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GitHub / usgeeus issue stats
Total issues: 84
Total pull requests: 39
Merged pull request: 37
Average time to close issues: 9 days
Average time to close pull requests: about 14 hours
Average comments per issue: 1.27
Average comments per pull request: 0.05
Issues created
Pull requests created
- tokamak-network/evm-vdf-verifier: 26
- tokamak-network/vdf-rng-demo-contract: 4
- tokamak-network/tokamak-multichain: 2
- cyfrin/foundry-smart-contract-lottery-cu: 2
- tokamak-network/tosv2-contracts: 2
- Uniswap/hardhat-v3-deploy: 1
- tokamak-network/randomness-beacon: 1
- usgeeus/justin-gee-hardhat-v3-deploy: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Collaborator (76, 90.48%)
- None (7, 8.33%)
- Contributor (1, 1.19%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Collaborator (31, 79.49%)
- Contributor (4, 10.26%)
- None (3, 7.69%)
- Owner (1, 2.56%)
Top Issue Labels
- task (27)
- serverity: LOW (25)
- contract (11)
- wontfix (6)
- serverity: MEDIUM (3)
- invalid (1)