An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / trallard issue stats
Total issues: 472
Total pull requests: 298
Merged pull request: 263
Average time to close issues: 4 months
Average time to close pull requests: 13 days
Average comments per issue: 1.74
Average comments per pull request: 1.45
Issues created
- quansight-labs/jupyter-a11y-mgmt: 151
- chanzuckerberg/czi-oss-training: 60
- quansight-labs/czi-scientific-python-mgmt: 52
- quansight-labs/czi-bokeh-mgmt: 24
- Quansight-Labs/jupyterlab-accessible-themes: 19
- conda-incubator/conda-store: 18
- conda-incubator/conda-store-ui: 14
- pydata/pydata-sphinx-theme: 11
- trallard/shef_codefirst_python: 10
- piermorel/gramm: 10
- Quansight-Labs/jupyter-a11y-testing: 9
- trallard/bad_days: 8
- trallard/modules-template: 8
- trallard/webdata_python: 7
- conda-incubator/jupyterlab-conda-store: 6
- trallard/reproduciblepython: 6
- quansight-labs/czi-conda-forge-mgmt: 6
- oekosheri/GB_code: 5
- trallard/talks: 5
- trallard/nbjekyll: 5
- trallard/airflow-tutorial: 5
- Quansight-Labs/accessible-pygments: 4
- austinrwarner/tabulog: 4
- conda-forge/conda-store-feedstock: 4
- jupyter/accessibility: 3
- abbycabs/open-leadership-zone: 2
- nebari-dev/nebari: 2
- hynek/build-and-inspect-python-package: 2
- jupyter/governance: 2
- quansight/.github: 2
- jupyter/jupyter: 1
- conda-incubator/setup-miniconda: 1
- scientific-python/upload-nightly-action: 1
- trallard/pitaya_smoothie: 1
- oriolmirosa/jupyterlab_materialdarker: 1
- AnyBody-Research-Group/AnyPyTools: 1
- trallard/tljh-azure-button: 1
- 2i2c-org/sphinx-2i2c-theme: 1
Pull requests created
- conda-incubator/conda-store: 42
- pydata/pydata-sphinx-theme: 42
- conda-incubator/conda-store-ui: 27
- chanzuckerberg/czi-oss-training: 27
- Quansight-Labs/jupyter-a11y-testing: 18
- conda-incubator/jupyterlab-conda-store: 14
- quansight-labs/jupyter-a11y-mgmt: 12
- trallard/pitaya_smoothie: 11
- trallard/chooseviz: 7
- Quansight-Labs/jupyterlab-accessible-themes: 7
- Quansight-Labs/accessible-pygments: 7
- trallard/shef_codefirst_python: 6
- trallard/dotfiles: 6
- jupyter/accessibility: 5
- trallard/modules-template: 4
- trallard/talks: 4
- trallard/airflow-tutorial: 4
- trallard/tljh-azure-button: 4
- conda-forge/conda-store-feedstock: 3
- trallard/v2: 3
- trallard/gh_oss: 2
- trallard/portfolio: 2
- quansight-labs/jupyterlab-user-testing: 2
- indigo-dc/DEEPaaS: 2
- piermorel/gramm: 2
- conda-forge/staged-recipes: 2
- jax-ml/jax-ai-stack: 2
- trallard/rse19-ms-workshop: 2
- mikecroucher/rse_2017_keynote_presentation: 1
- romunov/wolfexplorer: 1
- quansight-labs/czi-scientific-python-mgmt: 1
- quansight-labs/bokeh-a11y-audit: 1
- quansight/.github: 1
- mauhai/awesome-jupyterlab: 1
- psf/policies: 1
- woodruffw/zizmor: 1
- conda-incubator/setup-miniconda: 1
- trallard/pycon2020-azure-functions: 1
- quansight-labs/czi-bokeh-mgmt: 1
- quansight-labs/a11y-data-viz: 1
- psf/user-success-wg: 1
- softchris/mayan-mystica: 1
- trallard/jnb_reproducible: 1
- xillig/TTLocVis: 1
- trallard/opendata-airflow-tutorial: 1
- Quansight/qhub-jupyterhub-theme: 1
- astral-sh/uv: 1
- jupyter/cookiecutter-docker-stacks: 1
- trallard/ci-research: 1
- PyDataMCR/hacktoberfest-19: 1
- numpy/numpy: 1
- mikecroucher/jupyter-interactions: 1
- trallard/jupyterlab-pitaya-smoothie: 1
- cadop/seg1d: 1
- pierrepo/autoclasswrapper: 1
- nteract/scrapbook: 1
- python/docs-community: 1
- quansight-labs/jupyter-a11y-mgmt: 163
- chanzuckerberg/czi-oss-training: 87
- conda-incubator/conda-store: 60
- quansight-labs/czi-scientific-python-mgmt: 53
- pydata/pydata-sphinx-theme: 53
- conda-incubator/conda-store-ui: 41
- Quansight-Labs/jupyter-a11y-testing: 27
- Quansight-Labs/jupyterlab-accessible-themes: 26
- quansight-labs/czi-bokeh-mgmt: 25
- conda-incubator/jupyterlab-conda-store: 20
- trallard/shef_codefirst_python: 16
- trallard/pitaya_smoothie: 12
- trallard/modules-template: 12
- Quansight-Labs/accessible-pygments: 11
- trallard/airflow-tutorial: 9
Active Maintainer
- pydata/pydata-sphinx-theme: 43
- conda-incubator/conda-store: 31
- quansight-labs/czi-bokeh-mgmt: 25
- conda-incubator/jupyterlab-conda-store: 13
- conda-incubator/conda-store-ui: 13
- quansight-labs/czi-scientific-python-mgmt: 7
- conda-forge/conda-store-feedstock: 6
- Quansight-Labs/accessible-pygments: 5
- conda-forge/staged-recipes: 2
- trallard/dotfiles: 2
- psf/policies: 1
- psf/user-success-wg: 1
- quansight-labs/bokeh-a11y-audit: 1
- quansight-labs/a11y-data-viz: 1
Issue Author Associations
- Member (279, 59.11%)
- Collaborator (109, 23.09%)
- Owner (56, 11.86%)
- None (17, 3.60%)
- Contributor (11, 2.33%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Collaborator (153, 51.34%)
- Member (66, 22.15%)
- Owner (60, 20.13%)
- Contributor (15, 5.03%)
- None (4, 1.34%)
Top Issue Labels
- type: internal-pm (64)
- type: deliverable 📦 (51)
- type: new content 📝 (44)
- chapter 📁 (37)
- team: quansight-labs (36)
- area: accessibility ♿ (31)
- type: enhancement 💅🏼 (28)
- area: documentation :book: (28)
- Goal 🎯 (28)
- type: task ✅ (24)
- area: documentation 📖 (21)
- mission: access-centred ♿ (21)
- area: PyData-Sphinx (18)
- deliverable 📦 (17)
- enhancement (17)
Top Pull Request Labels
- type: maintenance 🛠 (47)
- status: merge ready 🚀 (28)
- area: CI 👷🏽♀️ (25)
- needs: review 👀 (25)
- area: dependencies 📦 (23)
- type: enhancement 💅🏼 (22)
- area: documentation 📖 (19)
- tag: CI (13)
- type: bug 🐛 (13)
- kind: bug (12)
- type: new content 📝 (11)
- deliverable 📦 (11)
- release 🏷 (11)
- area: ci 👷🏽♀️ (9)
- kind: maintenance (8)