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GitHub / traefiker issue stats
Total issues: 987
Total pull requests: 101
Merged pull request: 65
Average time to close issues: 13 days
Average time to close pull requests: 3 days
Average comments per issue: 0.14
Average comments per pull request: 0.16
Issues created
- fermyon/request-id-traefik-plugin: 20
- tomMoulard/htransformation: 17
- LyuH3/traefik-plugin-metrics: 17
- behnambm/gors: 16
- tomMoulard/fail2ban: 15
- colearendt/traefik-plugin-init: 15
- bay1ts/SiriusGeo: 14
- dargmuesli/traefik_plugin_forward-auth-with-body: 14
- gurkengewuerz/proxy-manager-traefik: 13
- shenyisyn/tkresponse: 12
- dirtycajunrice/subfilter: 12
- maronato/traefik_geoip: 12
- mdouchement/geoblock: 11
- LyuHe-uestc/traefik-plugin-metrics: 10
- yeicor/traefikgothauth: 10
- russ-p/traefik-plugin-static-sites: 10
- GuptaNavdeep1983/traefik-cf-containers-ondemand-plugin: 10
- soulbalz/traefik-check-body: 9
- PascalMinder/geoblock: 9
- sorasful/traefik-jwt-optional-api-validator: 9
- tomMoulard/traefik-plugin-shellexec: 9
- FahmiTamar/traefik-modsecurity-redirect: 9
- leonjza/trauth: 9
- kingjan1999/traefik-plugin-exception-authbasic: 9
- ITninja04/traefik-gelf-plugin: 9
- juliens/traefik-plugin-rust-demo: 8
- petalmd/traefik-rate-limiting-allowlist: 8
- wlun001/i18n-rewrite: 8
- markusjx/traefik-wol: 8
- ZeroGachis/traefik-auth-middleware: 8
- thassoaraujo/pismoauth: 8
- Trois-Six/plugin-securelink: 8
- alekitto/traefik-aws-lambda-plugin: 8
- nscuro/traefik-plugin-geoblock: 8
- formancehq/gateway-plugin-auth: 8
- rcy1122/forward-https: 8
- Trois-Six/plugin-httplog: 8
- Knight-7/addheader: 7
- tmpim/tmpauth-traefik: 7
- traefik/plugin-blockpath: 7
- x-ream/traefik-plugin-jwt-antpath: 7
- traefik/plugin-simplecache: 7
- BetterCorp/cloudflarewarp: 7
- 0xDagal/charon-passto: 7
- Rajabalian/ipclient: 7
- jeessy2/traefik-ip2region: 7
- lukaszraczylo/traefikoidc: 7
- apwe/headerproxy: 7
- pierre-verhaeghe/traefik-replace-response-code: 7
- colearendt/traefik-plugin-auth-delay: 7
- JacobPlaster/traefik-phantom-token: 7
- traefik/plugin-rewritebody: 6
- Dimoniq/jwtvalidator: 6
- Medzoner/traefik-plugin-cors-preflight: 6
- trinnylondon/traefik-add-trace-id: 6
- jlfxt/traefik-plugin: 6
- sanderPostma/traefik-validate-jwt: 6
- s00rk/firebase-verify-token: 6
- maxlerebourg/crowdsec-bouncer-traefik-plugin: 6
- nese/forwardcookie: 6
- gwojda/keycloakopenid: 6
- jptosso/coraza-traefik: 6
- lion7/traefik-jwt-headers-plugin: 6
- scrazy77/traefik-client-ip-header: 6
- TRIMM/traefik-maintenance: 6
- taskmedia/ddns-allowlist: 5
- benoitg31/traefik-forced-body-plugin: 5
- whlanuo/traefik-jwt-middleware: 5
- dariusandz/header-transmute: 5
- KevinGimbel/traefik-plugin-header: 5
- dominion-solutions/traefik-filter-on-field: 5
- pvalletbo/traefik-forwarded-real-ip: 5
- georg-jung/github-webhook-middleware: 5
- sw360cab/cncftaeplugin: 5
- ytyuanxi/userinfo: 5
- sablierapp/sablier: 5
- galaxias/traefik-vault-auth: 5
- Cyb3r-Jak3/traefikcloudflarejwt: 5
- team-carepay/traefik-jwt-plugin: 5
- kzmake/traefik-plugin-forward-request: 5
- TicketGenieIO/plugin_forwardedauth: 4
- soulbalz/correlationid: 4
- Paxxs/traefik-get-real-ip: 4
- nilskohrs/environmentheader: 4
- dkijkuit/azurejwttokenvalidation: 4
- yertools/traefik_cache: 4
- valebedeva/convertheader: 4
- sstoner/cloudflaregate: 4
- LyuH3/traefik-plugin-token-auth: 4
- LyuH3/traefik-plugin-check: 4
- moonlightwatch/MethodBlock: 4
- joaopaulovw/opa-traefik-plugin: 4
- CumpsD/edns0: 4
- traefik/plugindemo: 4
- negasus/traefik-plugin-bridge: 4
- mrdrelar/traefik-plugin-rewriteheader: 4
- morzan1001/forward_auth_grpc_plugin: 4
- birotaio/traefik-plugins: 4
- adyanth/traefik-container-manager: 4
- FinalCAD/TraefikRegionalPlugin: 4
- vincentinttsh/cloudflareip: 4
- togettoyou/traefik-timer-plugin: 4
- traefik/plugindemowasm-http-call: 4
- aetherinox/traefik-api-token-middleware: 3
- aarlint/pathauth: 3
- kevtainer/denyip: 3
- LyuH3/traefik-plugin-ipblacklist: 3
- mayankkumar2/traefik-plugin-securum-exire: 3
- negasus/traefik-plugin-ip2location: 3
- kumina/headers-by-request: 3
- rss3-network/gatewayflowcontroller: 3
- rocdove/replacepathfromurlregex: 3
- agence-gaya/traefik-plugin-blockuseragent: 3
- LyuHe-uestc/traefik-plugin-token-auth: 3
- flowingspdg/traefik-plugin-query-to-json: 3
- antoniomacri/traefik-method-whitelist: 3
- kingjan1999/traefik-plugin-query-modification: 3
- pvalletbo/traefik-blocklist: 3
- pipe01/plugin-requestid: 3
- traefik/pluginproviderdemo: 3
- morozzzko/traefik-csp-middleware: 3
- LyuHe-uestc/traefik-plugin-check: 3
- moonlightwatch/referer: 3
- LyuHe-uestc/traefik-plugin-ipblacklist: 3
- ghnexpress/traefik-ratelimit: 3
- ananace/traefik-fix-rgw: 3
- che-incubator/header-rewrite-traefik-plugin: 3
- PongDev/traefikbodytransform: 3
- treblle/treblletraefikplugingo: 3
- dgzlopes/traefik-fault-injection: 3
- team-carepay/traefik-opa-plugin: 3
- dobots/multiplexer-proxy: 3
- trinnylondon/lowercase: 3
- traefik/plugindemowasm: 2
- alexandreh2ag/traefik-ipfilter-basicauth: 2
- programic/traefik-maintenance-plugin: 2
- tonyfud/traefikjwttoken: 2
- dgzlopes/traefik-datadog-event: 2
- darkweak/souin: 2
- Russia9/body-size-limit: 2
- bukukasio/super-rate: 2
- fusionmedialimited/retryif: 2
- Lepkem/traefik-plugin-response-code-override: 2
- davewhit3/traefik-cf-device-detector: 2
- alexandrebouthinon/traefik-kuzzle-auth: 2
- lsz66/traefik-cas-plugin: 2
- dcasia/plugin-cond-redirect: 2
- sysradium/traefik-request-signature-verifier: 2
- theboroer/traefik-api-key-auth: 2
- jpxd/torblock: 2
- pvliesdonk/mtlsforward: 2
- bitzlato/traefik-telegram-ratelimiter: 2
- adyanth/header-transform: 2
- ctrl-hub/traefik-auditor: 2
- MuXiu1997/traefik-github-oauth-plugin: 2
- chendo/traefik-request-shaper: 2
- setcy/redirect2https: 2
- carnage-sh/sessionmapper: 2
- soulbalz/traefik-real-ip: 2
- nilskohrs/stripcookie: 2
- evolves-fr/traefik-plugin-redirect: 2
- pxxonline/traefik-plugin-cors: 2
- Beanow/traefik-plugin-rawdata: 2
- libis/traefik-plugin-change-query-key: 2
- SchmitzDan/traefik-plugin-cookie-path-prefix: 2
- aseara/jc2h: 2
- kodeythomas/traefik-oidc: 2
- openware/barongz: 2
- dariopb/traefikServiceFabricPlugin: 2
- vslinko/secret-auth: 2
- 23deg/jwt-middleware: 2
- EasySolutionsIO/traefikxrequeststart: 2
- lixianliang/traefik-plugin-return-response: 2
- packruler/traefik-themepark: 2
- toanz/jwt-token: 2
- music-tribe/azadjwtvalidation: 2
- Koellewe/traefik-oauth-upstream: 2
- vincentinttsh/rewriteheaders: 2
- Hvid/proxyHeaders: 2
- muhgumus/traefik-token-middleware: 2
- longbridgeapp/traefik-session-max-age: 2
- jamesmcroft/traefik-plugin-return-response: 1
- ghnexpress/traefik-cache: 1
- ndelta0/interactionverifier: 1
- softwaremastermind/defaultcspheader: 1
- gigapipehq/traefik-auth0-middleware: 1
- flowingspdg/traefik-plugin-logger: 1
- dsenske/traefik-middleware-redirect: 1
- Catzilla/traefik-hydrate-headers: 1
- Hongbo-Miao/traefik-plugin-disable-graphql-introspection: 1
- conekta/header-based-proxy: 1
- SchmitzDan/traefik-plugin-redirect-location: 1
- n0m4dz/jwt-cors: 1
- scrazy77/plugin-simplecache-nocache: 1
- jackhillman/pluginesi: 1
- quintinheard/traefik-cors: 1
- esnunes/redirecterrors: 1
- colearendt/traefik-plugin-template-headers: 1
- neggles/middleflare: 1
- dclairac/traefik-plugin-headers: 1
- bonsai-oss/custom-source-header: 1
- andrewkroh/google-oidc-auth-middleware: 1
- packruler/rewrite-body: 1
- iYUYUE/traefik-forwarded-real-ip: 1
- kizzycode/mtlsrules-traefik-golang: 1
- savyjs/traefik-telegram-initdata-introspector: 1
- ShaunVyxw/my_plugin: 1
- astappiev/traefik-umami-feeder: 1
- qxsugar/request-dispatch: 1
- containeroo/duplicateheader: 1
- florentinl/websitepathconverter: 1
- toanz/traefik-plugin-add-response-header: 1
- credibil/pluginauth: 1
- XciD/traefik-plugin-rewrite-headers: 1
- wiltonsr/ldapAuth: 1
- fdufault/mapheaders: 1
- tnt-sbab/jwt-verifier: 1
- qxsugar/request-mark: 1
- snapt/traefik-nova-plugin: 1
- vtacquet/redbase-plugin: 1
- chendo/traefik-guard: 1
- vaspapadopoulos/traefik-cookie-handler-plugin: 1
- kumina/traefik-routing-plugin: 1
- ZeroGachis/traefik-magic-jwt: 1
- 630383257/traefik-proxy: 1
- invit/traefik-cloudfront: 1
- kuzzleio/traefik-header-transform: 1
- nilskohrs/pathauth: 1
- mohamed-abdelrhman/traefikloggerbridge: 1
- dkijkuit/checkheadersplugin: 1
- suteqa/plugin_record: 1
- niklaspor/traefik-plugin-replace-query-regex: 1
- melchor629/traefik-error-page: 1
- domainesia/traefik-plugin-reformatheader: 1
- inventi/traefik-header-transmute: 1
- swanhubx/req-preprocess: 1
- tnt-sbab/token-translator: 1
Pull requests created
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- None (987, 100.00%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Collaborator (65, 64.36%)
- Contributor (33, 32.67%)
- None (3, 2.97%)
Top Issue Labels
- bug/possible (2)
- kind/bug/possible (2)
- Status 𐄂 Locked (2)
- Stale (1)
- wontfix (1)
- low quality issue (1)
- bug (1)
Top Pull Request Labels
- kind/enhancement (98)
- status/2-needs-review (38)
- resolution/declined (3)
- bot/no-merge (2)