An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / thebigG issue stats
Total issues: 178
Total pull requests: 53
Merged pull request: 53
Average time to close issues: 3 months
Average time to close pull requests: 2 days
Average comments per issue: 0.51
Average comments per pull request: 1.13
Issues created
- thebigg/tasker: 75
- thebigg/gunner: 52
- thebigg/morty: 7
- PaulMcInnis/JobFunnel: 5
- thebigg/simple_gpio: 5
- thebigg/ 4
- thebigg/wasm_modules: 3
- thebigg/tour_of_cpp20: 3
- thebigg/half_adder: 3
- thebigg/godot-3.x-modules: 3
- godot-rust/gdext: 2
- jart/cosmopolitan: 2
- thebigg/goman: 2
- thebigg/rsty_physics: 2
- thebigg/trainer: 2
- thebigg/assetto_out: 1
- thebigg/qtyaml: 1
- thebigg/wt-example: 1
- thebigg/a-better-open: 1
- thebigg/godot-4.x-gd-extensions: 1
- thebigg/discrete_pie: 1
- thebigg/miniaudio_example: 1
- thebigg/wpedals: 1
Pull requests created
- thebigg/tasker: 91
- thebigg/gunner: 56
- PaulMcInnis/JobFunnel: 21
- thebigg/morty: 11
- thebigg/simple_gpio: 9
- thebigg/tour_of_cpp20: 6
- thebigg/ 4
- thebigg/half_adder: 3
- thebigg/godot-3.x-modules: 3
- thebigg/rsty_physics: 3
- thebigg/wasm_modules: 3
- thebigg/game-dev-ideas: 2
- thebigg/trainer: 2
- thebigg/goman: 2
- thebigg/wt-example: 2
Active Maintainer
- thebigg/gunner: 20
- thebigg/trainer: 2
- thebigg/ 2
Issue Author Associations
- Owner (169, 94.94%)
- Collaborator (5, 2.81%)
- None (2, 1.12%)
- Contributor (2, 1.12%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Owner (36, 67.92%)
- Collaborator (16, 30.19%)
- Contributor (1, 1.89%)
Top Issue Labels
- bug (12)
- enhancement (5)
- c: register (2)
- duplicate (2)
- jovian scope (2)
- help wanted (1)