git-pushdemont: 4
- voghdev/jseventcapture: 3
- voghdev/hellotuist: 3
- voghdev/devfesttalks: 3
- voghdev/lifecyclearchtest: 3
- voghdev/carquery-kmm: 3
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Owner (90, 91.84%)
- None (7, 7.14%)
- Contributor (1, 1.02%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Owner (137, 95.80%)
- Contributor (5, 3.50%)
- None (1, 0.70%)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (2)